Mini 14 400yds PICTURES!!!!!!!!!

Jamie Young

New member
Down Boy!!!

Well I think your getting a little carried away here Mister. Let's also not forget I ran 400yds downrange and ran back and had only 1 attempt under the clock. The gun put all of the rounds way down in the body and just a few in the head. My POA was right in the Center of the body. All the rounds are right in there with a few straight above it. Let's not forget this was done in 45seconds and not from a sandbag or vice. When the gun barrel heats up its not going to just spread vertically:p Why don't I have any outside the body to the left or the right?


New member
I`ll go to bat for Soda here. I was at the TFL shoot where he shot those groups. In the time I walked to the 100yd. range to check my targets and walked back to the bench he RAN to the 400yd. and RAN all the way back again then shot the groups in question quickly because the range was closing in like 2mins.! If I`d done that I would have been wheezing on the bench trying to catch my breath yet. :eek: Marcus

Jamie Young

New member
Actually I've been meaning to ask you about your experiences with them.

I'll do some more testing. I'm curious to find out about that because I have seen unexplained zingers at 100yds but it always evened out. After 3rds under 2MOA with the American Eagle then usually a zinger. Then it spread to 3MOA. I'll try and sandbag My gun and fire 100rds in a fairly short period of time and see what happens.

I know that I had a few loose rounds when I was under the clock. I don't have steady hands but I know where the bullets went when I pull the trigger.

Jamie Young

New member
Yeah tell 'em Marcus;)

Yeah this was more of a Decathalon. Maybe it will snow next time and I can Ski down range. We did eventually get kicked off the range. They were a little mean about that.


New member
Sodapop did good. Besides, all this anal obsession on group size does not equate to combat effectiveness. Sheer luck will determine whether you live or die. Then, other factors such as tactics, movement, cover, good judgement, physical condition ect...

Your rifle is so low on the list it is funny. Buy the gun you like to shoot. If or when the SHTF, it doesn't really matter which you choose within reason.

Jamie Young

New member
Well this on going discussion between Don and I is pretty fair. He sent me targets and I accepted his challege. So he's got a right to be a tough about it. This was more about me claiming to be able to put 30rds on Paper in 45seconds than what My group size was.
Plus Don claims he's had 3 Mini's so I'm listening to what he says.

The real debate I've gotten sick of is the MIni 14 can't hit anything past 100yds. Well even with a 24in group at 100yds its proof you can hit a man sized target.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Sheesh, DonQ, whaddya want, already? Egg in your beer?

If a thin-walled barrel can get a halfway decent group (anything inside two MOA for a hunting rifle) of three or five shots in a rather slow rate of fire, it's plenty good! Anybody expecting a rifle built like a Mini to pump out 25 or 30 shots in 45 seconds and not warp and spread groups hasn't been paying attention.

A little more practice at "quick-quick" and he just may well get the 30 shots in. I don't recall a "first effort only" or any time limit in this argument. :) All things considered, I'd say that SodaPop did doggoned good, and he's got a very good little rifle! I'd have to say that right now, the rifle's doing better than he is; wait 'til he learns how!

After all, that's less than two seconds per shot to cycle, get back on the bags, re-acquire the sight picture and pull the trigger. "Take off runnin'; stop when you feel safe."

:D, Art


New member
Soda Pop......I apologize for my previous smartassed remark about usin a scope. The 400 yd run is a biggie.



New member
Some just wont believe anything unless an AR was used and I'm not sure someone having had 3-5 mini's means anything cause maybe said person just can't shoot no pun just a reality check it's not always the gun.



Looks like a pretty darn good target to me. I wouldn't be able to hit a car after hotfooting it 400 yards and back. Forget what you did it with, (although I will say that the sneering at mini-14's should drop off a bit).


New member
That's not bad shooting for being under the stress of time and after a nice sprint. Next time when you get all set up I bet your groups will be even better. Good luck!



New member
Let's also not forget I ran 400yds downrange and ran
back and had only 1 attempt under the clock.

Running probably made the breathing and heart rate go up, explaining why you were less effective than you'd hoped for those few flyers. Even sandbagging won't help the pattern if the pulse is pounding.

We should agree that the poor guy can spend his 45 seconds shooting and not putting up the targets, don't you think?:p


New member
Gee, out here in the "Wild West," we use trucks to run targets out to any distance beyond 200 yards.

Jamie Young

New member
Oh thats ok C.R.Sam.

I thought maybe you didn't have your GXS in the morning. If I only I brought a nice chunk of DC with Me maybe I wouldn't have had the shakes.


New member
Just some experience:

I don't own a Mini, though I know a number of people who do, and have shot with and/or coached them on their shooting. This has allowed me to see 6 or 7 different Minis in action.

The Mini-14 *does* have the accuracy problems that it's known so well for. However, it would seem like a surprisingly large percentage of its inaccuracy comes from the poor fit of the wood stock. The models with the factory synthetic stock have been noticably more accurate, generally between 2 and 3 MOA with ammo they like.

With this in mind, I recommended the Choate synthetic stock to a friend who was about to sell his wood-stocked Ranch due to his frustrations with its inaccuracy. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! The Choate fits the action even better than the factory synthetic, and accuracy down in the 2 MOA range. That's a BIG difference from the 6-8 MOA that I've seen him get from a 100-yard benchrest.

Yes, the Mini will still string rounds when the barrel heats up, and still has "first shot" variances. But if you already own one, and are generally happy with it, and are willing to trade the wood stock for a considerable accuracy gain, try a synthetic stock, preferably the Choate. It may give new life to your Mini too...



New member
In my opinon the Mini 30 has much worst accuracy than the mini 14, so maybe this contributes to the guns poor reputation. I think the gun does a great job at what it was designed for - Ranch work and general plinking. Ruger never intended this gun to be a tack driver or to go into combat and be fired in 20-30 rounds rapid fire. I think of it as a semi-auto replacement for the .30-30 lever action and it does that great. My father who at the time was ranching bought one to replace his .30-30 because it was short and quick, he correctly thought it would give him a better chance at targets between 100 and 200 yards with iron sights and he loved that he could keep it unloaded in his farm truck behind the seat but jerk a magazine out of the glove box slam it in the rifle and be fully loaded. Try that with a lever action.


New member

I am a fan of the Mini 14 so don't get me wrong here but...

Ruger never intended this gun to be a tack driver or to go into combat and be fired in 20-30 rounds rapid fire.

I have to disagree. Umm...they made a select fire model you know. Kinda hard to fire full auto and it not be rapid fire. And while I don't have the documentation in front of me to support this, I understand that some foreign militaries have actually adopted it as a service rifle. Not to mention all of the police agencies in the U.S. who carry them.

The "Ranch Rifle" concept came out as an afterthought after the original Mini 14. By naming it "Mini 14" I think they wanted it to take on the role of a little M14, and the M14 was a tack driver and intended to go into combat and be fired 20-30 rounds rapid fire.

Just my opinion...