Mini 14 400yds PICTURES!!!!!!!!!

Jamie Young

New member
Well now you can all close your Eyes and "pretend" its not true. But it is:p

25rds were fired in 45seconds and I put two off paper right above the head of the target. I didn't pass the 45 seconds 30rd test but I know I'll do it with a little more practice. Not bad for a POS rifle that can't hit the broad side of a barn past 100yds.

I'm not an AR hater but I came to the same conclusions Denny did in the lastest Issue of S.W.A.T. Magazine. The gun he shot is the EXACT same Mini I have.

If you guys still want me to trade this thing in for an AR, I'll take cash donations to think about it;)
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New member
Flash hider that flash hider...

Where did you get it? Does it have a new post front sight with protective wings instead of the blade on the stock rifle? Is it hard to install...describe the process. Does the finish match up with the rifle?

I recently bought an AR, and a few months back I came to the
conclusion that the M-16 and it's kind aren't as bad as I always
thought (I know, I know, but I was brought up on wood and
steel rifles- Garands, P1917 U.S. Enfield, Carbine, early Mini-14,
etc- that's what my old man had), but when my initial fervor died
down, I'm still convinced that there are better weapons than the
AR. Looks like I'll have to pick up the new S.W.A.T. issue......

BTW, I'll second the flash hider questions.....fill us in, hey?


Jamie Young

New member
I got it threw Bushmaster of all places LOL! I don't think it made a difference in accuracy or anything. I just thought it looked cool. I think they sell them at now.

Oh and I used 55gr American Eagle ammo THE WORST stuff in My ammo can. I shot off a bench, so its more of a test of the gun, than the shooter.

I haven't tried any of My reloads past 200yds so i don't know what kind of Groups I would have gotten that far out. I sited it in at 200yds, and just clicked 5MOA down on the scope, and it was dead on.

Its not hard to install. You will have to do some drilling to mount it properly. It does have a sight post on the front of it. And it did purfectly match up with the Rifle.

Blue Duck357

New member
Hey Soda, since were on the Mini-14 and you seem to be doing pretty well with yours:)

Do you know what the twist is in the mini 14 and if it's fast enough to stabilize the current millitary surplus rounds (SS-109?)

Jamie Young

New member
After I shoot up all the American Eagle ammo I got a few years ago, I'll only be firing what I reload. I only reload IMI bullets out of My 1-9 twist Mini 14. When I first started Reloading, I only shot the 62gr bullets, and got down to 2MOA with them. Since I got a Dillon 550B a few months ago, My 55gr M193 clone loads were under 2MOA.

So to answer your question.....

I found consistant Powder charges made more of a difference than Bullet weights. I'm willing to bet the 62gr and 69gr bullets I reload, would hold up better in the wind, but thats about it.


New member
Umm, nice group on the edge of the paper

but weren't you supposed to connect with the silhouetted image on the paper? ;)

Just worked with a fellow range officer today on his stainless Mini-30. We were somewhat startled how much better it grouped with handloads. The stainless muzzle brake/flash-hider helped a good bit, too. One thing we did notice, however, was that the first round out of the magazine ALWAYS went to a different position on the target, compared to it's following rounds. I attributed it to the manual closing of the bolt, compared to the autoloading of the rest of the rounds. Weird.


New member


New member
Great work Sodapop. I recently bought a new synthetic/SS/Ranch model myself and love it!I have only used a few different factory loads so far and prefer the 55 grain American Eagle ammo over the PMP African stuff.I don't load my own yet.


New member

I've been following your posts regarding your Mini-14 and the purported lack of accuracy as perceived by some people. I know that several AR guys are stating that the Mini is a POS, but I disagree and I OWN both.

I've owned a Mini-14 for about 10 years now, a SS Ranch. I have sucessfully hunted Coyotes (iron sighted) out beyond 250 yards. Granted these carbines aren't designed to hit a coyote sized animal out to that distance, but it is possible.

The groups you evidenced in your pic does not surprise me at all. As for my mini it has NEVER jammed and it is accurate enough for what it is. For those who have owned a hopelessly inaccurate Mini, perhaps they got a bad example or quite possibly they are a shi*ty shot anyway. :barf:

As for my Bushmaster AR-15, I'll bet $$$ that it can't take as much abuse (getting dropped on rocks, tossed around, etc.) as a Mini-14. Personally, I appreciate both. ;)


New member

I've used UMC 55gr FMJ almost exclusively for hunting coyotes. I've not experimented much with HPs, SPs, etc. with the .223 as I think the 55gr FMJ works just fine and UMC seems to be the brand most common in my neck of the woods.

You know, shortly before I bought my AR I joined and noticed that SOME of the guys over there are always fretting over what changes they can make to their rifles, what ammo is better than the next, lights, lazers, all manner of various mounts, etc. They sorta seem like the mall ninja types. You know the guys who never go to the field much, but rather just polish their ARs and hang tuff in front of the mirror. Don't get me wrong, hobbies are great, but I think some of those types think the AR is the epitome of perfection. Three words: ARs AREN'T PERFECT.

The point of all of this is that I posted a reply to one of their threads where they were arging the battlefield effectiveness of the 5.56x45 (as they must refer to it). Seems some Blackhawk Down SF's Veteran complained about the .223 not working too great. Anyway, would you believe it. Not one of the dozens of posts cited real world use of their ARs to kill anything. I posted a response regarding the use of my Mini on Coyotes perhaps you might like to read.


New member

Point taken.

I too have no great love of Bill Ruger's PC activities. Thus, I have not purchased ANY of Ruger's products in 10 years.


Jamie Young

New member
I don't have a Digital Camera which is part of the reason I rushed to get all this stuff done last sunday when all the Other TFLer's were around. DonQatu do you have a Digital Camera? I could shoot up a bunch of targets and mail them back to you. I still have your address on the tube you sent me. I can sandbag the gun and send you the targets. I know I can hit Clays at 200yds with My gun so I don't understand why a Mini 14 that shoots 2-4MOA with a .223 round isn't going to shoot 2-4MOA at 400yds? Why would a Mini 14's MOA not hold up at 400yds and an AR's would stay the same?

Jamie Young

New member
Don all the bullets are within 16inchs on that target except the two that are off paper by the head. Obviously bad shots. I have another target I shot at a few weeks ago and all the rounds are under 15 inches. I just took a few pictures with My camera and I'll take it down to the 1hr photo development. If it turns out clear I'll try and scan it and post it tonight or tomorrow. Its 20rds on paper untimed.