Militia uses for the shotgun...

Jody Hudson

New member
20 ga is more expensive to shoot. Less recoil. Far less selection of ammo. However, for some strange reason, the 20 ga slug tends to be more accurate and have better trajectory... Don't know why.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
All shotguns kick, Driven, some more than others.

Recoil tolerance varies SO much it's hard to point at one setup and intone "This is what you need" in stentorian tones.

I shot a 20 gauge 1100 once, the Special Field model with 21" bbl. I thought at the time it would make an outstanding HD arm.It still kicked more than my HD 870, which runs about 9 1/2 lbs ready.

The 20 Gauge 870 YE I got for the kids is vicious with heavy loads.I'd want to add a half lb in weight before recommending it as a high volume, "Serious" shotgun for the average gunnner.

To cut kick, use a heavier shotgun and a lighter, slower load.

The disadvantage of a 20 gauge for a HD/CD shotgun is there are less ammo options than the 12. #3 Buck is the sole buck load, and maybe half the 12's variety with slugs.

If you can handle the weight of a 12 gauge semi auto, the Remington 1100 and 11-87 and the Winchester X2 are available in short bbled, police style versions. Kick is a lot less with gas autos, which is the REAL reason for their popularity.



New member
All dogs bite...some more than others...

Yep...all shotguns kick...and I suppose there is no 'one size fits all' solution, but the ideas you offer will go a long way in helping me decide the best direction to head. Thanks.


New member
This month's issue of the NRA mag "Shooting Illustrated" has a new model by Remington. It is called the Model 1100 competition master.

It is designed for 3 gun matches. It has a special recoil pad, side saddle for 7 rounds, 8 round mag, sling swivel studs, matt grey synthetic stock and matt black finish, 22 inch barrel, and special release button.

Looks interesting, and as an 1100 it will be easy on the shoulder. It is not listed on the Remington site so no pictures:(

I have a couple of 870's that will go to neighbors when they come whinin:D


New member
I am surprized to have not seen this mentioned before ...

My shotgun in a riot/SHTF scenario will be for night fighting. Unless your rifle has a red dot, the main advantage of the rifle is nullified at night. The shotgun will do much better hitting moving targets at close distances.

Depending on your neighborhood, you probably will not be able to positively identify your target beyond 50-100 yards at night.

In the daytime, I'll take my Garand.

gordo b.

New member
I too think a shot gun is for night fighting or for less than 25 yds anytime. I allways wanted to hook up a NVD to one , maybe I'll get brave and try my Sibr Yukon gen 2 on a weaver rail I could put on my 1100 easy enough, problem is eyerelief and that is not how a shotgun is aimed, would slow down engement time.:confused:

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Good points about night fighting and prisoner duty, folks. The aftermath of a disturbance can be as risky as the disturbance.

As for sights usable at night, any HD/CD shotgun should have sights usable in low light. This can vary from a little yellow enamel on a bead to the radioactive ones.

As an aside, we all have shot our "duty" ammo in low light to judge how bad the flash is, right?


New member
I had Innovative Weaponry put tritium sights on my M1S90. I have to say that I really like this set up.

My strategy with the shotgun:

It is stickly for a riot/SHTF at NIGHT. I will have my gun loaded with 00 buck. This will let me handle anything from 0 to 25 yards effectively. If I have to deal with a bad guy at this distance, it is because he surprized me and I will be behind the power curve reacting to his attack most likely. If for some reason I have to engage a target farther away, it is because he does not see me yet or I am taking fire. If I am taking fire, my first goal is to seek cover. This will allow the safe transition to slugs. I can switch to the slugs I will have on my belt.

My attitude about night fighting is to anticipate fighting in a near pitch black environment. Sure, I have lights in my house and streetlights outside. However, chances are in a riot/SHTF situation, the power could be down. The bad guys could shoot out the streetlights. The shotgun allows me to deal with darkness much better than the rifle. At 10 yards, my pattern is 10" with 00 buck. The distance advantage of the rifle will be nullified by darkness.
Sorry I'm bringing up a dead topic, lol.

I'm set. I've got a pump shotgun, 80 rounds, and a M44 military bolt gun that'll keep that BG's away as long as the 250 rounds will last.
A lot of good points here. My wife is not the best shot so I taught her how to shoot the shotgun (she is a small woman) left a 4 inch by 6 inch bruise on her shoulder when shot that way so I taught her to shoot from the hip, she actually does very well with it from the hip. As for the long guns my 10 year old can shoot my sks very well. and my 14 year old has his deer rifle and 10-22 ruger, I have my .45, a pump rem in 300 savage with 10 round mag and of course my hunting rihle in .270. We have a disaster plan made with meeting places and alternates, bug out bags set and ready to go. so I think we are pretty well covered.
I've got a bug out bag, but it isn't filled. Everything I need is in the topshelf of my gun cabinet in organized containers, including tools and patches. I'm just waiting for the moment.


My Grandson Has It Nailed

A semi-auto rifle in hand, shotgun slung across your back(see you need that sling), a pair of pistols on the hips, a fighting knife strapped to one leg and another fighting knife kept in your combat suspenders that support all the ammo you are carrying, and a boot pistol on the other leg. :D That's his answer when I asked him what he thinks a well armed man should have. I told him that it sounds good but if I fell down I couldn't get back up!:eek:


New member
It doen't matter, what you have, BUT...

are you COMPETENT with it?
Directed fire is far better than fire for effect (aka spray-n-pray).

Does a twenty gauge give you more hits at a trap/skeet range, then use it!

Do you need a MBR or does your 30/30 account for meat on the table? Use it.

Excess ammo, it trading /bartering money. More the better especially .22 LR.

Don't want to invest in heavy reloading equipment, consider the Lee Loaders, just basic self-sufficiency.

When you go to a pistol range, DO YOU consider seeing where you impact at longer ranges?
Was at club today with 6" target 22 and snub-nose, put some clay birds up on the impact bank (55yds) and figured out where to hold with both.


New member
I just use my hunting shotgun, a Mossy with a 18 1/2" barrel and the plug removed. Then when I go hunting replace barrel and plug. Two guns in one.

Doc TH

New member
Uses for shotgun

If recoil is a problem, I can attest that the gas-operated Rem 1100 12 ga is much more user-friendly than a pump or O/U in the same gauge.
I owned a Beretta 20 ga SA that was recoil- (not gas) operated, and it was easy to shoot except with 3" shells, which had harder recoil than the 1100.
So, for the recoil-sensitive I wholly endorse the 1100. With a good pad, it is really easy to shoot. Specialty rounds (e.g. flares) can be fired single-shot; just may have to manually operate the bolt.


New member
Between the various and sundry shotguns around the casa, combined with a couple of scoped Remington 700's in .243 and .30-06 along with several scoped .22LR's and various handguns for that "last ditch" we're pretty well covered around here. Also in the process of building my first AR.

I'd also posit that if suppressive or deterrent fire is needed against swarming mobs of individuals with ill intent, spreading and bouncing buckshot at 100yds+ will keep heads down. Ever heard it whistle past you at range?? I have and hope never to again.

Semi auto .22LR fire should also be useful there.

Granted this doesn't deter armed mobs of super zombies intent on eating your brain, but the average low life, looting, ne'er-do-well will likely turn his attentions elsewhere.

and when he doesn't............well.........there's always those scoped rifles and such.