Meanwhile, Back at Wal-Mart....

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OK, who, or "Hinkey"???

We have used the term "Hinkey" for many years. Picked it up from a couple of my friends who were/are cops. Hinkey is a situation that just doesn't seem right. You may not be able to put your finger on what is wrong, but all your "trouble sensors" start screaming at you. That's "Hinkey".


New member
When I was a kid my daddy told me a story.

Shortly after I was born he was working out back of the barn. 2 men walked up the drive and said their car broke down, could they make a phone call. My dad said uh I guess, where's your car at?

Well as he was talking to the one, he spied the other one walking around his flank. Dad said by that time something was real hinky. He didnt use that word though.

When the one guy had walked all the way behind him, the other guy started moving toward him. Well my dad happened to have his 1911 in his coat pocket, he used to carry it a lot in those days. He moved quick from between them and drew his 45 at the men.

They ran off. He heard a car start up the road and take off. I got a couple more stories of hinkyness but I'll share them some other time.


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I had a possible run in with a would be no gooder about a week ago. As the we exited a local grocery store there were two men making some noise in the parking lot about 2 rows from where we parked. As we started across the parking lot one of the men yelled to me and asked me what I was looking at. I doing this we started my direction. I told the wife to get in the jeep and start it up and back out. I turned to the who is now only 2 car lengths away when I figured he had gone to far. I turned to face him and told him to stop, with that I put my hand on my revolver. The man seemed to have a light bulb go off in his head and he stopped. He returned to his buddy and they left. My buddy is a LEO and I called him to tell him about the car and the two men. He said they matched a pair they are looking for robbing people in parking lots. To much hinkeyness going on.


New member
Once again, It's an equation. If the sum total = hinkey, I take notice.

It's you racial profiling and using a a catch word to try to cover up what you are doing. If they were white then you found nothing wrong.

So hinky only applies to situations with Middle Eastern men who are acting suspiciously? I think not, since I used the term to describe a white man's behavior in a bank the the second post on this thread.

It was a combination of factors, not just the racial factor, that played into the suspiciousness. The fact that it played any role at all is a result of the most recent terrorist attacks in this country being undertaken by men of Middle Eastern background. Before that everyone was looking for a neo-nazi/gun-nut/militia (Tim McVeigh, Eric Robert Rudolf) type who all happened to be white. No one was screaming racial profiling then.


New member
on a first encounter what is one supposed to do

A smile and a firm handshake for starters. Or how about just saying good morning? When I was young it was "them damn long hairs" we were different than the older generation, glad no one shot me for being different.

or standing around in front of a store waiting for a ride home after work.

Just too hard to tell who is who sometimes. I am saying be careful and make sure before you blaze away and take anothers life.


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Still don't know, my 14 year old just said it was wierd, haven't pressed her.

I used to work with a guy from Iraq at McDonnell Douglas (prior to the revolution over there), and he always had a funny smell about him. I never asked him, but I determined that the odor was from the spices used in Middle Eastern recipes. I'm no Iron Chef, but I do know they use some strong spices that most Americans aren't familiar with. This is probably what your daughter smelled.


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Jay & Silent Bob. *** are they doing standing in front of that convenience store all day? Conspiracy I tell you! They are going to blow all of our TV's up!!!


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and he always had a funny smell about him.

Bathing isnt the norm in that region. I had friends from Iraqn and Turkey both wore copious amounts of Paco Rabonne and other spicy colones. Expensive I later found at Dillards when they were finally able to import that brand.

Same in some European countries, bath once a week, water costs a lot there.


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this subject sparked my interest and got me thinking of the weirdest thing ive ever had happen to me, so happened to be hunting related.

the place i waterfowl hunt is a spot surrounded by cornfields and at one end there is a set of railroad tracks. well i got out there at about 2 pm last week since the birds usually get up from the ponds on the other side of the track about three. my blind is placed in a fence row and there is a creek that parallels it on about 150 yards across a corn field. the creek continues and goes under the tracks and the fence row where my blind is ends at the tracks obviously. i was there a little early so my hunting partner and i decided to walk the creek to put the sneak on any ducks that were on there. we got to right about straight across from where our blind was and decided wed sit for a few minutes before walking across the field to it. well were sitting there and and we look back and heres a car parked by our vehicles (1/2 mile down a dirt lane at the end of a dead end road, not alot of traffic obviously) and heres this guy spriniting down the fence line towards the tracks. we look at eachother like uh oh whats this guy up to? so we unload our guns and head across the field to meet him. we get about 35 yards away and first thing the guy says is are you gonna shoot me? uh no were unloaded just trying to figure out what your up to. he responds "well i had a van get stuck down there by the tracks today and it had to get towed out and i think i lost my wallet, phone, etc." i ask well what were you doing back here in the first place (we have permission) he avoids the question guys wearin a cheap nylon white camo windbreaker deal khaki pants and a gold chain and tennis shoes so we tell him he can go look but to hurry up since the birds are to be flying soon. we get settled in out blind and see the guy walkin around down by the tracks in the field. he looks sketchy but we dont think much of it. then i look and hes on the OTHER side of the fence row in a different field and hes sniffing around in the bushes and thick stuff along the tracks. this goes on for maybe a half hour and then he comes sprinting back up. he runs right past the blind and we ask him find what you were lookin for? hell no and doesnt even look at us. the only thing we could think of was that it must have been drug related and he was lookin for a drop or something. sorry for the long post


New member
MarkJ Wrote:

A smile and a firm handshake for starters. Or how about just saying good morning? When I was young it was "them damn long hairs" we were different than the older generation, glad no one shot me for being different.

Its fine. Be all nice and happy and trusting at all times. The world is a magical place full of unicorns, and butterflies, and happy fuzzy bunnies....who will eat you when you aren't looking.


New member
MarkJ Wrote:

A smile and a firm handshake for starters. Or how about just saying good morning? When I was young it was "them damn long hairs" we were different than the older generation, glad no one shot me for being different.
So, I was supposed to walk up to three young men whom I've never met, introduce myself, and offer a handshake? I'm a friendly enough guy, but that just wasn't on my radar. That would have made me the "hinkey" one.


New member
Anyhow, does anyone wish to tell me that I over/under reacted?
I think you did the right thing. Regardless of there ethnic background, When it comes to your family, better to be safe than sorry. That's why you had the 45 right? I'm sure it's not because it matched your shoes.......:D


New member
Jay & Silent Bob. *** are they doing standing in front of that convenience store all day? Conspiracy I tell you! They are going to blow all of our TV's up!!!

Um, selling dope:confused:


New member
That's why you had the 45 right? I'm sure it's not because it matched your shoes.......
Actually, it does match my shoes. Shame I need to conceal it.:D
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New member
I have seen some articles about the psychological impact of the news media on people. It seems the more people watch news stories about violent crime, terrorism, etc., the more they overestimate the likelihood they will be involved in such an event and underestimate more statistically tangible threats, like being killed in a car accident or an accident at home.

Just a little reality check about the situation described at the Wal-Mart: There have been a number of posts talking about middle-eaterners acting funny at various places, but none have ever resulted in any incidents, other than posters going all "Condition Red". In fact, there have been no terrorist incidents on U.S. soil since 9/11. Incidentally, these terrorists usually go through all sorts of cleansing rituals before they due their suicidal thing, and I doubt you are going to find one of them blaspheming their religion by singing along with Christmas caroles right before they martyr themselves. Might piss off Allah under their rule book.

You're in much greater danger in the Wal-Mart parking lot from the little old ladies who can't see, and the idiots talking on the cell phone as they drive.
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