Meanwhile, Back at Wal-Mart....

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The point of my post wasn't to single out a particular category of person, merely to say that racial profiling is just a part of our nature. Is it right, probably not, but is it normal for most - I think so...


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I agree that most hijackers have been middle eastern, but I think most of these deranged shooters are not.

Y'know, you're right on that one. Most deranged shooters fit a certain profile (young, caucasian, male, history of psychological troubles or warning signs at least, etc.). No arguing that at all.

What concerns me is the possibility of Islamic terrorist organizations' evolving tactics. Fly a few airplanes into buildings in NY and DC and the nation is certainly shocked and will mourn as we have done for years and should continue doing. However, we have largely adjusted to that potential threat, heightened security at airports, passenger screening, etc. Also people in small town America could look on the situation with some detachment and say, "I'll never fly again" or "Thank God I don't work at the Pentagon". Not diminishing the impact of 9/11 or anything, it was certainly a traumatic event for our nation as a whole, but.........

.......What happens when we start getting attacked as Israel has been for years. Movie theaters, restaurants, Wal Mart?. Will we be able to adjust to that reality? There will no longer be that "It's not happening here in my small town" mentality. It won't be the big attack with the death toll in the thousands that gain overwhelming national attention, but lots of small attacks that shock us on a local level.

OK enough pontification from me. I'm starting to scare myself.


.......What happens when we start getting attacked as Israel has been for years. Movie theaters, restaurants, Wal Mart?. Will we be able to adjust to that reality? There will no longer be that "It's not happening here in my small town" mentality. It won't be the big attack with the death toll in the thousands that gain overwhelming national attention, but lots of small attacks that shock us on a local level.

I suspect, as open carry is legal in my state, that it will become the de rigeur fashion. If the .gov doesn't have its head up its behind, it would establish a system to allow everyday civilians to volunteer and be vetted to carry anywhere, and yes, it'd include profiling, the PC Police could go pound sand.


New member
I suspect, as open carry is legal in my state, that it will become the de rigeur fashion. If the .gov doesn't have its head up its behind, it would establish a system to allow everyday civilians to volunteer and be vetted to carry anywhere, and yes, it'd include profiling, the PC Police could go pound sand.

Are you kidding? That would be a wet dream for some of the people who want to keep power. They'd do everything they could think of to make it seem that the only path to safety was to follow them and let them manage for us.

In a situation like that anybody who says "we must disarm the populace for everyone's safety" is going to be on my "someone to be suspicious of" list but you KNOW that the folks who say "let's just deputize everyone" will be looked at as crazies (in spite of the fact that it might just create something resembling a "cop on every corner").

(Man I'm up on a soapbox today :eek:)


Once A Marine.....

I'm glad to see both the situational awareness and the dissent/agreement about it. Another great post at TFL! Me, I'm always aware of my surroundings, checking for possible threats, analyzing lines of retreat, formulating possible action plans but, most times, it's almost a subconscious thing. Do we live in fear? Are we paranoid? No. Just hoping to be ready and to stay alive.

Stereo-typing, racial profiling, it's all the same thing; a threat's a threat's a threat. I'm not too wary of little old ladies and toddlers, maybe the mentally challenged. Other than that, every person is a possible threat.

Flame Red

New member
Sprawl-Mart is a crime magnet around here. I always have my hand in my pocket gripping my 357 revolver as I stroll thru the theiving-lot.

And I am not polically correct by any means -
I'll plug anyone that threatens me,
no matter race, religion or creed.​


New member
AHA! Here:

Something is goofy here...I smell some Hinkeyness myself....

One could say that there is a sting of terrorists scoping out targets...

Or, one could say that someone came up with a hoax here on TFL...

I find a strange similarity between the OP's and the question of "Did I over/underreact?" and the whole "I took a snapshot."

This may be attributed to folks here on TFL having mentalities that are similar and react similarly, but...

Tanzer, what town do you live in???

As far as how they smelled? Ever been close to a real prominent italian? Stank of Garlic to no end. Or, been around asian people? Many of them have a strong Ginger smell about them. Me? White Honkey....chili and bean smelling farts... I hope no one thinks I am carrying some type of volotile chemical... :)


New member
He -mentions- that other thread...:D

A recent thread about a shady Mid-Eastern fella' at an Arizona Wal-Mart got the poster praised, chastized and eveything in between. The "hinkines" factor was called into play.


New member
Wasn't this issue discussed somewhere on this forum in the past???? I am having Deja Vu...BIG TIME
Yes, I made it a point to bring up the other thread. This was in hopes that no one would think it was some made up story. Believe you me, I had a touch of Deja vu myself. My hope was to point out that this type of thing is not a rare occurance. I won't beg to be believed, but it's not some "I caught a fish thiiiis big" story. I think many have noted similar instances.
Tanzer, what town do you live in???
This was the Wal-mart in Seekonk MA, close to my home in RI
The big idea here was the "hinkey" factor; White guy in a shirt & tie standing outside a law office working on his blackberry 2 minutes before they open - Not hinkey. White man, shirt unbuttoned, tie loosened, sweating profusely and pacing in front of planned parenthood - Hinkey.
Three black teens at a basketball court, one sitting on a basketball, the other two throwing a tennis ball at a brick wall - Not hinkey. The same kids hanging around a locked bicycle, one looking both ways, the other two inspecting the lock - Hinkey, "out of place".
What I saw I deemed as hinkey.
The other thread came to mind, so I though I'd revisit the subject because I handled it differently. I don't remember the other poster taking a picture, maybe he did.
As far as how they smelled?
Still don't know, my 14 year old just said it was wierd, haven't pressed her.
The Mid-Eastern part is just a part of the equation, not a condemning factor.
That's the deal folks. I've got tales to tell that are far more outrageous than this, but not pertinant to TFL. I've better things to do than throw BS around, it serves no purpose. There's no trophy waiting for the best story teller.


New member
that we are not safe any where-

Sooo what happened that made you feel you were violated in any way. Guy walking across a parking lot and you go all scared? I see a lot of fear ful postings here. Too bad that. Not everyone is a bad guy. Try a smile next time. Most good folk smile right back at ya. Try it.

Neighbor kid has multi colored hair, pierced everything, baggy pants and loud music. The norm for todays youth, dont shoot him, he is a very nice person and would do anything to help anyone out....

In other words, dont judge a book by its cover. Or just stay home in a locked up safe room the rest of yer life. Not for me. I will go out and smile at folks, wishing all a Merry Christmas, to do anything else gives "them" the win.


New member
It sounds like some should move to the northern European countries. The USA is a multi-racial/cultural nation. What if the 3 kids standing in the store were white? Would that have made a difference in how you acted?


New member
What if the 3 kids standing in the store were white? Would that have made a difference in how you acted?
Had they been white, it would not have been hinkey.
Had they been white and acting Hinkey - some other out of place actions, I would have reacted the same way.
Once again, It's an equation. If the sum total = hinkey, I take notice.
If you wish to try to relate my actions to racial issues, you're barking up the wrong tree. Feel free, but it just isn't the issue.

Imagine if you will, a bomb going off in any random store. Then people come forward with stories about how they saw a guy, ANY GUY, with a backpack with wires hanging out. He droppped the pack and ran, then at the storefront made a cell call immediately before the blast. Seriously, would we not be arguing that someone should have picked up on the clues? "Why didn't someone have the good sense to notice this? People are too complacent"!
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New member
Once again, It's an equation. If the sum total = hinkey, I take notice.
It's you racial profiling and using a a catch word to try to cover up what you are doing. If they were white then you found nothing wrong. :rolleyes:


New member
Did the right thing...

You noticed something "Wasn't right". I gotta compliment you. Most people woulda said "Huh odd." And went about their business..IF they noticed at all.

Happened a few times around here....

As bad as it is Racial profiling does happen... I do it..everyone does it so a limited extant even if they dont want to admit it.

Around here it isn't middle eastern. It is the "Native American" gang-bangers. I mean.... I notice I do it..... I HATE the fact that I do it....But I do and I feel justified.

As for "Hinky" I had never heard it except from Jack O'neill on Stargate SG1.
After that I hear it all the time.
P.S. Hinky means "Not quote right"... OR. "Not quote Normal"


New member
Racial profiling is a part of life, and something we all use to some degree.

If someone robs a bank and he is black, they will put out an APB for a guy that is black. If someone robs a bank and he is white, they will put out an APB for a guy that is white, etc, etc.

Obviously, picking on someone just because of their skin color is wrong...but there are plenty reasonable uses for description based on skin color.

In fact, most racism these days is in the form for reverse discrimination against whites.

Many people of color think that racial equality means, "we get to discriminate against you now because of whites disciminating against us in the past".

It's a shame, really.


New member
It's you racial profiling and using a a catch word to try to cover up what you are doing. If they were white then you found nothing wrong.
Could we just say I got a "gut feeling"? You can tell someone what to do, but you can't tell them what to think. I can tell you not to eat, but I can't tell you not to be hungry.
I felt what I felt, I offer no excuses, but do try explanations. This forum is about opinions, and your's is welcome. Disagree all you like, as long as we remember not to start name-calling. Accusation falls one step short of that. I cover up nothing.
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