mauser build thread


New member
Looks good! Glad to see everything coming together as it should. Nice pictures, I'm sure that will make a fine rifle.
worked on this some today. Bob welded the bolt handle back on so now i need to do a lot of filing. I also did some random filing on various parts, i got the back of the magazine filed out smooth from when i milled it out to fit the 6.5-06 cartridge, and i filled down the bottem plate. The only really big things that i need to do now is forge the bolt down, put the barrel on and chamber it, and weld the action up smooth. then it will be lots and lots of filing and sanding. Stay tuned.


New member
I will try and mill out some steel to fill in the thumb grove and the stripper clip slot and have it ready for you when you can get back over here. Sorry I wasn't much help today.....yard work you know.



New member
Hey Matt its about time to get started on this thing again, you just cant leave folks hanging on the edge of there seats. Give me a call.

Well haven't updated this thread in forever. I am still working on it (kinda) haven't really accomplished much on it again as of yet but hopefully soon. I did get my stock last spring, guess i should take a picture and post it. Overall its a very purdy stock for what i paid for it. I have the action ready to be welded up and then i get to file on it for a couple of months. And then i will get to put the darn thing together. At any rate as soon as i quit screwing around with my other projects (45 caliber flintlock longrifle, etc.) i will hopefully start doing something that is worth posting pictures of. Just figured i would do a small update and let people know that i am still working on it.