mauser build thread

its a big project for sure, especially when you have to be difficult like me and change little stuff that makes it a much bigger project (like the side swing safety). This is the first gun ive built and the first side swing safety conversion bobs done so its taking some figuring out. for one thing the instructions sent with the safety kit are pretty terrible (kinda like an auto repair manual, tells you everything except what you need to know). The instructions with the jig aren't much better. I think we finally figured out what we need to do tho so next time i should have the safety done. I never thought to take a picture of the jig but ill get one next time.


New member
Thanks Taylorce1, that installation is a little different than the 98 version. I does answer some questions though. I have tracked down a good 1" arbor for the 3" saw. When Matt gets back over here we will give it another go.

ah yes that helps me visualize it a little better even tho its a little different. Just think bob the next one of these you do will be a cinch.


New member
Well when you get it worked out I'd send you a few shrouds for you to practice some more on. I have a M98, M96, and a couple of 1903 Sporters I'd love to have this done to.


New member
Only if you show up in person. The jig that I have has a space for Springfield's all we need is one to practice on. Hey you where supposed to show up and work on a Savage I thought??

I am off to NM to visit a sick friend so I will be out of the shop for a while, I will chat with you all when I get back.



New member
I've really been enjoying this thread. I've been sporterizing a 09 Argentine but I sent it out to have the barrel installed, the bolt handle reforged, and tapped for a scope. I figured I could do the rest...

After seeing the install process for the side swing safety, I think I'll go some other route. That couldn't be further out of my ability to do with the equipment I have...

the the side swing safety is kinda a PITA or at least the first one is. Its not that its that hard to do but its just figuring out just how to do everything so it works the first time around. The directions are kinda undetailed and it takes a couple of special cutters and a jig. I think once i get this one done ill be able to do another on in a snap but getting over the learning curve is taking awhile.


New member
Only if you show up in person. The jig that I have has a space for Springfield's all we need is one to practice on. Hey you where supposed to show up and work on a Savage I thought??

I am off to NM to visit a sick friend so I will be out of the shop for a while, I will chat with you all when I get back.

I hope to make it up there, spring is just a terrible for time off for me. Right now all my spare time goes to the family ranch helping Dad calve out the cows. We will be branding on the 10th of April and moving to summer pasture around 1 May. Then things should slow down.

Hope your friend gets better, and that you have a good visit.


New member
I understand, we have a small ranch south of Walsenberg. I stoped by there on my way to NM, the turkeys are just getting started. I plan on coming back in April/May and see if I can shoot one with a Flintlock.
well not much to update but figured i would dredge this up from the back pages as im planning on finishing that darn safety tomorrow. Hopefully all will go smooth and i can get the safety done and the bolt handle turned and knurled. Stay tuned for an update and new pictures by tomorrow night.
all right finally a good update. Went over today and we got a lot of stuff accomplished. The main achievement for today is that we finally got that cotton picking side swing safety installed. What a PITA doing the actual machining wasn't to bad it was just figuring out what to do. The instructions that came with the safety and the jig were horrible but we finally got it done. With just a little bit fine fitting it will be working great. The other big thing was that i got the bolt handle extensively reworked and ready to be welded back on. Everything went smooth until literally the last cut on the bolt handle when the bit caught and broke the lathe bit and put some nasty gashes in the bolt handle. Then the little dremel extension cable thing blew apart and came after me like a snake. I swear if i break any more of bobs stuff he will change his name and move to another state so i cant find him. Now time for PICS.


New member
Ya Hooooo!!! The safety is in!!! What a bugger, but now that the first one is in the next one should be a cinch. I'm not real impressed with the drawings that came with the safety though, they could give a little more information. Matt has some pictures I'm sure he will post.

yea if anybody want to do one of these safetys take the drawings that come with them and use them for TP then give me or bob a call and we will tell ya how to do it. lol.


New member
Aww what the heck, its only metal as long as nobody got hurt it ain't no big thing. I don't think that I can do another day like today though, I feel like I have been in a car wreck, I haven't left my heating pad since you left...probably be on it when you come back over.

Yea sometimes i get going and just don't know when to stop and call it a day. The big machining day is over now, from hear on out it should be little stuff.