"Mainstream" firearm owners


New member
My WIFE is not your typical gun owners this I will admit.
She is 31, White, independent in her politics. She grew up in a rural area but did not hunt. Her father was a gun guy but her mom made him sell his guns when they had kids.

She wanted me to teach her how to shoot after I started spending more time traveling on business leaving her all alone at home.

I am embarrassed to say she shoots a sub compact handgun better than I do...If it were not for her small hands she would probably outshoot me with a 1911 or P226 also.

White, German/Polish/Irish
300 lbs
Non religious

I own guns for fun (target shooting) and self defense. I own mostly fullsized semi autos and "evil" black weapons.

I hate to admit it, I own that hat...and I think those pants too.
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New member
Age 65, male Caucasian, born and living in the South, attended college but did not graduate, NRA and state association Life Member, former hunter and occasional match shooter, owner of rifles, shotguns, and handguns of a variety of calibers and types, mostly sporting and military/defense types, including one match-type rimfire pistol and two percussion revolvers and one evil black plastic rifle. Politically I am registered Independent and vote for candidates that are generally close to my beliefs which tend toward the liberal on social issues and toward the conservative on fiscal issues.

44 AMP

Gun owners who weren't fat old hillbillies (which is to say, most of us) were very offended

Don't forget that those of us who are fat old hillbillies might be offended as well!:D

Mid fifties, married over 30 years (to the same women), two grown children currently serving in the armed forces. Race: human. Ancestral Ethnicity: English, Irish, Scotch, Welch, Dutch, German, Native American and who knows what else.

Does not belong to any organized religious group.
Very Liberal on certain specific issues, very Conservative on others. Not completely happy with any political party, and disgusted with some.

Used guns for hunting and recreation from about 12yrs old on. Collect guns for the pleasure of ownership, enjoyment of mechanical design and execution, and these days, occassional range trips. Handload for over 30 different rifle and pistol calibers.

No college, but better educated in some ways than many with degrees hanging on their walls. And yes, slightly proud of that fact. Other than TFL, not interested in social media. Does NOT own a cell phone. Has a computer, but this is about the most I can do with it.;)

hope this helps your research.:D


New member
Male, white, mid-50s. Regular church goer. Earned doctorate from a major university and widely respected medical professional. Hobbies include classical piano, with a performing career that has spanned over 40 years. Politics are mostly moderate, tending towards liberalism on some issues and conservatism on others, not a good fit for either party overall, especially in this era of extremism and intolerance.

IOW, not the way the antis want gun owners portrayed. Your point is well taken, and something with which I agree.


The question is really how many of you actually only own the anti's definition of "ok" guns?

IMO, if truth be told in that matter, I think that would be none of us, because (we are telling the truth, remember) no privately owned firearms are OK with Them: I remember DiFi saying that if she could tell "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in", she would do it.

The only "OK guns" for the Antis, IMO, are those in the hands of the Government, which they intend to be in control of.

Gun Control: It's not about Guns, it is about Control.

That shotgun in their vid would be outlawed in NY, as it could be easily modified to hold 8+rounds .....

Age (approxamate)
Types of firearms owned and for what purposes (just a general overview, nobody has to be specific)

White male, 40-50, and I aim to own as many types of firearm as I can afford to- I even want an example of the second ugliest handgun design in History (a Glock - does not matter which one, they are all pretty much the same level of ugly). I hunt, plink, and keep guns for self defense as well.

I'm not overweight, so I don't fit their profile ......

I am pretty well disgusted with both National political parties, due to their addiction to deficit spending, and their predilection for increasing the power and scope of the Federal government. I believe the Federal government is too big to succeed.


New member

I get what you're saying, and to a certain extent agree with you. Being lumped in with rural folks who are brave, humble and pretty darn self sufficient doesn't offend me. Hell, I am one of those folks, too(here's how I fit the syerotype, BTW, rural, virginian, white, fiscelly conservative, little L libertarian, wanna be prepper, blue coller, live in a singlewide! :D )

But look at this from another angle (and this is where, IMO, this sterotype really hurts us) look at it from the perspective of the American who is completely ambivilent about the 2nd Amendment and those who lean against it.
They see that sterotype and they see a minority, one which they don't see as really responcible enough to own guns. A minority that happens to be the only one which PC Americans don't see an issue with being bigoted towards.
These people vote, occasionally on this issue, and they don't see how it could possibly affect anyone they know simply because they have no real concept that that sterotype is far far far from accurate.


New member
Age (approxamate)
Types of firearms owned and for what purposes (just a general overview, nobody has to be specific)
5'10", 165#
No facial hair
M.S. Engineering
Firearms are purchased based on historical noteworthiness, self-defense (against both 2- & 4-legged critters and even legless ones), hunting, and target shooting.

I own SA & DA revolvers, and semi-auto pistols; semi-auto, bolt , and lever action rifles; break-open, pump, and semi-auto shotguns. And a couple of bows.

I wonder what box the main-stream media would try to shoe-horn me into. :rolleyes:

P5 Guy

New member
Very interesting!

Born about 58 years ago in South Jersey
Twice married now divorced
Moved to Florida about 25 years ago
High school and apprenticed for Industrial Mechanic/Technician.
No political or religious affiliations
Shot at water fowls and upland birds many years ago only kill cardboard now
Own revolvers, pistols, rifles and a shotgun
Rifles are military surplus types
Carry for self defense because my health isn't all that great arthritis and a pudgy build
Never served in the military
Have become a single issue voter
Currently a part of that dreaded 47%


New member

I'm picking up what you're putting down for sure. That stereotype is damaging, and people have no problem using it. As long as we both agree that it is far from the truth, and that even if you do meet many physical characteristics of it, it implies nothing about a persons character, we're on the same page.

Hiker 1

New member
42, white libertarian/athiest, MBA, work in software. Wife, kiddos and one big honking cat.

I think I fit one of the profiles - I am former military (infantry), I have a buzz cut, I stay in good shape and I get asked fairly often if I'm a cop. People aren't surprised when they find out I'm a gun owner.

Closing The Gap

New member



Types of firearms owned and for what purposes (just a general overview, nobody has to be specific)

Several semi auto pistols (poly,alloy,steel) for target/plinking with my wife and 2 sons. Several semi auto rifles AK's, several .22's for target/plinking with my wife and 2 sons. A couple shotguns in various gauges and action types for killing clays with my wife and 2 sons. Milsurp bolt action rifles for target/plinking with my wife and 2 sons. I have my eye on about a dozen other firearms but am trying to show self control. :rolleyes:

And then whatever else you feel or think does or doesn't fit the sterotype.

I grew up in a staunchly Democratic anti gun household. I am an agnostic. I home educate my sons. We consider ourselves life learners. My wife is finishing her masters degree while working outside of the home. I am not formally educated although I was in all the gifted/advanced programs in grade school. I have operated an Adult Entertainment business from home for the past 8 years. I also ran my own businesses prior to that. I am self taught in most things. We as a family are not hunters but recently have started on a path leading us there.

I drink Tito's Handmade Vodka and craft beer. Although only once every couple months. I used to own a newer Mustang GT and Cadillac but sold them both last year and bought a used Honda CRV and used Ford Focus for myself and my wife to drive. We also used to own a 3000 sq ft home in historic Beverly Green near the Stratosphere in Las Vegas but sold it and currently rent a 1400 sq ft home in rural Michigan while my wife finishes her degree. We have decided that having a big house and nice cars are meaningless. What matters is the time spent together with our boys.

I don't think any of this is a stereotype but it is the story of my type.

Edit: I forgot to add I have really long hair and listen to death metal but no beard(at the moment). ;)


New member
White male
Civil Engineer
Navy vet
Grew up in semi-rural Philly suburbs. Plenty of plinking, varmint, pheasant and deer hunting on our & neighboring properties. Shot .22 competition in high school. Qualified expert w/ M-16 and .45 in the Navy.

I still have my shotgun and two rifles from my younger years. I inherited several collectable rifles and handguns from my grandfather and father, and I've since acquired a few more for home and self defense.

I haven't hunted in over 20 years and I've only been going to a firing range occasionally for the past three years or so.

The only black plastic gun I have is a G19.


New member
married for 15 years to a vegetarian
I lean waaaay to the left on politics
I own well over 50 rifles but only one EBR (LR-308) and shoot twice a week, minimum
I only own two pistols but my wife has 30+
college educated
in good shape (probably due to my wife's diet, if it was up to me I'd eat ice cream for every meal)
both my wife and me have our CCPs, her idea
house is paid for

This might be a bad thing to say on here but I voted for Obama twice and I like him

I just bought my first camo last month for my first time turkey hunting. Now that the season is over, the camo is put away and won't come out until next turkey season. I don't like camo for everyday use.
I've been hunting since I was 12, and do some guiding in the fall for antelope and deer.

Ben Towe

New member
White male, 28 years of age, 6'4" tall and 345 pounds. Scotch Irish descent. I smoke like a freight train and chew tobacco regularly. At one time I had a Duck Dynasty style beard and hair (long before it was cool) but now I keep it high and tight with a well trimmed Van Dyke. I farm and have at various times been a truck driver. Assisted in the Hurricane Katrina aftermath, first by moving FEMA trailers and then with cleanup. I drive a souped up Dodge Cummins pickup and I speak with a heavy Southern/Appalachian accent and vocabulary. I also wear bib overalls, boots and a sleeveless t shirt most all of the time. If you stopped reading there or you simply met me on the street I would certainly appear to meet the stereotype. The rest of the story is this:

I have a genius level IQ, I am a voracious reader and have read thousands of books and countless articles and papers. I am extremely mechanically inclined and can work on most anything. My religious, political and social views are expansive and fit no conventional definition. For example, while I generally vote Republican, I think the party's position on some things is foolish and in the long term untenable. I think the War on Drugs is an exercise in idiocy, I couldn't care less about gay marriage or abortion. Attempts to legislate morality are doomed to fail. I believe government spending needs to be cut by at least 65% now, not in 10 or 15 years. I think that is the only way out of this hole.

There is much more but you get the idea. Few people actually fit a stereotype if you get to know them.

Edit: As far as guns, I have everything, but pistols and long range rifles are my real passion. Next project is building an AR in .50 Beowulf.
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New member
I think many Anti's probably view gun owners as the caucausian male, 20-65yrs old, possibly living in the country or rural areas, and maybe uncivilized.

You know, the "From my cold dead hands" type, or the typical hunter, Southerner, or retired Veteran.

Maybe like those guys from Duck Dynasty:


The truth is so much more farther from that. We are a wide variety of individuals from different origins and lifestyles. From the young male or female in their 20's, to mothers and fathers in their 30's, to young Veterans and LEO's, teachers, nurses, and much more.

As for myself, I'm a single male in my early 30's of Asian decent. I've been working in the medical field for more than a decade and also have an engineering degree. I shoot competition-type events like 3-Gun and IDPA (not so much now due to the ammo shortage). I live in a very big city in Central FL, ride a motorcycle, and am also a skater.


New member
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Race: White
Types of firearms owned and for what purposes (just a general overview, nobody has to be specific)

I have a little bit of everything, and not just for me, but the kids, too. I have a few ARs, lots of handguns, bolt action hunting rifles. I collect military rifles. Have 22 rifles and shotguns, too.

And then whatever else you feel or think does or doesn't fit the sterotype.

I probably fit the stereotype, being middle aged, white, and male. I think you're going to see a lot of that on an internet forum. People who are really INTO guns probably do fit that demographic. There are a lot of gun owners who aren't fanatics- housewives who own a firearm for self defense, or the guy who doesn't pick up a gun except for hunting season. You don;t see them on firearms forums.

But I suppose I don't exactly fit the stereotype, because a lot of people are surprised to find out I own a gun at all, let alone owning probably a hundred of them. I'm clean cut, mild mannered, wear glasses, have an MBA majoring in project management, been working at a telecommunications company for 15 years. I don't look anything like the guys on Duck Dynasty.

Frank Ettin

I'm a 65 year old, white male retired lawyer.

I didn't become involved with guns and shooting until late in life. Although I was interested in guns as a kid, I'm a city boy. It wasn't until my mid 40s that I started shooting by taking a short, introductory handgun class. If you'll look at my profile you'll see that I made up for lost time pretty well.

My wife (married 28 years) and I live in the suburbs now. Own our home. We don't have kids but have a cat.

I worked as a lawyer in the corporate world for over 30 years -- including a bunch of years as a vice president of a Fortune 200 company.

Like good food, good wine and European performance cars. While I'm a fiscal conservative I tend to be liberal and broad minded on social issues -- but still believe that people need to bear the natural consequences of their acts and decisions.
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New member
I'm a 45 year old pilot, learned to fly in the Navy, and have since flown for airline, charter, and contract gigs.

I'm college educated; my parents were college educated (in Boston, yet both now live elsewhere and both have carry permits). My sister has graduate level degrees, and is on the executive staff of a major university. She doesn't shoot, but has no objections to me or my parents doing so.

My wife is college educated, with dual bachelor's degrees (Pre-Vet/Animal Sciences and Bachelor of Science in Nursing). She shoots a little, but does not carry. Her father is an avid hunter, rifle, shotgun, black powder, and bow. (Farmer, with a BS in some agricultural science or another.) Her mother doesn't shoot, as far as I know, but obviously has no objections to firearms.

I have one child. He is still too young for shooting lessons (infants can't quite get the right grip). In a few years, though...

I began shooting pellet rifles around age 9, rimfire handguns around age 15, and centerfire handguns at age 19. I took up rifle shooting as a junior officer in the Navy, because I thought I might someday wish I were more familiar with AR pattern rifles if I did not train myself.

I'm also fairly heavily into martial arts, and have been for a couple decades.


New member
I'll play...

In some regards I fit the "stereotype" pretty well:

1. 6'1" and 240 pounds, so not exactly "slim."
2. 27 year-old white male.
3. Generally rather conservative on both social as well as fiscal government policy.
4. Christian.
5. Drive a pick-up truck daily even though my job does not require it (I do a lot of home repairs as well as being a hunter so the bed comes in handy about once a month for me).
6. I do occasionally wear camo when not in the field, although it is a function of them being old clothes that I wear on weekends for yardwork and such.
7. If you saw my basement, I would look like a gun nut as I have two safes full of guns (bolt action rifles, semi-auto EBRs, military surplus rifles, pump and semi-auto shotguns, most handguns are semi-auto, but there are a couple revolvers mixed in), I handload ammo so I have a workbench and supplies, and I have a shelf full of camo and duck decoys.
8. If you know me, you know I am outspoken in support of the 2A.
9. I carry daily.
10. I do love Copenhagen Southern Blend...

In other ways, I do not:

1. Very short crew cut, (I get asked a lot if I am a police officer or veteran, but I am not), no facial hair.
2. Did not grow up around guns, gained interest on my own once I was old enough to buy them myself. I grew up in suburbia where guns are not part of everyday life. At least to my knowledge, there is not a gun to be found in my parents' house.
3. I sell software for a living and interact with two "traditionally white-collared" industries depending on the product: large accounting firms and private country clubs.
4. I volunteer and help coach a youth baseball team in the summer (I played college baseball) even though I do not have children yet.
5. I am a college graduate, and spent 2 years in full-time study in law school before I decided I did not want to do that for 40 years.
6. I am a competitive amateur golfer and I spend a lot of time at various tournaments and in country-club settings and fit in quite well.
7. Married to my grade school sweetheart (yes, you read that correctly as we started dating in 8th grade) who is a tiny little woman and does not have a interest in guns although she does know how to handle them safely and use one if she must.

When people do find out that I have an interest in guns and that I hunt, most are surprised for some reason, but generally those are people that do not know me very well. Maybe it is why I enjoy sales, but I feel that everyone is different and can not fit into one mold. Every person has a different personality, preferences, history, hopes and dreams, and a different outlook on life, you just need to get to know them and go from there. I feel as comfortable sitting down with the Managing Partner of Big 4 CPA firm as I do the "good-'ole boys" at the range or in deer camp. While we all have these labels we like to attach to ourselves, we are all so much more complicated than that.