"Mainstream" firearm owners

I'm a liberal-arts guy. My views don't really fit neatly in anyone's political checklists, which often causes some friction with doctrinaires. I also tire of the stereotypical glue factory jokes.



New member
I've always been seriously annoyed at the picture of the sterotypical gun owner.

I don't fit it and I tend to be insulted at the assumption that I should just because I own guns.
I do feel the sentiment of the OP. I live in a mostly anti gun city, I've been accused of being "part of the problem" when friends find out I'm a gun owner or have a CHL (many folks are really extreme here...) and many years ago when I was single and had roommates I almost had to move out when found out I had a CHL and was actually prohibited from bringing a gun into the house (I moved out eventually over this, in part...). Whats interesting, is I've never stereotyped in defense or passed judgement on anyone even an anti gunner I was friendly to all but in reality I've met many antis that I should stereotype as complete....

sorry, I drifted... end of rant.

Anyway, I want to see how many of us actually fit the sterotype image. I doubt it will be the majority. Think of this as a mini data gathering operation to demonstraight how entirely off the anti gun lobby is.
About me: Male, 42, agnostic if I must... I think I fit somewhere between a good ol boy and a city boy. I grew up and live in the suburbs, have a CHL and carry sometimes only on the weekends (cause I work in a "gun free zone" during the week), go deer hunting in the fall, hiking and backpacking, fishing and mountain-biking in the summer and overall really love the great outdoors then can turn around and enjoy a fine night on the town from the performing arts to cheezy nightclubs. About my guns, it shouldn't make a difference cause nobody ever sees them. Whats really interesting is over the years in my inner circle of friends to find out that one also has a CHL and at least 3 are very pro 2A.... I don't think you could sterotype any of them as fat AR toting hillbilly wallmart commandos if that's what the sterotype is.


New member
Well, this is how I represent "mainstream" gun owners:

30 year old white male. Atheist. Dates often, but no long term girlfriend right now. Have 3 nieces that I spoil rotten. Goes to the gym every day and keeps a healthy diet.

I listen to hard rock and hip hop, and I also enjoy Beethoven's symphonies and tune in to Hearts of Space every week.

College educated, and have been working full time in the Retail world since I was 18. Currently an Assistant Store Director for a large grocery chain in Texas. I work about 55 hours a week....I'm a yuppie that gets his hands dirty. :D

During Hurricanes Rita and Ike, I was working 80 hour work weeks to keep my store functioning so that the community was able to come in and shop their essential needs......I'm paid on salary, so there was no overtime; I did it for my customers/neighbors.

I mentor employees who want to move up into leadership positions, and have helped several earn their way from $10/hour into a $50k a year salary. I solve problems for my customers and make sure that they leave happy. I make people my first priority every single day, whether they are customers or employees.

I volunteer at the Houston Food Bank and give $15 out of every paycheck to the United Way. I donate busted bags of pet food to the Houston Humane Society and personal care items to various Women's Shelters in my community. For Thanksgiving I volunteer at an event that feeds thousands of homeless people in my area.

I go hog hunting (aka "pest control") at my uncle's place, otherwise I just go target shooting with pistols about once a month. I own many guns, most of which I inherited from my dad after he passed away. My favorite right now is my Mossberg Maverick 12ga.....I'm working on becoming more proficient with shotguns.

When I go shooting, it's with about a dozen friends from work. Ages range from mid-20s to mid-40s, consists of women and men from multiple ethnic cultures, and includes two homosexual couples that we're friends with. I must admit that I'm the least accurate shooter in this crew. :cool:

I like to drink Tito's brand vodka and orange juice when I go to clubs on weekends with my friends. I go on vacation to Las Vegas for one week every year. My favorite tv show is True Blood.

I also have two cats and drive a black Chrysler 300. :cool:


New member
I assumed the anti-gunners think we look like their actor from the Mayors Against Illegal Gun commercial. I attached a photo in case you forgot what that guy looked like.


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Nickel Plated

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I'm a male, 23, white (Russian immigrant, came here when I was 9) live in NYC, hopefully not for too long. About average build.
So far only own a Winchester SXP Field model. Though I'm by no means a fudd. I very much like all the evil black rifles and am in favor of unrestricted CCW. Work in construction, went to work right after high school, though I'm likely to be going to college soon to learn some better trades. I don't think carpenter is a job I can enjoy doing for too long.
Funny thing is I went to a very artsy high school in midtown Manhattan. But they still never got into my head ;)

Yea it's a bit tough to find anyone around here who shares my hobby. But most people I meet, or atleast associate myself with are atleast neutral about it. Haven't met too many truly rabid antis.

Edit: Also I'm not religious at all. Though don't particularly like calling myself atheist just because most of the ones I met seem pretty preoccupied with arguing that god sucks for someone who doesn't believe he exists. I see some are mentioning the cars they drive. I drive a 98 Camaro with T-Tops :D so i guess atleast that part fits the redneck stereotype. :p

Corrections Cop

New member
31 year old white male
Associates Degree in Criminal Justice
Corrections Sergeant
Have several hand guns a rifle and 2 shotguns
I use my guns for protection, and target practice.
I usually shoot with family or friends from work.


New member
46, male, agnostic, fiscal conservative, social liberal, married 17 years, 2 kids. PhD in Engineering, shoot mostly for fun, only hunting is doves in the Fall. No black guns, mostly shotguns and revolvers.


New member
Old, fat, white, liberal.

I gotta say that I see a lot of "tribalism" and stereotyping from gunners. It's a two way street, equal opportunity type of deal.

Gun owners are not monolithic and people who want gun control aren't either.


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I am a WASP in my 50s, well educated (as is my wife), live in a middle-class neighborhood in mid-sized city south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and hold a position of some responsibility with state government. I have two kids, one working on a master's and the other on her bachelor's degree. I have a number of firearms because I like both collecting and shooting. I do have to admit my stomach resembles that cartoon Tom Servo posted. :)


New member
I'm younger than most of the crew here. I'm in my early 20's. Married. Christian. Libertarian (Though I don't fully agree with any current political party on everything). White. Born in Indiana. I've been a Marine since I was 18 years old. I have an Associates in Middle Eastern Studies. I speak 4 languages profficiently and am working on my 5th. I'm also an avid rock climber and hiker.

I didn't grow up around guns, but when I was about 10 years old, my mom accidentally fired a revolver at me. It missed, but I almost crapped myself. Despite that, I still learned how to shoot 4 years later with my grandpa's shotgun; I've been growing and shooting ever since. Shooting is fun, and I like collecting old war guns because of their historical value.

I like to think I don't fit the "stereotype", but I'm also of the opinion that acknowledging such a thing is in and of itself stereotyping. The truth is that gun owners are from all walks of life.


New member
I'm a male, 17 years old. Graduated high school at 16. Currently not going to college. Musician. I play rock and metal on the bass guitar as well as classical and baroque music on the classical guitar. I also write and compose music for video games (amateur only unfortunately).

I'm an entrepreneur and have helped launch several start up businesses. I also count both of my serious bands as entrepreneurial enterprises.

I'm 5'6 and 115 lbs, don't like sports, have never hunted, never been in a fight or mutual violent encounter, have not raised my voice in the past couple of years (save for reminding some persons close to me to reconsider their current mutual violence before the cops were called), and am fairly well read. I have rednecks in my family but don't consider myself one. I'm not religious, rather atheist/agnostic with maybe some Buddhist/pagan leanings.

I also consider myself a member of Anonymous and try to carry the daily attitude of political activism and increasing the life of others. I take time out of my day to listen to and help with the problems of others. The other day I helped an out of town woman at a gas station find directions after literally everybody else in the gas station refused (albeit with my hand on the only weapon I had the whole time because it was a stranger).

I'm soft spoken, come off as timid, and violence is something I advocate avoiding if for no reason other than legal troubles.

So, no, other than being a white male I think I'm nothing like the anti's would try to say I am.

Oh, I "own" one handgun (a CZ 75 that will legally be mine when I turn 18) but we also own a 10-22, a Remington 700, and a Smith and Wesson MP 15-22. I plan on getting a CZ shotgun, S&W MP15 Tactical Ar -15, and amassing a nice collection from there :cool:

EDIT: as far as political leanings, there is no party that satisfies me. I believe in small government and individual responsibility but also civil liberties. I support things like gay marriage and abortion, and I'm currently considering how much control the government should have in private business. I don't even know if I support things like minimum wage.


New member
I don't think the stereotype, pro or against, bespeaks to any man's character. They usually don't in my experience. I fit the mold perfectly. I DO look just like the guys from Duck Dynasty. To say that since anti gunners portray that as bad, and that we should be offended to me is kinda sad. My age, weight, and political views don't say anything of the man I am.

Since you asked I have very little formal education(as I'm sure the majority of my posts reflect). I barely scraped by high school, because I was too busy thinking a major division one football scout was gonna pick me up, (2A highschool), yeah right! I served in the military, in the infantry...I'm sorta proud of that. If it makes me stereotypical in anyway that's alright with me.

I hunt, though I can't say I'm particularly good at it. I wear hunting cammo everyday, because I work on a horse farm by myself, and I like it, so why wouldn't I? I have a huge beard, and often say, " ya'll take care now," to a solitary person. You seldom see me not chewing tobacco, and I drive a lifted 85 Ford, with mudders,and a 460 that guzzles about seven mpg. I also live in a town with a population of 1000 people.

So yeah, I'd say I fit it just fine. On the other hand, I would stop for any person regardless of race, political views, or appearance who needs a lift. I haven't ever met a person, I didn't call sir or mam. I think every person has some value, and their words, however misplaced and misguided, or should I say misaligned with my opinions(who am I to say misguided) are I'll still listen to, and respect as their own. I don't loan money I give it. I try to always practice humility. And last but not least I have a moral compass I have rarely let down.

If you're offended to be lumped in with guys like me, hey that's okay. I don't mind. I can see my flaws, and see under an educated ,scrutinized view that it might be potentially embarrassing.I thought about it genuinely and if the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't care. I just don't really think that much about how people perceive me. But hey, you know where you stand with a guy like me. I am self aware, and I don't ever try to be anything I'm not. Normalcy depends on where you are, and us " camo wearing mountain men" are kinda "normal" around here.So believe it or not, it might not be so bad to get stereotyped along with me every once in awhile. Heck, it might be fun, and I'd probably buy you a beer along the way.
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New member

I'm 5'3, have no facial hair and FEMALE!

Yes, sorry, it kinda bothers me to be veiwed by the public as you. ;)

The mainstream gun owner doesn't fit in any one demographic. We tend to be all over the map. Yet, the image persists.


New member

I think people were simply offended by being stereotyped by the mass media to alter the general public's perception of gun owners. The way country folk are viewed by the masses also isn't what it used to be.


New member
23 going on 24
Asian/Pacific Islander

I only have two firearms to my name, an M91/30 Mosin and an "evil" black Stag Arms AR15. Both currently serve as range rifles only.

I'm so far away from the stereotypical farce that the gun grabber portray that it sickens me. Maybe way back in the day that's how a good portion of firearms owners were like, but nowadays, that simply isn't true. Chances are, you'd never know I was an avid firearms enthusiast by just looking at me, the only way you would know is if I told you, or (someday hopefully) you happened to have the privilage of being shown my personal armory.
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New member
I'm a 65 year old college graduate that celebrated my 45th anniversary last week. I'm a short fat bald graybeard but stubborn and independent fellow who made a decision at 24 that I would retire debt free with enough savings to live on at 55 (and I did). I live in the mountains where almost every household has firearms. I ride motorcycles through some rough parts of WV and KY almost every week. I don't need to take a handgun with me on the rides because I have a Vietnam Special Forces Veteran following me who is "adequately" armed.


Active member
I've always been seriously annoyed at the picture of the sterotypical gun owner.

Really? I have to say, the steryotypical picture that the liberal press will pull out of their butt every now and then doesn't bother me in the least. If I could make patches on them and sew them onto my shooting cap, I would!


New member
OK. I'm 71, male, white, a Navy vet, have ridden cross-country on my Harley the past several summers (and will again next month), believe that religion should be a purely personal issue, and own a fairly wide range of guns including revolvers from .22 to .44 mag., pistols from .32 to .45, several rifles from .22 to .30-06 (including a Ruger mini-14 in .223 but no "black plastic" rifles), and two shotguns in 12 and 20 gauge. I hunt occasionally (eating what I kill) and carry concealed for self-defense. But I think my chief reason in owning these firearms is that I enjoy shooting them, whether at the range or out in the woods doing some plinking. I learned to shoot from my older brother and my uncle starting when I was around 8, and have owned guns for most of my life. I am retiring this month after 47 years as a high school and college teacher of English and Drama. Politically, I am an independent. While my bias is certainly more liberal than conservative, I have never been less than a whole-hearted supporter of the 2nd amendment. In my professional life, I don't think I have ever fit a particular teacher stereotype. I'm also pretty sure I don't fit anti-gun America's stereotype of the gun owner.


New member
SHE3DOG, Bluestarlizzard, right I get what you guys mean. I'm not trying to rock the boat. I just mean that when I think about "groups" of people I'd be offended to be categorized in the same group as it usually involves character traits, and behaviors. I.E. rapists, murderers, thieves, liars..etc. Not groups judged by age, weight, etc. Then I in turn obviously aspire to be in "good groups"(brave people, kind people, humble people).Like I said, not upset, just food for thought, and a different spin on the whole thing, maybe get the mind thinking a little different for a few.

Ya'll have a good day now ;)


New member
SHE3DOG, I meant to add I firmly believe you're right about rural areas, and people being thought of a lot differently these days.