"Mainstream" firearm owners


New member
I've always been seriously annoyed at the picture of the sterotypical gun owner.

I don't fit it and I tend to be insulted at the assumption that I should just because I own guns.

In the past year, the sterotype image has been used by the anti gun lobby in an effort to fool and pacify the American gun owner.
Luckily, it hasn't worked.

Anyway, I want to see how many of us actually fit the sterotype image. I doubt it will be the majority. Think of this as a mini data gathering operation to demonstraight how entirely off the anti gun lobby is.


New member
So you don't fit their typical.....why is that?

What is the anti-gunners idea of a typical gun owner? I honestly don't know since I don't talk with them. But, for the record, I do cling to my religion and my guns. LOL!!!


New member
I will admit I am a "YFWG". One day I will be an OFWG but not for another 20 something years.

I think you have an ever increasing number of younger "gun people" its just a matter of time and economics that keep many young people from being as active as the OFWGs


New member
Well, there was going to be an actual poll, but I'm experancing technical difficulties (*smart* phone my butt!)

So, nevermind that.

And no, I don't fit the typical.

I'm female, agnostic, not middle aged (yet, it's getting closer then I'd like :eek: ) and I've never been hunting in my life. The vast majority of my firearms are black, have plastic furnishings and "hi" cap magizines.
Same goes for my dad, with the exception that he's also never been involved in compitetion, whereas I was in 4H and did 3P for awhile.

I don't even own a truck. I have a nice little kia spectra that I abuse mightly. Never been in the military or LE.

The question is really how many of you actually only own the anti's definition of "ok" guns?
I doubt it's many. Seems like everyone has *something* in black plastic these days.
This is indicative of the stereotype our opponents promote:


One of their biggest mistakes this last cycle was a failure to realize how wrong they were. Gun owners who weren't fat old hillbillies (which is to say, most of us) were very offended. However, the stereotype persists, in no small part due to our own dogmatism and insistence on aligning with one political ideology.


New member
Exactly, tom, it's the idea that we all look and act like those guys on Duck's Dynasty but we're not even funny.

And it does have traction with mainstream Americans.

My boss (whom I am very close with) asked to see a picture of the guy I'm dating. When I showed her, the comment was "Wow! He looks normal. I thought he'd look like some mountain man in camo!"

At first I thought it was funny, but then I realized it really wasn't. Because the only reason she has to think he'd look like that is because we first met up on a range date.

The assumption that we are not "normal" Americans who lead fairly average lives *is* insulting.
Bluestarlizzard said:
Anyway, I want to see how many of us actually fit the sterotype image. I doubt it will be the majority. Think of this as a mini data gathering operation to demonstraight how entirely off the anti gun lobby is.
So what would you like to know about me/us?


New member
Age (approxamate)
Types of firearms owned and for what purposes (just a general overview, nobody has to be specific)

And then whatever else you feel or think does or doesn't fit the sterotype.

Spats McGee

I'm a 44 year old white male living in the South, with a waistline that keeps trying to expand, despite my best efforts. In those matters, I do kind of fit the stereotype. I suspect that I differ fairly markedly in that I'm relatively well-educated, speak without a noticeable Southern drawl, and I bathe with some regularity.
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New member
I started shooting when I was 7 or 8 years old. I am a 56 year old white male, slightly overweight, conservative political and social views, proudly and honorably served in the military, believe in God, family, and my right to be as self sufficient as possible. I feel that I have the right to defend myself, family, neighbors, and property. I hate rap or hip hop music, but know how to turn it off. Do not agree with certain lifestyles that differ from my own, but know how to live and let live. I suppose that these characteristics make me fit the stereotype and maybe a "bad" person, but so be it. Out of stereotype, I am not a drinker, rarely wear camo, am college educated (not to be determined by my grammar), bathe at least daily, drive a pickup truck only out of necessity (would prefer a car), have been faithfully married to my first wife for 27 years, and have never had a romance with a relative or animal.

I haven't hunted in thirty years. I have guns for home defense, self defense, and just pure pleasure at the range.

As I said, I can live and let live. I sure wish the anti-gun nuts would learn to do the same.
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New member
22 white male.

ARs, semi auto pistols, wheel guns, pump shotguns, side by side shotguns, bolt shotguns, bolt rifles, lever rifles, 22 rifles, polymer pistols, 1911s, pretty much a little of everything.

I'm an enthusiast, collector, and involved in the industry on the side.

I own guns for hunting, competition, self defense, home defense, and just because I like them.



New member
I'm 62, male, atheist, dog lover, Libertarian, engineer by education, but spent the last 20 years in IT, but now retired:D I've been shooting handguns for almost three years; my wife of 25 years got me into shooting, although she mostly shoots sporting clays. I've noticed that quite a few of the other shooters I see also work in IT, which I find interesting.


New member
54 year old male, white guy. In decent shape, married 26 years, two professional degrees, absolutely proud of my eastern Oklahoma roots. Guns -Have them for fun and self defense. I don't hunt but don't care if you do, just do it safely and respectfully. I respect your right to live as you see fit as long as it does no harm to society and request the same from you.
Bluestarlizzard said:

Age (approxamate)
Senior citizen (approximately)


Types of firearms owned and for what purposes (just a general overview, nobody has to be specific)
.22 rifle, revolver, and semi-auto pistol -- used for plinking, and for instruction (I'm an NRA instructor)

Centerfire revolvers and semi-autos -- used for plinking and self/home defense.

"Cowboy" single action revolver -- nostalgia

Military surplus WW2-era rifles -- nostalgia, history

AR-15 -- home defense (it's what I carried in Vietnam, if it was good enough there, it's good enough here)

Other info: College and post-graduate education, masters degree, multiple professional registrations, published author (technical, non-fiction), editor. Member, former officer and former Director of several professional organizations. I don't cling to guns and religion -- guns and religion cling to me.


New member
I'm white and pushing up on 60 and will retire in less than 5 years. I write software at the largest nuclear powered generating station in the US. I'm a Navy vet of 8 years. I grew up hunting and fishing in Minnesota, which is where me and my awesome wife will retire on 80 acres of beautiful woods, meadows, and a hay field. If all goes well, I'll die at a ripe old age either sitting on a deer stand or fishing from a boat. Either way is OK with me. :D


New member
63 years old, white male, Protestant, Army veteran, retired Reserve officer, college educated, MBA, white collar. Not a hunter. A collector. Interests range from blackpowder to the present. Endowment member NRA, Life Member of SNM-Sons of Neanderthal Man. Don't care for aluminum, polymer of anything other than steel frames and receivers-(OK, brass is acceptable for a CW revolver. Being a good Union man, I can claim it's a war trophy). Believe any attack on any aspect of the RKBA or any attack on any aspect of the shooting sports or on any group of shooters is an attack on me.


New member

Late 60s heterosexual caucasian male with a weight problem,

Independent politics with tendency toward conservative/libertarian ideas,

Dislike corrupt and inefficient government at all levels and pretty much disgusted with the federal elite who seem to be mostly running the changes now,

Began shooting at age 8,

Member of NRA and State Rifle association,

RKBA activist; it's a civil right, for goodness sake,

Self-defense possibly as important as collecting,

Krav-Maga student and studying to be an instructor (more self-defense focus),

Don't fit:
Med school drop-out (my choice) to earn PhD in Neuroscience/Neuropsychology, private consulting practice for many years,

Never been in the military, but have great respect for the on-the-ground participant, not so much for the pentagon political types,

Don't hunt for sport (predator and varmint control only now),

My single Evil Black Rifle is EBR by accident, it's a Mini-14 I traded into,

Don't own any ARs or AKs,

I'm a collector and shoot only for my own amusement/animal control now,

Love both handguns and long guns, Difficult to tell if I like .22 better than .44, it's a toss-up between the two.


New member
I'm almost 60, white male. Auto tech, agnostic, fairly conservative. Hate big govt., NRA & TSRA member. Own various guns for hunting, self defence, and just plain fun.

Edit to add: I am a college grad, drive either my Volvo 960 or Z71 pickup if I'm not riding one of my two Harleys. Single and looking( they just don't make 'em like Mom anymore) and love to play golf. I'm 160 lbs with no beard and only wear camo when hunting.
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New member
I don't typically fit the "mainstream" either... Folks constantly remind me of how they think I view issues...

Im getting close to 40, single by choice, male, work in law enforcement and also ran/owned 2 small business over the years as well. Drive an old pickup (again my choice to save the money) live in the country (I like to fish/hike) Im very much pro-firearm ownership, and want to remove several restrictions already in place. Not the party-guy either. I also purchased my tiny place cash, and prefer it to the McMansions several friends and family have. I have traveled to Europe many times (being single its fairly cheap :) ), enjoy the arts, especially live theatre. I prefer Carling to Budweiser, also prefer Nemiroff Vodka as well. Im also the only one in my family to not be a member of any country club, or other similar clubs. So yeah, I am unique.
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