Lies, whoppers or tall tales


New member
When I was younger, my cousin came to visit us. He was probably about 17 at the time. His Dad, knowing that my Dad was a gun nut, said that he was contemplating buying his son, my cousin, a .44 mag. He asked Dad if he had one and could his son fire it to see if he liked it. Dad brought out his 8" Ruger Super Blackhawk. I just had to see this. My cousin was tall and skinny and I even wondered if he had fired a gun before. His actions answered this question in a hurry. He held it about waist high with both hands and fired one round down range hitting the dirt about 10' in front of the target. He promptly handed it back to Dad and said that he didn't think that kind of gun was for him. Dad and I were polite and did not ridicule him, but had a good laugh after he left. I haven't visited my cousin in a long time, but I appreciate the memory that he gave me and my dear departed Dad.

This is getting long, but I have a funny tall tale. One of my Son's friends was over at the house and he wanted to see my gun collection. As I was showing him, he commented that his Uncle had a Cougar Magnum. I looked puzzled and said that I had never seen one of those. I looked at my Son in a puzzled manner as I recalled remembering something about a Cougar Magnum some place. After he left, my Son busted out laughing. He informed me that one of the guns in a James Bond video game is called the Cougar Magnum. I still get a chuckle out of that.


New member
When I was a kid (not so long ago mind you) a friend and I were up on the roof of our storage shed messing around with bb and pellet guns shooting cans ,etc... My friend is using one of those bb guns that shoots darts too (the kind where you can see the bb leave the barrel and arc almost 150 feet away:rolleyes: ). Well, he happens to see a bird land in a tree about 200 feet away and proceeds to draw down on it. I tell him that the bb probably won't even make it that far. He shoots, and I watch in amazement as the bb arcs through the air (lobbed a good 4'-5' up then back down) and hits the bird in the head and it drops from the branch it was on stone dead. Haven't been able to figure out how he did it since.


New member
And remember...

If anyone in your vicinity sez "hey, hold my beer, and watch me while I do this," you are best advised to head for the hills, and when the investigation occurs, don't even admit to knowing the guy...

Either that, or have a video camera ready, along with the address of a few of those trashy tv shows...


New member
The scariest things in the Marine Corps list that I always hear goes as follows:

A 2nd Lt with a map
A private saying "In my experience'
A Warant Officer or Gunny saying "Watch this ****"

I have my own list though. THE scariest thing is a Gunny who has worked with explosives his whole career saying "Oh ****!" while on the demo range and suggesting that everyone move quickly out of the area. (Time fuse burning faster than it's supposed to is a bad thing)

Fred Hansen

New member
"Bill Clinton comes from a place called Hope!" :barf: :barf: :mad:

"Sorry," don't get it done, Dude.
-- John Wayne --
Rio Bravo