Lies, whoppers or tall tales

It's all BS, but does

Anybody else remember the "black rhino" ammo which was touted to penetrate vests and all other forms of miracles?

Jason Demond

New member
A local pawn shop had a used East German Mak for $400.00. The gun was in bad shape, and the dealer tried to tell me how rare they were and that they shot 9mm luger ammo. What a joke. I told him new Maks could be had for less than $200.00, and that came with a holster and a second magazine and fired 9X18 mak.


New member
Used to be a guy where I worked who told stories about a 'friend' of his that used to hunt deer with handgrenades.
He'd hang 'em from trees about deer-head high then rig trip wires so the deer would set them off as he walked by.
Apparently if you set them right it only takes the deers head off, leaving the rest of the meat unharmed.
We knew he was lying as soon as he claimed to have a friend!

Jim V

New member
Well, I figure that any tale that started withe either, "This is no ****....." or "There I was humping my ruck....." has to be all hot air. And that is no **** either.... :p


Staff Emeritus

The ones I've heard frequently started with, "You think that's somethin! I remember...." (and away we go!)

First liar doesn't stand a chance! :(


New member
When I got on the fire department, someone told me; You know what the difference is between a fairy tale and a story you hear around here ? A fairy tale starts with "Once upon a time" and a story around here starts with" This is no s**t".


New member
I would say that the best ones I have heard are these:

I was in a gun store once, listening to a fledgling gun plumber tell big tales to all who would listen. One customer said he was just getting into handloading, and wanted to load .44 Mag. Well, our friend behind the counter recommended the Super Redhawk--said it fired his favorite load of 33 grains of BULLSEYE very well. I asked him if it was indeed bullseye powder, or some other powder. He replied, "Oh, it's Bullseye, and it shoots fine." It took me about 20 minutes to convince the customer to buy manuals to read about reloading procedures, and that 33 grains of ANYTHING in a .44 Magnum would KILL him.

Then, there's this guy in the service, who told me and a friend that he owned a Pontiac Grand Am with a 70 gallon gas tank, that would do a quarter mile in 4.2 seconds. :barf: :D


New member

I bought that Grand Am.

Worst stories of all time:

"You will be sued/go to jail for defending yourself with _______".




New member
Did I ever tell ya about the time my dad made a clean shot on a deer at just over 800 yards?

Or how about the time I held up the rear end of a car so my friend could change the tire?

Dang, now you're going to have to kick me outta the "liar's club," those stories were both true... :D


New member
Don't forget this whopper....

Remember the "preferred by hijackers" Glock lie told by so many "morally challenged" leftists in the 80's ....slip right through an airport metal detector every time!!!

How any of us managed to keep our food down is beyond me. :barf:


New member
A friend Gary and I were stalking bunnies along a brushy wood edge about 40 years ago. We were about 50' apart when brer' rabbit busted out between us and headed away. I pulled up my trusty Sears and Roebuck "Ranger" 20 ga. DB given to me by my father. Whereupon I heard my friend cry out, "Let me take him!" I pulled up and observed
as Gary slapped leather and pulled his .22 wheel gun from his holster as he held his shotgun high in the air with his off hand and performed the most perfect Andy Devine/Gabby Hayes shot of all time, right between the ears at about 75' on the dead run going away. The sad part, is that this tall tale is true. I had the misfortune of observing it, and then having to bear witness to this oft repeated story of this lucky shot for the last 40 years. I don't know if this has any bearing, but my friend Gary grew up to be an attorney.:D
PS: I used the trusty Ranger to hunt deer with, using slugs. The barrels were quite off the mark; the left barrel shooting low and to the right and the right shooting high and to the left. This handicap came in handy one deer camp a number of years ago. I had a buck license and a camp doe permit. After a short snooze in my stand, I awoke to find about 30' in front of me a doe and about 20' behind her,a monster buck. They were moving from my right to left, uphill. I'm sure you know what I did. I touched off both barrels and dropped em' both.
grampster ;)


New member
Overheard an oldtimer at the range explaining to a
newbie that those 38 wadcutters are really very powerful, because they are loaded with 148 GRAMS
of powder ... the new guy looked pretty incredulous, so the old bloke produced a 38 wadcutter ammobox and said somehting like: See, it's printed right here, 148 gr .... After he had packed up and gone home i advised the new guy that actually is was 148 grains weight bullets, and that he should buy a couple good manuals if he was seriously considering reloading ...
Best Regards, A
Sorry for getting my movie quotes mixed up.

5 most dangerous things in the Army:

A private saying "I learned this in basic...."
A sergeant saying "Trust me sir....."
A lieutenant saying "Based on my experience...."
A captain saying "I was just thinking...."

and finally, a Warrant Officer saying "Watch this s**t!"


Staff Emeritus
A short, thin boy in high school was bragging about shooting a .44 Magnum pistol "all weekend." Time after time he demonstrated how he held it with one hand, elbow bent and as high as his ear, with his paw about eight inches from his nose. Said he fired "a coupla thousand bullets" that way.

My daughter laughed him quiet with the comment, "If you held a .44 Magnum revolver that way, the first shot would have embedded the hammer in your forehead!"

She probably gave the poor boy a complex. ;)


Staff Alumnus
A.Rex, maybe he was the agent!

One of my favs: a guy who had some full-auto's told my brother he knew someone who had a Stinger missile. It seems that "men in suits" came to get get his hardware...'cuz he could have the homing missile, but not the targeting system! :D