Lets see those 5-shot Groups and the Guns that shot them!!!

Brad Clodfelter

New member
precision shooter,

There's nothing wrong with using a bipod. But I prefer if I'm using one to use a good rear sandbag if I want the best accuracy from that setup. I prefer the shortest bipod that Harris makes which is the 6" to 9" model I believe. I have shot a 1/4" 3 shot group with my buddy's Sendero 25-06 with that setup at 100yds. And I almost repeated the same size group on the next 3 shot group but the barrel heating up threw the 3rd shot on that next group. You can still shoot some decent groups without the rear sandbag. But you won't be able to keep the rear of stock from shifting or moving like you will using a good rear sandbag. That's just a little tidbit. :)

Speaking of true one holers, I'm probably most proud of this 5 shot group with my original Suhl barrel shot off of the Fudd front rest and rear Potektor sandbag at 25yds. It may only be just 25yds outdoors, but it would take a very extremely good shooting centerfire rifle to shoot one better even at the 25yd distance. And it would more than likely have to be a custom barrel rig that was souped up with bells and whistles to do better. Remember, the Suhl is all factory except the stock and tuner. And the Suhl is only a 22 rimfire.

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New member
Shot from a double-lug Supermatch M1A @ 100yds. Off the bench using Federal GMM 168gr ammo.


10 rounds total. Group size was just under .7" with the cluster of 8 rounds. It opens up to .9" if you include the two fliers
I either use a sandbag in the rear or I use the screw adjustable mono pod thats built into the rear of my stock. You can't see it in the pic cuz It's dug into the carpet. Next time i'm at the range I'm going to shoot my .308 at 25yds and see what kind of 5 shot group I can get. I bet I can get all 5 into almost the same hole. Now that I said that, It will probably look like I shot it with 00 buck, but I'll post my results none the less. My Savage is stock, except the stock and bipod. Factory Barrel, Bolt, Trigger, everything is factory accept the clothes it wears.


New member
10 shot group at 100 Yds. 1970 YUG0 SKS. All my targets were shot off a bench or shooting mat and my shooting bag as the rest.


5 shots with YUGO 50 Yds.

5 shots 1966 Chinese SKS 50 Yds.

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Brad Clodfelter

New member
Precision Shooter,

Good luck. You will need it. ;)

I'm afraid it will more than likely take a better precision barrel than a button rifle Savage barrel to beat that group I posted. I say that not to knock Savage button rifled barrels either. Savage definately makes a very good factory barrel make no bones about it. But the Suhl factory rimfire barrel is one of the few factory barrels that actually was damn near what I call about as good as a custom made barrel when talking how precision made the tolerences were kept to being almost perfect from end to end. The Suhl barrel shot almost as good as the Benchmark barrel that is on it now. The 25Yd group I posted above was measured with a Neil Jones reticule rule by Jim Finn of AK to be exactly .021ctc.


But I wish you well in your task.
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New member
Not exactly in the same league with Brad’s Suhl but here is a 25 yard group shot with my light weight 10/22 squirrel gun.


Here’s the squirrel gun.

5-shot group from 16" AR midlength, 3.5x TA11 (with donut reticle), stock trigger, Lilja barrel. Grippod for front support and rifle case for rear support. 100yds from the bench. Squares are 1" on the grid.


223 shooter

New member
These four 5 shot groups were shot consecutively in the same range session with a Rem 700 LTR (Light Tactical Rifle) in .223.

A somewhat light rifle (at least for bench work) at 7 1/2lbs but it shoots more consistent than either my heavier 26" 700SPS or my 26" Savage 12BVSS.

Brad Clodfelter

New member
223 shooter,

That's what I call ringing out a barrel. I would say your doing everything right on your part with that gun. Awesome shooting. Well done.


Brad Clodfelter

New member
shooter john,

Now that group is very nice. Looks like you have a shooter in that McGowen barrel. Super shooting.



Looks to me you have a great squirrel buster in that 10/22. There's nothing wrong with that group. Looks like it is stacking bullets to me.
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Brad Clodfelter

New member
Here's a few 10 shot groups from the Suhl 150 with the Benchmark barrel. There's a small thumbtack in the center stuck to a piece of black cardboard to give you a better comparison feel to actual size of the groups. 10 shot groups are way tougher. Both of these were under .250ctc.



New member

First group was from my Weatherby Vanguard in .243 using some handloads. doing some sighting in before a hunt. Rifle is a stock as they come. 100 yds

Second group is with my uncles .220 swift at 170yds. Using handloads not bad three shot groups rifle no modifications. Remington 700 varmint

Third group is with my old Remington 788 in .222, the rifle was handed down to me from my dad. Its 30yrs old barrel is slightly pitted. Using handloads it was about .774 MOA at 100yds.


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