Leftist Ebay & Craigslist has competition


New member
Ok, now that I've gotten going here, I feel the need to clarify the last post. It sounded a bit like you are saying that you got a pop-up on SwapGiant. We all know that IS NOT the truth...no pop-ups on SG! Maybe I misread the post, and if so, I apologize. Otherwise, I do appreciate the wishes of good luck...thanks.

Also, in AK ther may be few postings as well as in some other locations. All I can say is that we've had over 1100 ads posted in the first few months accross the entire country. Some regions have accepted SG faster than others. If we all continue to tell our friends and be positive (along with a couple of exciting things we are looking into), we will see success we can all benefit from accross the country.

Now get back to doing your thing, my SwapGiant rant is over.....and I'll go back to doing my thing.
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New member
Thanks Joe

I have been a member of the firing line for awhile and will keep posting my guns here. But, if I have a need to sell a fishing rod, golf clubs, rings or other things in this bad economy I know a place I can go. THANKS TO THE FIRING LINE for their patriotism and support!


New member
Anyone wanting to help out?

Go to www.craigslist.com and look for ads in Barter or Sporting related to guns... click on their link and email something like this... I have not received one negative comment only thank you's and have watched Ohio ads increase on these other sites

Try posting it here (free) in ALL 50 STATES you will get more exposure -- many of us are going to the Firing Line, Swap Giant or other sites:) to avoid the FLAGGERS. Just a suggestion if you want to reach more folks in specific counties.


New member
SwapGiant.com rules!

I made a great trade tonight on SwapGiant.com
Just thought I'd pay my respects to the only site in my area that actually works and so easily. I am working a sweet deal on an AK, but tonoght actually wrapped one up for a motorcycle.
I'm done, just thought I should say, "It works!"


New member
273 guns in Ohio!

Check out the gun section on SwapGiant....ads are growing in other categories too, but the gun category is going crazy!


I myself have made two trades through this site, one gun and one other. It went smooth, love this new site. Everyone get out there and place ALL your ads through SwapGiant, guns or otherwise.....and keep this thread going so others will know, and tell your friends about SwapGiant.

I for one am excited to have a new place I can place my gun and other ads without being flagged within minutes...thanks for nothing CraigsList!
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New member
I posted an ad for a .22 caliber revolver

in the Colorado section of Swapgiant and I got my first reply today!


New member

sometimes I post an ad in CL to forward them to my SwapGiant ad since CL will flag my gun ads, and any other ads. it seems to work pretty well, plus you turn more people onto SwapGiant which ultimately helps us all at least have an ALTERNATIVE to CL if nothing else.
I have now passed this to more than ten people. All are trading guns on there. I have thought about offering some of my non-firearms things for free on there just to get exposure.


New member
be patient

I posted a few things on there too, guns and a motorcycle. I traded the motorcycle for a mountain bike and some cash, and the guns went even quicker. I'm considering my first time on SwapGiant a success and say just be patient.....it is getting bigger everyday. As it grows form the support of people like us, it's only gonna get better. Don't get me wrong.....love my firearms, but I actually like seeing some other things on there too....love my new mountain bike, that's for sure!



New member

Made 3 decent trades with some good folks -- everything went great all FTF no complaints. The guys showed up when we agreed upon and they did not misrepresent any items. Like the way this site is set up by county or State. You can scan only items within your county or State. Reduces the extra time searching for where someone is from for FTF only trades or buys.


New member
Posted a wanted ad...

looking for an inexpensive .22 revolver. About 2 days later got a response and I am about to be the proud owner of a Harrington and Richardson Model 929.

And I am spreading the word amongst all of my other firearms loving and wheeling and dealing friends.


New member
Ruger wagon with 44" wheels

Thanks for giving me a new favorite saying.

For woods walkin', I carry a Ruger wagon with 44" wheels. It carries six hunks of lead.


Might have to check out this swapgiant site.


New member
re: swapgiant trades

made another great trade yesterday on SwapGiant.com/Ohio...it really seems to be working, hopefully we can get some more of the other items on there too and in other areas of the country.



New member
BTT. I have never posted something simply to keep a thread alive..but as I have used swapgiant.com successfully..I can attest to the importance of having a gun friendly alternative to craigslist. Not sure if it warrants a sticky but definitely a btt.
My motivator for starting the resources link in the feedback section was to get swapgiant stickied somewhere:)
Check out the list quite a few have added to it. To add alink post it below and admins will update it.