Leftist Ebay & Craigslist has competition


New member

Finaly a site with out all the flaggers and leftist gun haters! will start posting everything at this site.


New member
I've bought quite a bit of shooting-related stuff off of Craigslist. Theres quite a bit of reloading gear for sale right now in the Bay Area.

Remember, its Craig Newmarks site. If he wants to have a "no skateboard" policy, hey, it's HIS site. Free enterprise, right?

That being said I've seen some cleverly obscured guns for sale on there. Locally (and this is the SF Bay Area, mind you) people are pretty good about not flagging parts, reloading gear, holsters, etc. And how hard is it to relist, cmon..


New member
ALL 50 States and Counties


SwapGiant has 146 guns now listed for sale in Ohio... I realize this is a new site but it does not have a leftist like jim buckmaster -- Possibly the only CEO ever described as anti-establishment, a communist, and a socialistic anarchist, since 2000 Jim has led craigslist to be the most used classifieds in any medium, and one of world's most popular websites, while maintaining its public service mission, non-corporate vibe, and staff of 20 or so.


I like the gun classifieds area here better than any other "Free" classifieds online. Also, we all do not have the access to classifieds in local newspapers online because MOST across the USA forbid it -- like Ebay & Craigslist. I would have to say that most have the mindset that craigslist & ebay are Ok... let the leftist earn their millions as long as I can make a little $$$

Salute Obama today as you log onto ebay or craigslist. I do not know Joe Denton (owner who started SwapGiant) -- but what I have read he has 5 boys and is a true American not out to make a fortune or condemn our 2nd amendment rights.

Those that want to support a site that supports the 2nd amendment may want to encourage their circle of friends to list their guns, cars, trucks, etc. on this new site.


New member
Tonight theres a Pedersoli Hawken with a 6x Leatherwood (period-style) scope on it for $1200. Nice but a bit pricey IMHO.
The Firing Line

One, I am really impressed with SwapGiant.com and will be supporting it and passing the site along to friends and family. Two, I just found about about firing line from one of the post I read on SwapGiant so I will be checking out this site often!

Read through this message and seems to be some really great people at this site. Hope you guys and dolls pass along the other site as well. I am not a big fan or either of the two sites mentioned in this log (ebay or CL).
New Guy

I know I am new here and hope I don't offend anyone, but, why can't we have more people like johnwilliamson062 "sent it to 7 or 8 gun loving internet savvy friends." I am not that internet savvy but I will get the word out as much as I can.

Hey you guys can sit back and watch it grow with us gun supporters or you can help out your state and pass the word...

kyle1974 "I just pulled up all listings for texas, and there are about 30 items in all categories for sale... in texas."
peetzakilla "40 items in the ENTIRE state of NY."
troy_mclure "there are 2 items in all of louisana"

Hope you guys can cheer up and be a little more posititve, our guns have not been taken yet.:D


New member
Yes, I too noticed that certain areas of SwapGiant don't have much to offer YET. However, I happen to know through reading the forum that it was started in Orange County, CA by word of mouth only, and only a few months ago. If you look in it's local area (Orange County, San Diego County, Los Angeles County), there are far more ads placed and by the looks of it, it's growing fast nationwide. Remember, taking down (for lack of better wording) the big boys like ebay and craigslist is no small task, especially keep in mind that CL has been around for something like 10 years...and SwapGiant is already creating a buzz in 3 or 4 months?

For me, I like the fact that SwapGiant absolutely caters to it's users and their requests and suggestions! What other site can claim that? Well OK, what other site actually DOES that?

I think there is definitely something unique about the mindset at SwapGiant. And while they might not be the "giant" just yet, look what's already happening in the Ohio gun scene....I love it!

I will recommend SG to EVERYONE I know for anything swappable (not just guns) and recommend you do the same...GOOD LUCK SWAPGIANT, WE'RE BEHIND YOU!


New member
I posted a rifle on criags list and shortly after that it was flaged! are we not to be tolerent of other views? others feelings?. I guess that is only for people with the same view point as them. At Swapgiant you are welcome to swap or sell what ever you want! EVEN GUNS.
Can the new guy ask some veterans for help?

Please help keep this message going so we can get more folks in other States to take an interest and post something... especially NON gun items. This SwapGiant is a free classifieds nationwide that supports our rights to own guns. I believe now is the time to support things like this -- especially after yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on Guys give the newbie a break -- lets keep this rolling until some States other than Ohio get involved!!!!!:confused:


New member
Hey guys, and hopefully girls. I am Joe, the creator of SwapGiant.com

After seeing the TREMENDOUS outpouring of support through the placing of your ads and all the supportive posts here, I felt it completely necessary to express not only my thanks for your overwhelming initial support, but to let you know that I plan on this site serving ALL of us.

One main reason for the creation of SG was the random flagging I faced at CraigsList. This won't happen at SG. You can file an abuse report, but an ad will not be deleted just because someone else feels that they have the power to dictate what we all see. CL'ers are gonna hate that, but they've had too much power for too long anyway.

If I continue at this point, I'll never stop...so check out the forum at SwapGiant if you want more info, have suggestions, just need somewhere to rant...whatever, it's YOUR site. I just wanted to make sure I let you all know that your kind words and support do not go unappreciated. Also, keep your eyes open....we've got a couple pretty cool changes coming to SG next week. And don't forget that you can use the live chat at SG to get better acquainted before a swap...It hasn't gotten much use yet, but it was also a suggestion from a user. I liked it, and I think it eventually will be a pretty cool way to communicate on our site.

Anyway, I am a PROUD American that believes we all have rights, and I believe in what we are doing here. As the tattoo covering my left arm (an American flag wrapped by a Cobra) says, "Don't Tread On ME."

PS.....Thanks to dyoun06 for spreading the word and helping to make this all possible for all of us!
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New member
I feel a bit upset here. At least craigslist does not lie to me as soon as I open the page and tell me I won a prize (stupid pop-ups). Also the only things I can purchase in my state are Pomerainiens and I hate those dogs.

You know what though, speaking of craigslist, people sell DRUGS (most likely against craigs policy) on there all the time. You just have to be creative. Like the ruger wagon with the 44" wheels. I think flooding it with creative messages advertising guns would be awesome. Awesome and fun!

I hope your site does well guys. I don't buy much from craigslist anyways and I will keep checking back and see how you guys are doing. Good luck.