Leftist Ebay & Craigslist has competition


New member
As most people are aware Ebay & Craigslist (who's CEO is a proud communist) forbid you to sell or buy guns on their site. Well I found out today that they have some competition: SWAPGIANT.COM They are free of charge like craigslist -- but you will never see this (Your posting has been flagged for removal) on their site. They are set up in all 50 States and even further broken down by County. PUT THE WORD OUT AND LETS PUT EBAY & CRAIGSLIST OUT OF BUSINESS.

I am knew to this website but was wondering if anyone has sold a gun on swapgiant, ever heard of it, ever sold anything on it. I hope we can help them support the 2nd ammendment! Appreciate any feedback. BTW: my county link to post guns is below.



flagging some of the postings is a good thing to minimize SPAM and other crap to filter out obvious scams.

isolating guns is ridiculous, but I foresee this new sight to be a link that you try to buy a mint .45 1911 and end up paypalling a hooker in south africa

maybe swap GIANT isn't such a good name just yet.... I just pulled up all listings for texas, and there are about 30 items in all categories for sale... in texas.
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New member

I checked out the site and you can limit your post to the County you live in for FTF trades/sales. I just don't know anyone that has sold anything on it...


that's the biggest problem is not many people will post their items on a site that has no traffic.

for guns I usually look at the thrifty nickel, or websites like this.

at least on forums like this you can "get to know" people a litle bit instead of making a blind call from a want ad....


New member
Hate to Disagree

I lived in Houston the past 8 years and just moved to Ohio recently. Never dealt much with craigslist (only firing line) but my Brother-in-law does constantly (deal on craigslist). Ebay & Craigslist is part of the problem with gun control/disarming us. I bought numerous guns at Carters Country off 59 South as well as the I-10 Store. Bought Guns at Gander Mountain in Rosenberg (right off 59). Never really knew the salesmen (accept one jerk at Carters Country)... all I got out of it is (other than good guns) was registering a weapon the government knows I have.

This new site just got started but look at some of the traffic in Cincy

Couple of these are mine... but if we get the word out hopefully people will abandon EBAY & CRAIGSLIST and other anti gun companies.

I have had a couple nice calls with people and plan a FTF sale this weekend. No I don't want to use The Firing Line to support competition against their site (i.e., The Firing Line Gun Show)... but it would be nice to have the good people of this site get the word out when they need to sell a car or boat or bed or even a gun?
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New member
NY we need you most of all

Keep getting the word out... 911 demonstrated the need for an armed militia (us) not the Reserves or Guards. Get the word out and close down EBAY & Craigslist -- commies.

Buy, Sell, swap whatever you don't need -- your junk is someones treasure.

Craigslist started the same way -- READ their founders statements bottom left page ABOUT


New member
Anyone else with exprience here

Can others provide some direction? Is this a company gun supporters should support. Ebay recently purchased a portion of craigslist stock and it will go the same way as Ebay.

Regular people could use a free site to post items for sale while they work through layoffs, hospital bills, etc. Ebay & Craigslist is not the solution --


New member

Just added to my classifieds... Just wanted to make sure everyone here knows my motive. I do not want to hurt the "Firing Line Gun Show" one bit. My goal would be to pass on sites like Swap Giant so we can start swapping, selling and trading items in places other than the two ultra liberal EBAY & Craigslist. I encourage you to post as many items in your county as possible -- things to sell other than just guns. Lets get this website jump started across the nation. I am tired of dealing with low lifes that run these companies and the low life "Flagger" that feel POWER over you when you post the dreaded killing machine (like the 22 ruger someone tried to sneak by the Craigslist Gestapo last week.


New member
Just sold my first 3 guns in Clermont

Obviously competition is good in America and having another site to sell your guns is never bad. I hope this site takes off and shuts down EBAY & CRAIGSLIST Lefties.... pass the word to sell all your stuff on www.swapgiant.com

And no I am not affiliated in anyway with this site. I learned about it from a poster that kept getting flagged on craigslist for selling guns. BTW: I try to push this site on craigslist for people wanting to sell guns and the ads are flagged usually in the 1st ten minutes.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Selectively edited for clarity ...

Obviously competition is good ...and having another site ... is never bad. I hope this site ... shuts down EBAY & CRAIGSLIST ...

Obviously. Sometimes the logic I read here just astounds me.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Not so much an irony. Pretty sure Sarah Brady is still a Republican.

There is a long list of Republicans that think this country is a democracy and are not conservative in their thinking.


New member
I still use ebay and so do others that despise some of their numerous policies. Why, because I sell alot of my stuff that is for a very narrow audience of buyers and I need the high profile to put more money in the bank. I have found it is much better to be a seller than a buyer there, even with the scthinkeng fees. More power to this other new list, but they need advertising, exposure and word of mouth from happy users to get to be more than another obscure website.