Laser usefullness?


New member
Just adding my experience regarding Lasers and Red dots. This involves knocking down 5 bowling pins in doors and being timed.

I found that I could find the dot faster with the laser because it shows up no matter where you point it. If the dot is 3 feet to the left it will show up there no matter where my head is at. I found that using the red dot the time to my first shot was a little longer because I had to first get the dot in the site (lining up the gun and my head), then put the dot on the target.

Now I am new to both of these (laser and red dot) but to me that means that the laser got me better, quicker... I'm sure that with some more practice, I could through the red dot up and consistently get the dot in the site, but even then I don't see any advantage of the dot over the laser....

I also see that most people that don't like lasers have not put 1/10th of the effort into training with a good one as they have their sights, but immediately call them toys and junk.... Yet somehow, I can put much less time practicing with mine and already surpass my speed with irons (not that I'm all that with irons, but still)


New member
Useful for training, especially to learn how to be a point shooter. Teach those muscles what you want them to know.

That said, one of my favorite gun toys is a "Laser Blaster." When you dry fire, it puts a momentary red dot where the muzzle was pointing. Nothing like zapping a doorknob from 20 feet away on the western quickdraw!

Bob Munden, I ain't..., but I can pretend! :D


New member
The biggest problem I see with LASERs is their cost. For the same $389 + tax that Top Glock would charge me for a C.T. LASER for my P220 I could load over 5000 rounds to train with my iron sights. I'd rather go to the range and shoot.

If somebody sold me a set for $100 I'd try them, but $400 is too much.


New member
Practically speaking, there is no justification for laser sights on a handgun. The main result is an unweildy gun, that you have to think about before bringing it into play. That delay could well get you killed. Never forget the KISS principle.

Another salient point, is that in daylight, the laser is totally useless.

Thats my take. The industry shills are of course, spouting a different line.


New member
Mannlicher - Do you ever go outside when the sun isn't up? You don't like LASERs and you don't like flashlights which doesn't leave you many options. Do you plan to only have an armed engagement if you're opponent is standing under a street lamp? What do you use, a Bic lighter?:confused:


New member
Actually IMO, Crimson Trace is right on the money!

A projectile sight such as a laser slows nothing down whatsoever with the exception of "point and shoot" which any sight does including iron sites!

For those of you who don't have one, take a laser pen if have one, put it your your hand and quickly draw on target. It's instantly there! In addition, your eyes never leave the target! Now, if you can't point strait you have bigger problems! :p

Actually, in a close quarters defensive situation you should be using a sight plane anyway intsead of trying focus thru sights. The appearence of a dot on target can only help you in this sitation.

The key to anything is training and practice!

Take this situation, lets say you're hit but still could shoot? You may have a heck of time even getting a sight plane, but if you can cop a dot on target from any position, you have an advantage you wouldn't have had.

BTW, any guesses why they are not allowed for use in hunting? ;) That's right, you got it!

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays

Shawn Dodson


Thanks for your thoughtful and considerate response.

Having absolutely no training in laser sight usage by a qualified, professional trainer, I'll defer to your expertise and take you up on your offer. I've trained as Marty's FAS, although not with Marty himself.

Would you kindly E-mail your contact information to me at I'll give you a call and I'll clarify my concerns with you.

I may not be able to get together with you right away, perhaps as late as April '03, as I'm preparing to leave on business travel in early January to the UK for several weeks, and shortly after my return I'll be on the road to the East Coast for a few more weeks.

I'm looking forward to having you prove your claims to me.

Lord Grey Boots

New member
"Agreed wholeheartedly but my understanding ( poor & limited as it is ) is that due to Federal regs that limits the power output of the unregulated lasers. If you expand the dot you decrease the intensity of the dot. Assuming the dot is normally 1/8" you would have to enlarge it by a factor of 16. I believe that this would reduce the intensity by a factor of 256. I do not believe that it would be bright enought at that point to be useful. "

Hmm. A Surefire 3P light would have enough power. Just need to focus the beam down to a tight beam. But would it be a laser at that point?


New member
"I was drawing the parallel between both lasers and red-dots both putting the sight on the target."
Unfortunately, they do not both do this. Lasers do, red-dots do not.


They both allow the sight to be put on target, one projects the beam onto the target, one has no beam to project. But, they both do allow this, as do iron sights.

This is what he meant but, i see the way he worded it, it would be easy to misinterpret. ;)



New member
The main result is an unweildy gun, that you have to think about before bringing it into play

That is the whole beauty of the laser grip set up, you don't have to think about anything, just pull and point and the laser will appear.

I did not like any other system that required some sort of "on/off" switch. The laser grips turn on with a natural grip of the gun and require no special training (well to turn them on anyway). No other laser system (that I am aware of) can do that....


Laser Devices BA-2 lasers have a momentary switch which is affixed to the front strap with velcro. It operates with a natural gripping of the gun. The external wire has never got in the way of anything...


New member
Crimson Trace,

Thanks, called this AM and talked with Paul B. Not only did I order the "Shots in the Dark" video but was able to use the other coupons for a free LDTD and Ballcap! And, to top it off no S&H! You don't see that very often.

To those that Dis these lasers let me tell you they are not your fathers lasers. They are quality, and as said before they are easily found for much cheaper if you search a little. I was able to get mine for $179 (SP101) through Special order through Cabella's and with the $25 good customer coupon I got it for $154

Thanks again Mike and Merry Xmas!:D


New member
Laser Devices BA-2 lasers have a momentary switch which is affixed to the front strap with velcro. It operates with a natural gripping of the gun. The external wire has never got in the way of anything...

ok, so I stand corrected.... :)

I forgot about those switches....