Kimber's New SIS 1911 Pistols


New member
The LAPD's SIS Kimbers are Series II. The civilian versions are Series I w/o the firing pin safety.

There is a cynic in me who believes Kimber did that deliberately, not to appease FPS haters but to make sure these weapons couldn't be commercially sold in California.


New member
Old California

From what I have been told Kimber like a few other firearm Mfg.s they just did not feel like giving California the many handguns that the State requires for them to do their so called safety tests of any new handgun.:rolleyes:


New member
Kimber 1911

I am the proud owner of a Kimber Stainless Target 2 in .45 acp. Other than the Hogue Grips and front night sights nothing else can be done to mod this pistol. It has a match barrel from the factory. Just for kicks one day I was at the rifle range and wanted to check bullet drop at 100 yards firing .45 +p rounds. Absolutely no drift from the wind and if I aim for your head I will hit your chest. This gun is awesome and well worth the big money.



New member
The Kimber SIS doesn't seem to much better if at all to their other 1911's like the TLE which is issued to LAPD SWAT. From what I've read and heard the stardard issue pistol for the LAPD SIS is actually the Glock 21SF (used to be the S&W 4506) and the Kimber SIS pistol is simply an approved pistol. The SIS see more action (gunfights) than LAPD SWAT and tend to rely on their pistols more.

And I agree. The SA TRP is a better 1911 than either the Kimber TLE or SIS.
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New member
I think it's hillarious that a "plain clothes undercover unit" would carry a pistol with it's acronym on the slide large enough to read from across the street. I hope that that this undercover LAPD unit works from afar so that nobody notices the advertisement on the slide.

Just think "HOLLYWOOD" and that will explain a LOT! Undercover may use Gucci sunglasses as well.


New member
Whoever made the decision to put "SIS" on the slide was an unfortunate decision. According to this article it was Kimber that decided to market them this way not the LAPD, though of course anything you read in the media esp. the L.A. Times should be taken with a heavy dose of salt. It shouldn't necessarily reflect negatively on the men and women of the SIS who only go after the most hardened and dangerous criminals in this city. They've been embroiled in a lot of controversy in the past with civil rights groups and politicians accusing them of being too trigger happy with hardened criminals. (like thats a bad thing) Though today civic leaders have supposedly reigned them in a bit. But it is L.A., they may have wear Gucci sunglasses and Prada shoes to blend in sometimes.:rolleyes:
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New member
I recall reading on one of the firearm blogs that Kimber stopped accepting orders for the SIS line on 1/2010.

Happy with my DW CBOB and SA MC Operator (NM) which is a nice value if you can’t afford the TRP. :)

