Kimber's New SIS 1911 Pistols


New member
Sturm - what model Kimber did u pull that disconnector from??? I once got to shoot, play around with a buddy's Springer Eclipse (or whatever the name is for the one the the polished sides and black curves) and I was unimpressed with it's fit ( I guess made in Brazil). My Kimber is way tighter. I do not want to start a Kimber vs whatever post here but I have had a good experience. I do really want a TRP (made in US I think) b/c I know it is a better build of Springer and it looks awesome. I just wish someone would make a 1911 with these slide serrations. I would walk out my door right now and get one. And I already own a 945-1.


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New member
I just wish someone would make a 1911 with these slide serrations. I would walk out my door right now and get one.

Ed Brown does something similar with the Kobra and I believe Ned Christianson will do them as well.


New member
I just wish someone would make a 1911 with these slide serrations.

Kimber knock off of Ed Brown.......


And Kimber makes the Eclipse.


New member
Although I have tons of respect for Ed Brown, I don't like the serrations on the Kobra too much and I hate the looks of that Kimber knock off! But I'm biased because to me the 945 is the best looking handgun ever created. Just not the same as a 1911.


New member
There are two types of Springfields.

1) The serial number begins with "N" are made and assembled in Brazil. These are the entry level guns sold in the $500-$800 prince range which include all of the GI models and Loaded models.
2) The serial number begins with the "NM" prefix. These have raw forgings made in Brazil then the slides and frames are imported to Springfield USA where all final machining and assembly are done. These start in the $1,200 price range and go up from there. The TRP is at the entry point.

The Brazilian made guns come no where NEAR the quality in terms of the over all fit and finish as the USA made guns. If you're going to buy a Springfield, buy a mid-tier gun on up to the full customs. Springfields custom shop is one of the best in the country.

Kimber has no real "custom shop". You can get drop in parts done and various off the sheet finishes done by Kimber, but if you want true custom work (unique slide length, bushingless design, special checkering, etc) they can't do it as they don't have a real custom shop.


New member
The Raptor (commonly referred to a "craptor" by many people) is a joke. You're right, it's a cheap knock off of the Ed Brown Kobra.


The only problem is this is what a Raptor looks like on the inside after a little use:


This is what an Ed Brown looks like after a couple years of use:


There's no comparison.


New member
Craptor...hahah. Never heard that one.

I'm glad my eyes are bigger than my wallet, so I too, will have a NICE 1911.

Sturm, what are your opinions on the DW Bobtail?


New member
I think the DW CBOB is a great gun for the money. When I bought mine I was looking to go the cheap route before buying my Ed Brown Kobra Carry. To be honest, I preferred the Ed Brown (for obvious reasons) but the DW for the money is a GREAT buy.


New member

Sturm is that Raptor an aluminum frame or steel? That is the one thing i despise about my Kimber is the stinking firing pin safety. If I look at my 1911 it has the same gouge but to a lesser degree. Does the SIS have that feature?? I'm pretty sure that some of the Kimbers don't but I think that is only the warrior/desert warrior.


New member
The Raptor is steel surprisingly.

I don't part with guns very often, so you'll either have to wait for me to die or kill me and hope you're in the will. :D


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Simply Amazing

In my quest to find another pistol that rivals my 945 in looks. I was just looking on S&W's website and found this..... wait a minute I think that I'm crying...

All that I can say is that I love it. I just wish I had 2 g's laying around somewhere. Has anyone had the chance to handle or fire one of these????? I guess I should start a new post.


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New member
I don't understand why S&W feels it necessary to use that looooooooong external extractor, when just about everyone has gone to EE...I think it takes away from the looks of it.


New member
Can I be in your will? Better yet, just let me know if you ever decide to part with any of your pistols. The collection is nice.


New member
It's a Springfield TRP.
That's my pistol! I must say, you have very good tastes. :)

There's something about the names Kimber and SIS that goes together though. I still have a Clackamas Kimber but traded a CDP Ultra for a Colt and both do have machine marks. Neither the Springer or Colt does and both of those have run 100% with a few hiccups from the Kimbers. I also don't like Kimber's policy of a break in period, if they need it, that should be their job.