Kel-tec for ccw


Keltecs are great pistols, but usually require a little bit of break in.
I've had three P11s and all functioned fine. I would caution against the P11 for a person with weak grip strength or little handgun experience. The trigger is long and heavy and they are not pistols that are easy for a novice to shoot.

I have seen ALOT of women struggle with racking the slide on semiautos. If your wife is an active woman who works with her hands it likely won't be a problem, but if she is an office type that doesn't engage in much physical activity she may struggle with many semiautos.

I had to try a couple different pistols before I gave up and got my ex wife a revolver, she just wasn't strong enough to safely chamber a round on a makarov or krltec and couldn't shoot the keltec eveb after chambered it for her.

With revolvers there is no possibility of a limp wrist malfunction, and clearing a malfunction is easier.


New member
I had a PF9

It was a good little gun, never jammed if I recall correctly. Only reason I sold it was because it kicked too hard for my wife so she was afraid to practice with it. I liked it though.