Kay Jeweler's - Really?

Actually - that's not correct.
Well prior to that,in 1999, there was the highly succssful boycott of Kmart over the treatment of Tom Selleck by the "queen of nice" (Rosie O'Donnell).

Sorry, I thought we were talking about gun rights issues. Kmart had not restricted carry or anything of the like. So they got rid of Rosie. That really didn't change any stance or policy of Kmart itself on the selling of guns or allowing customers to carry guns. In fact, Rosie's stance was contrary to Kmart's operating position. Generally, businesses don't keep spokespeople who badmouth their products.

Kevin Rohrer

New member
“No person shall carry, possess, have under the person’s control, convey or attempt to convey a firearm, concealed firearm, dangerous ordinance, handgun, or deadly weapon on or onto this land, parking lot or premises.”

Be sure and let them know.

Old Stony

New member
Boycotts just don't seem to work. I think maybe people are just not fervent enough about their desires to follow thru. Case in point is Cheaper than dirt and how many people were upset with them about their rip offs during the ammo shortage. I don't know if the fervor over them even effected their bottom line, but I doubt it. People soon forget....
We have a gas station here in town that is always about a dime higher than everyone else and now and then there is talk about everyone boycotting him, but it never happens. There are always cars sitting at the pumps there filling up. As much as we would like to make a statement..it just doesn't happen.


New member
I have read several reports on a local forum of small, local businesses in rural areas removing their signs after being informed that they were losing customers. I doubt they work well for national chains because they have a much wider customer base.

I have heard insurance people claim they don't know of any company that requires the signs. I've also heard business owners say they have never been told to put up signs by their insurance company. I would be interested to hear from business owners or insurance people about this issue. Are the signs part of an insurance policy, or is that what anti-gun business owners tell gun owners to appear the victim?

Deja vu

New member
Locally there was a small mom and pop drug store/candy shop that put up a similar sign. After about 2 months they took it down. But Idaho is pretty progun and the area I live is probably more progun than most of Idaho. Most adults I know locally open carry.