is a mini 14 good enough?


When I say a rifle will shoot 1.5 MOA it refers to the RIFLE only. That would be determined by locking it into a lead sled mechanical stand and shooting it without any wind or other factors influencing the path of the bullet. A rifle's accuracy is a function solely of the group size of the bullets leaving a rifle when all other variables are removed. It depends on barrel harmonics, rifling, muzzle crown, etc.

1) The type of sites is irrelevant because using any type of sites would mean that someone is aiming, which would bring into play the shooters marksmenship.

2) The percentage of casual shooters that can shoot a 1 MOA group is very small.

3) If a marksmen that is capable of shooting a 1 MOA group shoots is with a 1 MOA rifle, the group size will be 2 MOA. Group size is determined by a combination of accuracy error of the rifle and shooter.

4) Someone that shoots a 1" group can do so by shooting a 1/2 MOA rifle with 1/2 MOA accuracy.

maybe that explains it better.


the OP is miss informed.... I'll bet anything the Appleseed he goes to will be shooting at 25 yards... Standard AQT target with varying sized silhouettes on it. A mini-14, even an old one, will do fine at this distance..

No he isn't. He's attending something called a "Rifleman's Boot Camp" or RBC. Not a 2-day class... this one is a full week. It's a different event than an Appleseed weekend.

The first 1-2 days are spent at 25 meters.

The remainder of the class is spent at real distance.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I dunno nuthin' 'bout the new Minis. All I know is the early models. They aren't target rifles. However, for hunting, they're as good as any other .223 on the market--in my personal experience, which includes several ARs and bolt actions and all that half-MOA stuff.

The first shot reliably goes to the point of aim, and that's all that matters for a hunter.


New member
Never shot an Appleseed event, but I've shot many CNGB matches witch are similar, being they are both shot at 25 yards and on the same targets. We used USGI M-16A1s with 22 sub cal devices and they worked. I also worked with some Alaska Native (National Guard) shooting the same course of fire only using M16a1s and M-193 Ball, they worked quite well.

I've been around Mini 14s for a while, I think they would work for the 25 Yard Appleseed shoots but I'm not sure I'd go that route for 500 yards.

Does anyone here have any experience with one beyond 100 yards?

When the Anchorage Police department started their SWAT (they call it SRT) team I did the rifle training for them. They had Mini 14s and they didn't work worth a hoot at extended ranges (passed 100 yards). They weren't even close past 300.

Also before you let someone tell you to go to heavier bullets, find out the twist on your rifle 1-12s or slower wont cut it past 55 Grains.

As far as Army M-16s (we were using A1s, the A2s and later are much better for long range) I've shot several Combat Rifle KD matches, they worked good to 400 using the 55 grn M193 Ball. I've even shot a few High Power Matches up to 600 and didn't do too bad. Never saw anyone using a Mini 14 in a high power match that had any luck.

But again, the Mini 14 at Appleseed's reduced ranges would suite you good enough.


New member
But again, the Mini 14 at Appleseed's reduced ranges would suite you good enough.

If you score enough on your AQT, you'll be required to shoot at 200, 300, and 400 yards with your weapon to test your skills.


New member
ive only shot my ruger out to 400yrds. not real sure about 600. i have shot at those distances with 55gr.fmj, 60gr. and 69gr. sierra's with good results. the range i shoot at is 400yrds. and i always let my rifles stretch their legs. cant say my groups are noteworthy, but im on target. good enough at that range.


New member
In the fall when it cools off, I am going clear off 400yds and test it out, too hot for all that work:( bet I'll miss LOL