In this edition of the Search for MY perfect 1911 ...


Not wanting to stir the pot, but my pre-CZ DW has a 3.5# factory trigger. It can be adjusted up or down, but this is the Factory setting.

Now, in all fairness it's techincally a Target gun, but it can and will be carried as a defensive pistol(as they all could be).

Pre CZ guns are basically custom shop guns. At that time Bob Serva ran the 1911 shop at CZ and they were very limited in their production numbers. I would not consider those production guns. Which model was it. Target guns often have lighter trigger. The CBOB is a defense gun, it is a commander.

Todays CZ/DW are rolling off the line as fast as they can make them short of the Valor which is at the semi-custom level which is why you can't find one on the shelf.

Lou if it was only one misstep in this thread and your other 1911s threads I would let it go but you have shown time and time again you have more time and money then sense.

Les Bear custom $2500 to a Taurus because the guy at the shop said it was great.

You did not know the difference or advantage of a forged vs cast frame.

You compared an acceptable rifle trigger weight to a defense gun trigger weight.

Not sure about internal or external extractors?

What makes me laugh even more is that you have not actually shot any of these guns you are considering. You are basing your opinion on holding them in a shop and what other people tell you. Unlike you other members here on the fourm actually own some of these guns you are looking at. Amazingly some have even shot them. Imagine that. Yet if someone disagrees with what you have been told or what you believe you refute and dismiss it.

Good luck on the 1911 search I am still pulling for the Taurus.
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New member
You write a good yarn in your desperation to prove your not the guy you come off as. Lots more embellishment too. Congratulations on proving my point about you.

You know what makes me laugh ? In addition to your changing the points to suit your cockeyed arguments is your avoidance of answering questions that point to your going off half cocked.

When I'm looking for opinions , I don't need the ones from guys like you that prove the old saying about opinions and *******s.

Now do me a favor and please never respond to my posts again.


New member
Both internal and external can work just fine. Internal extractors from production 1911s are often tensioned incorrectly and need to be adjusted to get acceptable feed reliability.

From an aesthetic standpoint, I prefer internal, that's just personal taste.

In terms of finding the perfect 1911, there is no production 1911 that would be the perfect gun for me. The perfect gun for me would be one that was built to my specifications by a craftsman. I think expecting a "perfect" 1911 from a production line is a fool's errand -- there are just too many different variations for a manufacturer to make every choice that you would.


New member
There isn't one that is perfect for everyone. In reality you won't end up buying just one anyway. So find one you like, shoot the heck out of it, and then buy the next one.

I love my 25 year old stainless Springer Loaded just as much as my Kimber Gold Match and Tactical Pro. The real gem I have is my mid-80s real blued Springer with 4 inched bushed barrel on an Officer's sized frame...


You write a good yarn in your desperation to prove your not the guy you come off as. Lots more embellishment too. Congratulations on proving my point about you.

You know what makes me laugh ? In addition to your changing the points to suit your cockeyed arguments is your avoidance of answering questions that point to your going off half cocked.

When I'm looking for opinions , I don't need the ones from guys like you that prove the old saying about opinions and *******s.

Now do me a favor and please never respond to my posts again.

Hey at least I have shot the 1911s I am talking about. :)


New member
Pre CZ guns are basically custom shop guns. At that time Bob Serva ran the 1911 shop at CZ and they were very limited in their production numbers. I would not consider those production guns. Which model was it. Target guns often have lighter trigger. The CBOB is a defense gun, it is a commander.
Thanks for the info Rellascout, I'm still learning about this gun, as vert little info is available, it is a PM10B(number 52 of 300 or so). It's a Pointman Major(target).

II would actually advise listening to Rellascouts advice, I have been here awhile, and he really does provide some useful advise, especially on 1911's. Not trying to be his schill, just calling a spade a spade.


New member
He certainly nailed the "no way a bobtail could ever possibly have a less than 4lb trigger" ... That thumb must be flat by now.