In a pickle?


orig posted by Hunter Rose So maybe we should drop discussion of this one lil' issue for now?

Yeah That!..... +1 .....and I agree HR!
It's always the same folks who bring it up anyway!.
Let's find less confrontational and more "common ground" subjects like religion and politics!:eek: :D :D



Kennedy and Clinton are more worried about two boys getting married then paying our vets and families what the deserve on and off the battle field! It's sickening!
Protecting freedom at home is equally as important as protecting freedom afar. I don't understand what makes people here believe that the Republicans want les government when the issue you just brought up is a perfect example of government intrusion on personal interaction. Telling two people they are not allowed to marry is no less "facist" or whatever term you want to use than taking your tax dollars to pay for some illegal's liposuction.

Your Republicans are no more likely to help out those vets and lower our taxes than the Democrats. They both want our money and want to spend it in ways that give them more control. The only people who are going to get tax cuts are the upper classes and profitable businesses.


New member
The Republicans have increased funding for veterans programs, but they are still underfunded according to many veterans groups and other persons. We are in the middle of a war where 30-50 thousand people have been added to the VA Rolls and more are being added everday.

The Republican controlled Congress voted down an increase in VA Funds to shore up mental health treatment the first time around. We can send billions to Iraq it seems but this administration can't ensure adequate funding so that the veterans fighting this war can get adequate treatment.

The VA had to go back to Congress recently to ask for more money.

When I was overseas serving in this "War on Terrorism" Bush and Cheney wanted to cut back on allowances to soldiers who were deployed.

As a veteran and former troop, I dont think this administration has our back 100%.

So dont lay the whole blame at Democrats feet. You might want to look at actual votes in Congress before you make a statement that X&Y dont vote to take care of our troops.


wildcard-so it was due to the rebublican diligence a decade prior that allowed the national debt to become national savings when klinton took office? starting the month after removing the first bush??? I dunno, after looking at that chart and listening to your regurgitated "but WE lowered your taxes" speech...I gotta call bull****. Numbers don't tell the whole truth but they're enough to see what happend once control changed hands...then back again.

also redworm: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini
that's the only context I use the term 'fascism'. and if we're not living in a fascist nation based upon that previous definition, I don't know what is. C'mon, by having cheney as 2nd in command (after rove) isn't that what ole benito was talking about? To a T?


New member
Excellent debate! Something I enjoy at TFL, right or wrong, even though Im right all the time:p

Seriously, the piper is fast on the way, we have blown so much money and cranked up our debt it's almost incomprehensible. Millions of us baby bommers are on our way to retire+health care, and billions going to thousands of social programs, many which fail with little to show for, and cost increasing daily. Something will have to give.

I'll vote for the ones who cut these wastefull programs, lower taxes and LEAVE MY GUNS ALONE!
The dems will only propose confiscating more of the free peoples money. At least thats all they have done up till now. Hillary, Kennedy, Feinstein can't wait to dictate more gun control laws and more tax money to do it with!


Carbiner,unfortunately the current spending by this Rep. Adm./Congress is threatening your freedoms much more than taking a poor person to lunch. I wish you were as outraged at the corporated welfare system and the free ride many companies get by not paying any taxes. These aren't Dem projects!
A deficit like this is fiscally irresponsible and will submarine this economy for sure. Watch and learn! You'll need a dump truck full of $$ just to buy a gun if this doesn't change very soon. How many responsible American households would be allowed to function this way?
Remember this...The ones currently incharge of the "gov't piggie bank" are the same folks that brought us Shock,Awe, and AHHHHHHHHH! now what!"
His first Sec Treas. O'Neil
tried telling him but GWB was downta ranch in Tejes that month!
..and wait until the interest rates go back to normal and miliions who got into homes for "zero down" can no longer make those outrageous payments!
In case you haven't noticed there are more folks making less money and working two jobs that ever!
That ain't the fault of anyone but the current Adm and Congress!



New member
Rimrock I agree that spending has become down right scary! Like I said in a previous post something has to give. At the same time though, dems had a great opportunity to jump in and sound off about the Bush and friends wild spending spree from hell long ago. Instead they waited. I would love to see the dems come up with a constructive solution to the problem, and if they did I'll bet most of America would sit up and listen. Today I see Al Gore and Russ Feingold bashing bush some more and everyone is sick of it.

We need solutions!


Give the Boot to Dean, Clinton (both of them), Gore, Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, Schummer, Feinstein, Boxer, Leahy, Nagel, and Kennedy (this is not a finished list, just a start). Then, and only then, will I consider voting for a Democrat. And that consideration would have to do with the Democrat stance on the 2A.


I would love to see the dems come up with a constructive solution to the problem, and if they did I'll bet most of America would sit up and listen. Today I see Al Gore and Russ Feingold bashing bush some more and everyone is sick of it.

We need solutions!

Carbiner,Hard to argue with MOST of that! I agree that Dems need to stand up put up or get out!

As to Dems bashing the great basher it's only going to get worse. Something rare happened within the past couple of weeks with this Dubai deal.
The rank and file found the key to the executive washroom and are flushin' like they haven't in years!
They've become enpowered, as they say! The Bush Monarchy is in that washroom flusher. They're done!...second term exhaustion and stagnation have taken over now. The neocons are up to their collective butts in alligators and someone just turned out the lights. Karl doesn't plot well when engaged in saving his own butt.
Now what?....Will Dems fail as badly as the Reps have or will they learn by this calamity of errors. It soon will be their turn ...We'll see!
Americans are a forgiving bunch unless they feel they've been played as fools!
