In a pickle?


New member
Life and people are not that simple.

I am. If the candidate is not pro life, I won't (can't realy) vote for them. If they push socialism (Clinton heath care for example), I won't (can't realy) vote for them. This doesn't mean I support the out of control spending by our current administration, or the lack of border security they are unwilling to change. It simply means I can not justify (to myself) voting for any candidate who doesn't believe in the sanctity of human life and the principles of freedom and free enterprise. I am not saying you are wrong or judging anybody else, I simply vote my beliefs and hope everybody else does to. This is the way our system is dedigned. But yes, I realy am that simple. I believe there is right and wrong and very llittle in between.


I am. If the candidate is not pro life, I won't (can't realy) vote for them. If they push socialism (Clinton heath care for example), I won't (can't realy) vote for them. This doesn't mean I support the out of control spending by our current administration, or the lack of border security they are unwilling to change. It simply means I can not justify (to myself) voting for any candidate who doesn't believe in the sanctity of human life and the principles of freedom and free enterprise. I am not saying you are wrong or judging anybody else, I simply vote my beliefs and hope everybody else does to. This is the way our system is dedigned. But yes, I realy am that simple. I believe there is right and wrong and very llittle in between.

No problem with that! Black & white is just that!
Sanctity of life extends to the death penalty and extends to sending our finest to their deaths in a war which had nothing to do with our security or defense.
And a health care system which only regonizes those with the ability to pay!
My guts won't let me go that way! I'm glad!



I am. If the candidate is not pro life, I won't (can't realy) vote for them. If they push socialism (Clinton heath care for example), I won't (can't realy) vote for them. This doesn't mean I support the out of control spending by our current administration, or the lack of border security they are unwilling to change. It simply means I can not justify (to myself) voting for any candidate who doesn't believe in the sanctity of human life and the principles of freedom and free enterprise. I am not saying you are wrong or judging anybody else, I simply vote my beliefs and hope everybody else does to. This is the way our system is dedigned. But yes, I realy am that simple. I believe there is right and wrong and very llittle in between.

No problem with that! Black & white is just that!
Sanctity of life extends to the death penalty and extends to sending our finest to their deaths in a war which had nothing to do with our security or defense.
And a health care system which only regonizes those with the ability to pay!
My guts won't let me go that way! I'm glad!



I am. If the candidate is not pro life, I won't (can't realy) vote for them. If they push socialism (Clinton heath care for example), I won't (can't realy) vote for them. This doesn't mean I support the out of control spending by our current administration, or the lack of border security they are unwilling to change. It simply means I can not justify (to myself) voting for any candidate who doesn't believe in the sanctity of human life and the principles of freedom and free enterprise. I am not saying you are wrong or judging anybody else, I simply vote my beliefs and hope everybody else does to. This is the way our system is dedigned. But yes, I realy am that simple. I believe there is right and wrong and very llittle in between.

No problem with that! Black & white is just that!
Sanctity of life extends to the death penalty and extends to sending our finest to their deaths in a war which had nothing to do with our security or defense.
And a health care system which only regonizes those with the ability to pay!
My guts won't let me go that way! I'm glad!



New member
So lets cut health care to illegals if theirs such a bad health care problem. Lets stop paying for sex change surgury, NPR, NEA. America can't afford any more Clinton progams.

Kennedy and Clinton are more worried about two boys getting married then paying our vets and families what the deserve on and off the battle field! It's sickening!

If the dems would stop housing child rapists and helping them get jobs, we could take care of our retired folks. Crack heads having kids and our inner cities are turning into hell holes and money pits. I thought the liberal dems had this figured out, they raised our taxes high enough and created 1000s of social programs!

Hunter Rose

New member
Rimrock: please move the selector switch from "burst" to "semi"... ;)

>The Republicans have the moral high ground in regard to homosexuality...<

Really? According to who's morals, I have to ask...


"Kennedy and Clinton are more worried about two boys getting married then paying our vets and families what the deserve on and off the battle field! It's sickening!"

Wait a sec, I thought it was the republican agenda to act like gay people don't have rights...weren't there a bunch of veteran's services cuts in the latest bunch of ever-so-cruicial program cuts? check ur facts dude


Orig post by Hunter Rose Rimrock: please move the selector switch from "burst" to "semi"...
:D :D :D
Now that not only shows a sense of humor but very creative!:D
The truth is I had a FTF the first time so I fired another round. I couldn't figure out how to delete.
Sombody hand me the extinguisher and I'll put this mama out!:eek:


Hunter Rose

New member
>Kennedy and Clinton are more worried about two boys getting married then paying our vets and families what the deserve on and off the battle field! It's sickening!<

Welcome to the modern world. Unfortunately, vets and servicemen (and their families) have been getting shafted in this country for ages (Bonus Army, anyone?)...

>If the dems would stop housing child rapists and helping them get jobs, we could take care of our retired folks. Crack heads having kids and our inner cities are turning into hell holes and money pits. I thought the liberal dems had this figured out, they raised our taxes high enough and created 1000s of social programs!<

You can NOT expect the Democrats to remove social entitlement programs: they'd be slitting their political throats if they did at this point. Of course, I'm not seeing any major changes under the Republicans...

The one mantra I keep hearing on the boards is "the republicans are the party for gun owners!". This is hogwash: they're the party of not raping us beyond the status quo. If they want MY vote in a presidential election again, they need to actually DO something for us (the AWB doesn't count: they just needed to sit on their hands). Otherwise, I may vote Libertarian, I may abstain from voting for POTUS...


New member
There was a time when the Government served the people and not the other way around, or did I just dream that. For now picking the lessor of two evils is my only choice :mad: Any political party that can support and justify murdering the unborn does not have my vote. And I can not trust such a party to make any logical decision.


orig post by carbiner >Kennedy and Clinton are more worried about two boys getting married then paying our vets and families what the deserve on and off the battle field! It's sickening!<
I don't think their the ones obsessing over that issue. But me thinks someone here is!

Further how come the party of "support the troops" hasn't brought the vets benes up to an acceptable level. They are in total control of the credit card...they've spent more on less? Wazupwidat?

If the dems would stop housing child rapists and helping them get jobs, we could take care of our retired folks. Crack heads having kids and our inner cities are turning into hell holes and money pits. I thought the liberal dems had this figured out, they raised our taxes high enough and created 1000s of social programs!

Clinton and the Rep congress pretty much dismantled entitlement programs back in the day! It was in all the papers!
Yeah! Let's quit housing "them" child rapists and "puttem" in the work place where they belong!:eek:

orig post by Hunter RoseThe one mantra I keep hearing on the boards is "the republicans are the party for gun owners!". This is hogwash: they're the party of not raping us beyond the status quo. If they want MY vote in a presidential election again, they need to actually DO something for us (the AWB doesn't count: they just needed to sit on their hands). Otherwise, I may vote Libertarian, I may abstain from voting for POTUS...

Can't disagree with that! The presence of a third party like the entry of a third vendor always helps the consumer. If the Reps didn't restore our gun rights after 8 yrs of their total control then what will?
Sounds like sell out at ol Rimrock!



New member
The dems are already cutting their own throats, and dems will never cut social programs.

Bill Clinton (gawd I hate typing that name) signed the largest federal tax increase ever, had hud housing searched for firearms and enacted the most restrictive and silly gun bans known to America. Face the facs, dems are socialist tyrants posing as though they like America. The democrats have brought America more social ills and stupid gun control laws, which b the way have = more social criminal problems, thanks dems!

Democrats should dig in their own pockets to finance every other loser in this country. Which we seem to have an ever growing supply of now. I agree the conservatives have done a poor job, they have had an oppertunity to carry out Ronald Reagans great works (now he was a great president) You can't build up the weak by tearing down the strong!


New member
No, I don't want child molesters working at my place of employment. I don't want them in my community and the tax money wasted on child rapists should be given back to the parens and rehab of THE KIDS!

What will the poor child rapists do? They new well ahead of time, TOO BAD.

Hunter Rose

New member
>Bill Clinton (gawd I hate typing that name) signed the largest federal tax increase ever, had hud housing searched for firearms and enacted the most restrictive and silly gun bans known to America. Face the facs, dems are socialist tyrants posing as though they like America. The democrats have brought America more social ills and stupid gun control laws, which b the way have = more social criminal problems, thanks dems!<

And this is a reason for voting Republican?

Oh, I have to ask: what IS the hang-up with child rapists? Are other forms of child abusers less "bad"? What should be done with them, instead of housing them in prison?


orig post by jibjab Any political party that can support and justify murdering the unborn does not have my vote. And I can not trust such a party to make any logical decision.

I hate to upset anyone here but according to Planned Parenthood 73% of Repulican Woman are candidly Pro Choice. That doesn't mean they'd opt for an abortion but they sure don't want some guy named Sen. Clyde Cleancut from BF Ala. legislating against it!
Like gun laws, do we really want laws telling woman what they can do with their reproductive processes? It won't appreciably reduce abortion.
Education might!

Carbiner, I feel your pain! Whoops! But do you know the difference between higher taxes and higher accumulative debt? In keeping with the Clinton theme debt is being "serviced" :eek: while the other isn't.:( Your Administration hopes you don't understand that burrow and spend can actually be more detrimental than tax and spend. That's how we have wars without raising taxes. Pretty cool huh? Ever wonder why we don't subject kids to more econ in school? Who wants an informed electorate!
PS: The only ones getting raped here is us,the American people!


besides, wait till you knock up your second or third girlfriend/mistress/crazy chick and you'll be dying to pay for her trip to the clinic...after, it's only the gentlemanly thing to do...

and carbiner, which would you prefer, incompitent socialists or compitent facists?


Here's the official facts into 2003. It's gotten much uglier since then!
Spendgalli and his bros are out of control!

One more time!

"Readum" and weep!


Hunter Rose

New member
Folks, I know many of you feel VERY strongly about abortion. Let me point out a couple of facts on the issue...

1)it's an issue that is NEVER going away (kinda like prostitution, drugs, and porn)
2)it's an issue where religious beliefs have darn near as much weight as scientific data
3)it's EXTREMELY polarizing
4) (pertaining to TFL)too much discussion of it can and will get the thread closed!

So maybe we should drop discussion of this one lil' issue for now?


Interesting take:

How Reagan's Tax Cuts Saved Clinton and Gore

August 2001 -- US Presidents are commonly thought to influence the economy only during, or shortly after, their actual terms in office. Not true. Entitlement programs instituted by FDR and LBJ still profoundly affect our economy today. And Ronald Reagan's historic tax cuts of 1981 are still largely in effect and are still pumping huge amounts of additional money into the economy. However, Bill Clinton and Al Gore got most of the credit during their administration for the continuing economic boom unleashed by the Reagan tax cuts. That undeserved credit may have gotten Clinton re-elected and saved him from being removed from office. It almost got Gore elected too.

When Reagan took office in 1981, the US economy was in shambles. We have difficulty remembering how bad the economy was under Carter, but it was described in terms of the "misery index," and the word "stagflation" was coined to refer to the double-whammy of economic stagnation combined with runaway inflation. The automotive industry was on the verge of collapse under the pressure from Japanese competition and an oil crisis. The American way of life itself seemed to be in serious jeapordy. It wasn't the Great Depression, but it was as close as we've come to it since.

The top tax rate was 70% when Reagan took office. He got it cut in half to 35%. At the same time, he eliminated many tax shelters that the rich routinely relied on to avoid paying taxes altogether, forcing them to invest in the free market and actually pay taxes. Shortly after the tax cuts were enacted, the economy took off for an unprecedented period of peacetime growth. The misery index plummeted as unemployment fell, inflation slowed, and interest rates dropped, leading to a seven-year boom that the liberal media cynically dubbed "the decade of greed."

Eight years later George Bush swept into office on Reagan's coattails and a pledge of "no new taxes." Although he tried to keep his pledge, Bush ultimately succumbed to unrelenting pressure by the Democratically controlled Congress to increase taxes. Not surprisingly, the economy went into a mild recession, though nothing like the recession of a decade earlier. Unemployment was well below what it had been under Carter, and inflation was completely under control. Nevertheless, the liberal media shamelessly dubbed it the "worst economic period of the last fifty years."

The media hype succeeded at getting their man, Bill Clinton, elected. Although barely reported, the Bush recession had actually ended before Clinton even took office, with a vibrant 3.9% annual growth rate in the last quarter of Bush's administration. In other words, the second phase of the great Reagan economic boom had already begun before Clinton even moved to Washington. But of course that didn't stop the liberal media from giving Clinton credit for it and dubbing it the "decade of prosperity."

How can we be sure the economic boom presided over by Clinton was actually due to Reagan? It's simple. Even though Clinton increased tax rates, the top rate after his tax hikes was still less than 40%, down a full 30% from the 70% rate before Reagan's tax cuts. In terms of the money left after taxes, that's a huge jump from (100-70=) 30% to (100-40=) 60% -- a doubling of the amount of money that continues, year after year, to go into the private economy rather than the federal budget. It hardly takes an economist to understand the huge effect on economic growth of doubling after-tax income.

Clinton also got credit for eliminating the federal deficit, of course. It is no coincidence, however, that the deficit didn't start coming down until the Republicans took control of Congress in 1994. As for the touted "Reagan deficits," the indisputable fact is that revenues grew tremendously during Reagan's two terms -- but spending by the Democratically controlled Congress grew even faster, at an astronomical rate. And contrary to the liberal media spin, the lion's share of the growth of the federal budget under Reagan was not on defense, but rather on social entitlement programs such as social security and Medicare.

Contrary to Democratic demogoguery about "tax cuts for the rich," incidentally, the rich actually paid higher taxes after Reagan's tax cuts. How could that be? Simple. Along with cutting tax rates, Reagan also eliminated many tax shelters and loopholes. Before Reagan, the rich avoided paying taxes by investing in windmills and other boondoggles blessed by the federal government (the "targeted" tax cuts that Al Gore wanted to reinstate). After Reagan, the rich shifted their investments to the free market, greatly stimulating the private economy and causing the information technology boom.

There's more to the story, of course, but everything else is really secondary. In fairness, Clinton actually did a few things himself to help the economy, such as opening up free trade and keeping the Federal Reserve Board under competent leadership. On the other hand, if Clinton had not been restrained by the Republicans, who took control of Congress in the middle of his first term, he would have raised taxes even more than he did, and his wife would have nationalized the health care industry.

When Clinton was impeached, his party argued that he should be given a pass because he was doing a good job managing the economy. Without the huge economic boost from Reagan's tax cuts, Clinton might well have been removed from office, or might have failed to win re-election. Gore would have suffered a humiliating defeat in the election to succeed him, or might have failed to even win the nomination. But don't hold your breath waiting for the liberal media to start reporting the truth. If America wants the Reagan economic boom to continue, they need to figure out for themselves what caused it in the first place.