If Chuck Norris Owned a Gun....


New member
Which would it be?

Yes, yes, I know that Chuck Norris prefers his fists and his roundhouse kicks, but what if he wanted to own a gun?

"Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing."


New member
He has always seemed like a wheelgun man to me. Probably a Colt SA :D

"Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice."


New member
Chuck Norris acutally owns quite a few guns.
It's been mentioned before, that many of the guns he carries on Walker Texas Ranger are from his personal collection.
I believe his brother Aaron also attends a number of celebrity shoots.


New member
.700 Nitro double
and a .500 S&W revolver

of course they are only in case Clint Eastwood comes around looking for a fight because Chuck Norris is scared to death of Clint and runs for cover every time he sees him around.


New member
oh man... now ya did it. Chuck Norris probably read that over your shoulder as you typed it. No doubt you have unknowingly been poisoned by "the Chuck" while Clint will soon be famous for his pictures on milk cartons. Feel his wrath...:D


New member
Chuck Norris doesn't need a rifle scope.

If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.

Hmm, I wonder... Clint vs. Chuck in a gunfight. What would they arm themselves with, and who would win?


New member
In one of the earlier years of Texas Ranger, I'm told Chuck carried a Nickel S&W Model 57 .41 Magnum and it drover the SFx guys nuts trying to get quality blanks for it. I think a friend of his ended up making several hundred blanks for him as a favor.

I dunno who'd win in a Chuck vs. Clint shootout, but I know one guy they'd better not get involved in it. In the early 80's I helped a friend move to LA and we took an extra day to check out a local shooting range. Nice, slow day with this one guy shooting an M1 Garand and a few .22 shooters. Walked by this guy and saw two 100 yard targets with 8-shot groups you could cover with a quarter! We talked to him about his M1 and pegged him as ex-marine right away. Neither of us had ever heard of R. Lee Emery before then.


New member
Hmm, I wonder... Clint vs. Chuck in a gunfight. What would they arm themselves with, and who would win?

Neither, they can never get too close to each other. If they did, the resulting level of awesomeness could not be contained and would result in a nuclear explosion that would evaporate everything withing 50 miles.:eek:

Edit: IBTL :D
Nukes are for wimps, he would carry a MAC-10 customised to fire .50 Beowulf.

Also, he would carry Jerry Miculek in a dehydrated state and throw him in water when being mugged. Less liability that way, Chuck Norris doesn't like courtrooms.

What else... Oh yes a custom built mares leg levergun firing the 20mm Lahti cartridge.


New member
I was sitting in front of the screen fondly remembering my service days when Chuck and Superfoot Wallace were in the Air Force. Time does fly. But then my mind wandered as it is wont to do at my age and the next question came to mind. What sort of gun would Anna Nicole have used? Hummmmm. Chuck vs Anna Nicole. The mind staggers. At least this one does.


New member
He would carry two of these in 45-70.



In several he appears to have either a Model 92 Taurus, or a strangely modified Beretta 92. In others it's a Model 57, as was mentioned, in .41 Mag. He's also been pretty good with an M16A1, an M60, and an AK47 in Missing in Action I through LXXVII.:D :D