I don't want to sound negative.....but


New member
I can say this about the events overseas....if Bush continues to commit our military he is going to overextend our military human and supply assets. I don't care how technologically advanced we are the resources can still get overextended or overcommitted. Personally I don't think Bush's seeming Napoleonic mentality understands this.

I even heard a rumor (from military folks I work with) that Little Ceasar was even thinking of pulling back retired military folks that are in their 50's and early 60's if there are not enough troops available to commit on more than the two fronts we now have going.

Though I am a Republican I am beginning to think that Bush has absolutely no regard for resource conservation or preservation. He spends money like it is water and he spends lives like they there is a never ending supply in the middle class.

I am beginning to wonder....



I think any arguement that some forced labor will be the order of the day is superfluous.

If this country is turned upside down by the next government-predicted "event(s)", some large areas uninhabitable, numbers of people being moved around, economic collapse etc etc - I can hardly begin to accept the idea that what is available of our military and civil servants are going to take care of business with some "volunteers" along the way for an extended period of time.

Most of the people I know or speak to on this subject, in the event of what has been repeatedly predicted by the current administration, are likely to do one of two things. Stay put, or get out of dodge, and take care of themselves, their families and friends. Depending on what exactly happens and where it happens.

They are not going to be signing on with "Americorps", attending any FEMA-hosted town meetings, being "evacuated" or going to any "Rest and Relocation Centers" where they will with certainty be parted with certain items of private property and pets.

As for your liver ... they'll probably let you keep it. Can't be a productive laborer without it. :D


New member

Any .45,

You are worried about a Cuban invasion into Florida if things go bad, but at the same time are willing to use equipment that would likely interfere with U.S. military radio communications? Technically treason is "...providing aid or comfort to the enemy..." so in a time of national invasion would that mean that any FL national guardsman would be justified in shooting you as a traitor because you are engaging in electronic warfare of a nature that provides aid to the enemy?



There have been a few older guys pulled back in, the one guy I know of for sure, not second hand rumor, but have personally talked to? He volunteered. The only reason they asked him in the first place is because he has some very rare combined skillsets. A good crypto background and a language background that in combination was hard to find in people that they could grant the requisite level of clearance to quickly. Plus he is a known face to some old war dogs who are still on active duty. Nevertheless, the Army only asked him, he agreed to go yet again. How many of the stories you have heard start out like "well, word around the barracks is..."?

Little Caesar, that's good, I like that, but he isn't short enough.