How to handle street harassment?


New member
Okay. Last night I was in Boston waiting for my bus to go home. I had gotten out of a meeting at 10:15pm, and it took about 15 minutes to walk to the bus stop, so this was about 10:30pm.

I was sitting on a bench, trying to blend in, listening to the people around me. I haven't taken a course on situational awareness or anything, but I'm pretty sure that just by growing up female, I adapted some of that anyway. So I hear this guy going around harassing people. I'm still sitting on the bench, hoping he doesn't notice me, thinking about what to do when (not if) he starts bothering me. I really wanted to kick him in the teeth.

So I'm staring off into space, just waiting for my bus. And he comes up to me and asks me what's wrong. He is obviously higher than a kite. Luckily for me, there's some guy with him who is trying to convince him to leave people alone. I say to the guy (I was panicking but trying not to look afraid), "You do not want to talk to me." Crap, now he really wants to know what's the matter (nothing is the matter, other than my bus is late and this guy is bothering me). I give his friend or whatever the coldest stare I can muster, to let him know that this is not alright. The friend is apologizing profusely, and he eventually coaxes the guy away from me. About 2 minutes later the bus comes.

So, these are my questions:
-What could/should I have done (if anything) to prevent this from happening, and what can I do in the future? It wasn't just this particular bus stop, no matter where I waited along the bus route, I would have been bothered by someone.

-Should I have made eye contact, or should I have just ignored him and continued staring out into the great blue yonder (next to impossible, but still possible I suppose)?

-Would pepper spray or mace have helped this situation, and if so at what point do I use it? Could I have just taken it out and explained calmly (yeah right!) that, "This is mace. If you do not leave me alone in 15 seconds, I will use it on you."

I feel almost the same as I did when my car was broken into, although I'm not panicking nearly as bad as I did last year (Wow that was just plain Bad, everything about that entire situation.) People say things to me on the street a lot, so I guess I'm used to it or something. That's disgusting. But it's a feeling of, now I'm more convinced than before I want/need a gun, even though I totally realize that just having one would not have been able to prevent this from happening. That's a weird feeling (for me).

Does anyone have any suggestions? (Or are you just going to tell me to get used to it, and that's all?)


New member
You need the woman`s point of view. A woman`s situational awareness is much more involved than a mans. Most men walk around in condition white and get away with it. Women need orange most of the time.

A funny thing happened once on a city bus. More than once but it usually goes unreported. We get a call of a man down on the street. When we get there we find this mutt with tears running down his face and saying some woman on the bus sprayed him with Mace for no reason.
:rolleyes: He says he wants her arrested for assault since he didn`t do anything. Meanwhile, the woman left the scene and there were no witnesses. Pity.

Well, after we told him we couldn`t do anything for him until he told us the truth, he said they were both getting off the bus and he gave her butt a friendly little squeeze. You know the rest. We took him down to the basement of a nearby apt. building and held his head under the cold water tap for about 15 minutes. It was a cold day and his clothes got a little wet.

Today we`d have to take him to the hospital, call the detectives and hunt this feral woman down like a dog. It was more fun years ago.:cool:

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
I don't know enough about the laws in your state to give you much advice, WyldOne.

I don't believe it would be wise to reveal you were armed with anything in the situation you described. I would definitely have had my hand on a weapon, though.


New member
Buy a car

Buy a car, take a cab, ride with a friend, move out of boston.

Carry a blackjack filled with lead shot. Whack crazy/drunk upside the head.

No easy solutions. :D


New member
I have a car, but I try to avoid driving in downtown Boston if at all possible (I do enjoy my sanity ;)).

Dave P

New member
You handled this situation well: #1 - you were aware of the jerk before he accosted you. #2 You were assertive in telling him to buzz off.

-What could/should I have done (if anything) to prevent this from happening, --- beats me, prolly not much unless you left the area, which is a bad choice (less people around you).

-Would pepper spray or mace have helped this situation, and if so at what point do I use it? ---- would be hard to justify using for just verbal abuse. But if he touches you ...

Sounds like you got thru the incident without too much trouble, so that makes it a successful avoidance encounter!

Guy B. Meredith

New member

The situation would be at least annoying in the extreme to this male. If the bozo is antagonistic in his approach it would be threatening as well.

You probably did the right thing in presenting the solid image. Unless the nuisance escalated to a definite threat or hands on, Mace or any other reaction would probably be looked upon poorly by the local authorities.

After a similar incident on BART I carry a dual action Mace (pepper and tear gas) at all times. When riding the bike I add a Cold Steel product to my kit for vicious dogs and disabling cars of vicious drivers.
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New member
Hello Wyldone,

I would recommend that you read "Strong on Defence" by Sanford Strong (you can pick it up used for $8 ).

Use it as a starting point then see what you think you need after you finish it.

As for the bus stop situation....I cannot really comment, my general demeanour in public means that the...socially challenged, just leave me alone or, for some weird reason, become my very best friend who suddenly remember a previously forgotten prior appointment ;) .



New member
Start with:

"Hey, you live around here? Stop wit da yellin already! I wantcha meet my mudda. Let's go shoppin now an get rid of that lousy overcoat. An wot's wit dis buddy here, you gay?"

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
My preference for such situations is to back up till I have at least 20 feet of open space. I dislike being close to problematic critters and prefer them in front of me and far away.

If retreat isn't possible, raised weak hand and "command voice" request to stay where he is and not bother you. Strong hand behind the hip (for balance, to reach for a weapon, the problem critter won't know which). I would suggest carying some type of a weapon (check what's legal in order of preference: gun, baton, knife with fixed blade, folding knife, pepper spray). It would be as much to give you confidence that you can handle an escalation as for actual defense.


New member
"Hey, you live around here? Stop wit da yellin already! I wantcha meet my mudda. Let's go shoppin now an get rid of that lousy overcoat. An wot's wit dis buddy here, you gay?"

Right, but the whole point of this is to avoid getting raped, not to encourage such behavior. :)

Strange males talking to me at night is not okay, they have no reason to say anything to me. If I were to converse with them, they wouldn't get it.

I had another question....would the presence of pepper spray escalate the situation and make the person angrier/more determined? Or not?

And thanks for everyone's help. :D


New member
So far, no one has mentioned

A nice loud scream of "HELP!"
Scenario seems to indicate several others around and I would bet he would be off and running immediately.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Pepper spray is ONLY for breaking contact. Spray and run and hope it impaired their breathing and sight enough to make catching or shooting you difficult. Don't hang around, as it will affect you, too.


New member
I'd say the situation was handled extremely well and judging the outcome, also as successful as can be ... might be a good idea to have a weapon for that 'next time WTSHTF' situation ... however, that also requires some mental preperation - as in - don't wear/show/draw it, if you not ready/willing to use it ... you might make it even worse ... just mentioning, 'cause you don't sound so sure about what to do next :)

cheers and beers

PS: over here the outcome would have been more predictable and unfortunately much more serious! :( females waiting for bus/taxi - bad idea in Boondooland


New member
Well, if it was a populated area, I doubt if it was a "might get raped" situation - More likely it was a "might get punched" situation. Crazy/intoxicated people make me very nervous...

Of course, my method of avoiding them tends to be based upon the fact that I'm 6'2" and weigh 275, with long hair and a beard (picture that guy who went postal up in Massachusetts a while back - he could be my evil twin...), and that if someone like that is sitting and muttering to himself, folks leave him alone.

I have noticed that being "friendly" to folks like that will defuse a situation... "Hey, aren't you Joe? You're not? You look just like him. He's such a nice guy. Hey, here comes my bus - Gotta run - see you around!"


New member
i've noticed that a good method of getting anyone to not want to have contact is to wear sunglasses so they cant see your eyes, and wear headphones so they think you wont be able to hear them. you dont have to have anything playing on the phones, just look like you do. a blank expression on your face that edges the line of being 'surly' helps as well. beggars and homeless people cant get your attention, and you dont have to tell them to beat it when they ask for some money.

should you choose to play music or whatever on the headphones, play it at a very low level. in fact, if situational awareness is your goal, don't listen to anything. whether its someone running up behind you that you cant hear or a dog growling, you need to be able to be alerted to anyones presence in front, to the sides, and behind.

i also try to make it easier for others to be aware of my presence. i'll scuff my shoe on the ground as i approach, or clear my throat so they know that i'm behind them.


New member
Congrats, Wyldone; you did the best thing possible - USED YOUR HEAD!

Now sharpen your skills and be prepared for the next level of engagement; possibly more dangerous. Train yourself mentally; then no second thoughts, just respond . It's your life you're protecting!:eek:

Navy joe

New member
Reading that I get the feeling that through out the episode you were still seated and he was standing somewhat in front of you. That would make me a little nervous anyways, since the only easy way out is through him. Having a nice sharp knife at that point would put you in the ideal position to perform a field expedient vasectomy on him though.

I would say get up when you first heard him harassing others and go into active avoidance instead of just hoping he'll shut up. Be at the end of the bus stop that he is not. Use of command voice and posture also is a must, again sitting down makes you look like an easy target. I say get a knife and learn how to use it. I know we don't have you totally turned on to guns yet, besides I'm sure getting a carry permit in Bahston is damn near impossible. Dating a guy like Bogie would also be a good deterrent, nobody wants to bother Rob Zombie's girlfriend. ;)