how much ammo?, and how you carry it?


When I carry my SP101, I carry 1 extra speed-strip.

If I feel I need more than that, I re-evaluate my plans for the day or I carry an autoloader.


New member
When I carry my SP101, I carry 1 extra speed-strip.

If I feel I need more than that, I re-evaluate my plans for the day or I carry an autoloader.

For me, it's a 1911 with an extra mag, for those times where I know I'm going into a risky situation and may face multiple adversaries.


New member
No matter what I carry I allways carry a reload.
My 638 and 1 speed strip or 1 speed loader
My Colt officer one 8 round mag.
Glove box always has a couple speed strips and one 8 rnd.mag.


New member
You are unlikely to ever pull the gun out. You are even more unlikely to ever fire it after you've pulled it out. You are even more unlikely to ever fire it more than 5 times after you've pulled it out. If a person needs more than five rounds of 357 mag they either are in a situation way over their head or they need to practice more on accuracy.


New member
or they were shooting while moving to cover....

... or they thought it would be good to be able to reload after the shooting had stopped, just in case...

... or they wanted to be able to do that part of an auto's stoppage drill where they drop the magazine, rack the slide back, and insert a new magazine, in the event that the first magazine had issues...

... or they thought that in the heat of the moment, with both shooter and target moving, misses were not only possible but reasonably likely...

... or they thought that handgun rounds are not reliable stoppers, and more than one hit is typically necessary...


New member
Downtown Michigan Avenue in're good to go!
Southside 43rd & Cottage're dead.
a) those guns aren't allowed in chicago.
b) walking around 43rd street at night with a gun on your waist is a synonym for suicide.
c) all the ammo in the world can't save you there.
I love my Rossi

I own a number of handguns but my favorite carry peice is my model 462 Rossi 2" SS revolver. For the money, I think they are some of the best on the market. The rubber grips fit my hands perfectly. I generally carry it in a galco paddle holster with two speed loaders in a double carrier. I fgure 18 rounds of .357 hydra-shocks should take care of any situation.


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New member
When it's warmer out, I'm usually toting a Taurus 425 Tracker. Seeing as how 5 shot 41 mag speedloaders are a rare breed I usually pack 2 Maxfire Speedloaders in my strong side front pocket. In the winter, my 4 inch 629 goes with me, and for that I carry 2 HKS speedloaders in the same pocket. Speedloader pouches are too bulky for summer as I carry IWB, usually with shorts and a tee or polo shirt. Winter times its cold as hell, so I could use pouches in the winter, but I like to keep everything in the same spot. Crime is real low here, so for trips to the store or something quick, I don't always tote the reloads as I always have a KT P-32 in the weak side front pocket. When I'm back to work, I'd like to try Tuff-Strips for both to simplify the operation of things. Wanting to find a Charter Bulldog for winter backup on the ankle, and then Tuff-Strips with 44 Specials for both. Has anyone tried the Tuff-Strips?
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New member
mmm i seem to be one for overkill but i carry a ruger p89 and 3 full mags 2 of them in a double pouch so 46 rounds most of the time. i dont think i will ever need that much but i sure wont get killed from lack of shooting back


New member
I too carry an SP101. I carry a stripper clip in my pants pocket and (if possible) a speed loader in my jacket pocket.
I was trained to always carry extra ammo- especially for a semi-auto since most failures are with the ammo or mag.


I always keep a reload for my carry guns...

In my glovebox.

I hear people write about carrying two or three guns with reloads for concealed carry and always assume they either don't really carry on a regular basis or are paranoid to the point of delusion.


New member
I usually carry a snub and a speed strip with four extra rounds. If I need more than that, oh well...
Regards, :eek:

Glenn Dee

New member
I carry a revolver also. For spare ammo I carry 2 speed strips one in each front pocket. From my point of view... It's better to have it and not need it... Than it is to need it and not have it. :cool:
First, in response to father always said " it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it"

Next, I normally carry two six round HKS speed loaders for my .357 snubby in a leather dual carrier but that can get bulky under lighter clothes. On my latest trip to my friendly dealer, I bought a couple of Bianchi six round speed strips but Bianchi doesn't make a pouch specifically for the strips. I came across a #22960 Bianchi Accumold glove pouch that looks like it was made to hold two strips. It fits closely on a belt and has a velcro closure on the flap. It can even be carried in a pocket like a wallet. It works like a charm!

Good shooting...:D

Glenn Dee

New member
On spare ammo.

Just another quick thought. Predators rarely travel in a pack of one. I'd consider having multiple targets. GOD forbid you do get into a shooting and you put one or two down... the other two or three run off... then what? Did they run far? Are they watching you? How long before the cavelry arives? I like the ability to "top off" my weapon. The incident isnt over until you have dependable help (the police, or other friends). You may still be in harms way after the shooting stops.

Glenn D.


New member
"Also, be careful about after market grips becasue many (if not most) block speed carriers and my even interfere with ejection......"

is this true or are you referring to deliberatley faulty types of grips???? that sounds insane that a grip maker would make grips that interfere with the proper function of a da revolver.

are you lying???


New member
Actually It's partly true.I've had to trim several aftermarket grips to clear on my ruger gp100.Mostly for speedloaders,but one did make ejection difficult.

The Great Mahoo

New member
My .327 Sp101 is my preferred carry gun, carried strongside IWB or OWB at about 4:30. Gun holds six, but I always carry a reload for it.

I always carry a speed-strip with 7 rounds on it (why 7? Its just what I loaded up once upon a time and it stuck) in my back pocket. Not terribly fast for a reload, but easy to carry and that way I have something. In addition to that, I am trying to carry a strong-side belt reload, but that usually only happens if I have an OWB holster. Usually a speed-strip ina Simply Rugged dump-pouch, but I am trying to get myself to move to a speedloader, which I carry a single on my belt more and more frequently.

I'm quite confident in the 6 in the gun, but its easy to carry a speed strip reloads. I'm starting to want greater speed in reloading, just in case, so I am moving to keeping a speed loader when the bulk isn't too bad.

If I'm going away for more than a day, I usually toss 2 more strips or loaders in my bag. .327 isn't as common as other cartridges, so I bring some with me when I can't get home to top off.

When I carry an auto, I always carry a reload, but mainly in case of malfunciton problems.


New member
I carry a revolver, and i normaly carry 2 Safair land comp2 speed loaders. I carry a 4" with 6 shots, and find the added rounds of the speedloaders comforting.