How many guns do you have?

psycho nut

New member
For the children!!!!!!!!!!!
With that being said I am going to add one more to the collection shortly. I'm going to get a 12 gauge 870 Express so that it can stay out of the hands of the children!:)
Wait a second, is 15 considered a child???? If it is then it's going into the hands of one:eek: :D :p


New member
"i think i have a problem but i just want to make sure im not alone."

Firearms for shooters are like pretzels and beer. One is never enough! :D
AZREDHAWK- I'm as paranoid and suspicious as the next law-abiding gun owner, but do you really think the feds don't already have a pretty good idea how many guns we all own? I doubt they will learn much new by reading these posts.

As for the original question, it would be interesting to know what the average collection is for the forum membership. I have heard the national average is something like 2.5 guns per gun owner. I don't know if that's true. Seems like most of my friends have around 25 guns each. I'm a little older and was always a little more serious about acquiring so I got a head start and I no longer count my guns... I count safes.

I met this one guy who had (I estimate as it was impossible to count with a quick look) about 1,000 guns. He had a large walk-in safe (swear to God, a walk-in safe) with the good stuff and there were piles of more common guns all over the rest of the house. I thought I had an impressive collection until I saw his place. You stepped over piles of guns as you walked through the house. The guy had money and liked guns. He would buy just about anything he saw for sale.

I know this other man who has about 400 guns. Very impressive (at least to me) but much more so when you realize that about 1/4 are Class III (all legal and licensed). Priced an M16 or an Uzi or a Thompson, lately? He has a hundred such guns (I saw about 20 examples just on the M16 rack).

After knowing these two men I laugh when I read in the paper that an "arsenal of five guns was discovered."
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how many guns ?

More than i would want to type to the whole world, and if you are typing it on the internet, you are telling the whole WORLD, so remember, its better to go through life with a closed mouth and be thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt ! see ya


New member
Just for the record: I don't have any guns. Guns are not important to me. Did you know that you are 47 times more likely to kill a family member with a gun than to use that gun successfully in self-defense? If you try to defend yourself with a gun, the criminal will probably take it from you and use it to kill you. It has been proven by HCI that a gun cannot be used successfully in self defense, which is why I don't have any guns.


New member
"I have heard the national average is something like 2.5 guns per gun owner."

Ha, I bought two Winchesters in 10 days last month: an SX1 & an SX2 camo.

Years ago I met a man who, along with his father, owned 1200 shotguns. And that number didn't include his grandmother's collection.


The Man

New member
Kahr CW9
Savage 110FP Tactical .308
Taurus PT92AFS 9mm
7.62 x 39mm Ak-47 Romanian
That's All,But I Need Moreeeeeeee!!!:eek: :p

Dave R

New member
I have more than I can shoot on a regular basis. But dang it, I love shooting them all. And there a quite a few more I'd still like to get.


New member
I actually had to go look and count, as I lost track during my Christmas (and some pre-Christmas :D ) buying spree. The fact I lost track and didnt know ALMOST makes me think the wife is right.....but I got over it....:)
Looks like I ....still dont have enough, but with my CMP M1 Garand coming real soon, I'm getting closer.....:)
12 rifles
7 revolvers
5 semi-auto handguns
5 shotguns
1 black powder pistol
...Yup, definitely not enough...

44 AMP

Not sure, exactly

But I do reload for over 25 different cartridges. I don't reload for shotguns. And of course, I can't reload for .22LR.

Do you have a problem? Yes, you do. Wondering if you have a problem (self doubt) is your problem. Owning any number of guns, large or small is not a problem. Unless it is illegal for you to do so. Then you have a problem. More than one, actually.

If you are asking in fun, ok, cool. But if you are serious in thinking you may have a "problem", you have fallen for the big lie of the antigunners, and that is a problem. I figure you are just kidding, 'cause asking if you have a "problem" because you own/want to own guns, on a gun forum is kind of like asking a bunch of drunks if you have a drinking problem. You aren't going to get an unbiased answer. Or a serious one.:D


3, though according to my police department, 4. I have a Walther P22, a Ruger P345, and Taurus PT140. I also have a Walther CP99 pellet gun, which is a "firearm" according to the law.


New member
Plenty enough for now, but I'm sure I can find room in the safe another one if I stumble across something (I'm bad when I go to the gunshop).


New member
Maybe too many for me.....
When i filled the gun safe, filled one spare bedroom, and now working on the second, i think it's time to quit........Well, maybe after the 3 that i got yesterday from the CMP store arrives...:eek: