How many extra clips do you carry?

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New member
usually none with my revolver and sometimes and extra mag with my auto. It kinda depends on my mood and how much time i've got to get ready.

Can I also just say that I love the way WildAlaska always signs his post :D


New member
I usually have a spare mag in the van, but seldom carry a spare on my person. If and when I do it is well concealed under a heavy sweater, or a coat that goes to mid thigh. I've yet to have my carry piece, or a spare mag become exposed in public. Just lucky I guess.


New member
I Agree with Jay.. I always carry a spare mag..... (for mag failure.) You could hit the mag release while sitting or have a feed problem.. It is always smart to have a Plan B.. It's not about extra ammo.. It's about getting the gun to run...


New member
My whole thinking process on this screams that I've spent all that time and money on my Carry license to enable me to get away from the fight or attack, not continue it.

I wanna get the hell away from the problem, not stay in it.

Nonetheless, I keep a spare mag for whatever I'm carrying in the back pocket of my jeans. And, at home, more in reach.


New member
Am I the only one that cringes when I hear the term "clip"?

It depends its a common error used by many new or unfamiliar with firearms. Now if I slip up an use 'clip' my gun buddies will flame me for hours... same with suppressor and 'silencer' I've noticed a few older shooters use the term clip as well I assume from the old term 'clip-fed magazine'?

Citizen Carrier

New member
I only cringe because I know it is going to cause somebody to comment on it even though everyone here knows what the poster means by it. It is kind of like be lectured by some pointy-headed academic about how you incorrectly used "its" instead of "it's".

If I had to hazard a guess about why "clip" came into the American lexicon, I'd say it was WWI, WWII, and Korean War vets. Many of which first had experience with any sort of firearm in the service.

For them, "clip" was the word you used for "that which holds the ammunition".

If it was good enough for the Greatest Generation, I'd say it was at least good enough that we not nitpick.

And when I'm wearing a shoulder holster for carry, I have two magazines. If for no other reason than it counterbalances the weight of the pistol on the other side. When I use belt carry, which is seldom, I generally don't carry a spare.

I think it was Jeff Cooper who said he liked to carry a spare magazine. He said that way, after the fight, he could drive home with a full magazine.


New member
I agree with Citizen. My father uses the term clip as did my grandfather. I saw magazine but I would never dream of correcting either.


New member
I have heard of the 8 round garand magazines referred to as clips, maybe that is where the term came from. A simple word seeded into the American lexicon by millions of returning vets.


New member
Well I feel bad that my use of the term "clip" has ruined some posters day. And yes, this old duck was there when the greatest generation did their thing to preserve your right to have your day ruined by the use of the now badly outdated reference for the "magazine." I won't post any more.

But I do thank those who replied as to the number of "clips" they carried. Thanks for taking time to respond.:)


New member
usually 10 in a vest pouch for my mosin-nagant m44. I need to find the real russian issued clips though, these aftermarket mosin-nagant clips are crap

as for mags, i carry 1 extra for each pistol i carry simultaneously.

don't get chased away because of this btw :) just let it roll off your back. it's a good forum.

Mr Dish

New member
My Smith & Wesson 9 mil is a wonderful thing. She carries 17 pretty little bullets so I don't have to. I can't even get my wife to carry that much stuff for me.
Think about it, if I can send out 17 shots without hitting my foot, then there is a pretty good chance that I scared the bad guy away...right?


New member
Mr dish, I think your Smith & Wesson holds 17 cartridges. I don't think a bullet would hold down the follower.


New member
My father uses the term clip as did my grandfather. I saw magazine but I would never dream of correcting either.

oh i hear ya on that one...If pops said the sky is pink well than the sky must be pink...LOL :D
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