How many extra clips do you carry?

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New member
A man wrote on another BB about having his extra clips that were on his belt discovered by persons in a store he was in when he bent over. His 1911 was well concealed but it was given away that he was carrying by the revelation of those extra clips.

Got this old dog to wondering! How many clips do you carry? I think he had three? And if you carry several, why?

Thanks everyone.

<<<OK, obligatory "clip vs. magazine" education has been accomplished. Now we can move on to answering the OP's question. JohnKSa>>>
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New member
Typically, one extra magazine when carrying a high-cap 9mm; two extra mags when carrying a single-stack 1911 (whether .45 or 9mm).



New member
If I'm wearing cargo shorts, I'll drop an extra in a pocket, but most the time I don't have room in my pockets for one. > Taurus 738 TCP


New member
I don't always carry an extra mag for my 1911 or my Ruger LCP, but when I do I only carry one mag in a belt carrier.


Active member
No extra magazines. If you need more than 6 rounds for self-defense - just carry a full-sized auto. Heck, my Stock 10mm holds 15 rounds. My Glock 17 holds 20. If I need more than that, I better be carrying at least an M16.:D


New member
When I'm carrying my PM-9, there's a spare mag in my weakside pocket; same with my Kimber UCII ... if my j-frame's aboard, I carry eight spare rounds in a Quickstrip (great gadget, by the way, for you wheelgun carriers) ...

The Great Mahoo

New member
Personally, I rarely carry any extra magazines. If I have a jacket on, I might drop one in one of the pockets, but pretty much never find one in my pants pockets, nor do I care for a belt carrier.

My auto-ccw is a Glock 36, and I just find the magazines too large to carry for 6 more rounds.

I do think it a good idea to carry an extra magazine with an auto-loader, though, simply in case of a malfunction. Ammo count has never been much of a concern, but rather being able to get the gun back into operation as quickly as possible in the event of a problem. Still, depsite knowing this, I can't usually be bothered to lug an extra mag.

That's why I usually carry a revolver.


New member
I have a bandoleer full of clips for my M1 Garand.

I keep my pistol magazines in a mag pouch that holds two. I keep another magazine in the pistol itself for a total of 3.


New member
I always carry 1 reload, regardless of capacity. 1 speedloader for my .357 j-frame, 1 mag for my CZ-82 and the Beretta 96. I only carry 1 gun at a time, don't see the need for a BUG in my area.

bdb benzino

New member
I carry one extra for my single stack semi-auto's, & typicaly the same if a revolver (one reload of some sort). Although on ocasion if I am just going to mini-mart real quick then maybe no reload at all.;)


New member
Since I don't carry a Grendel P-10 or a Mauser C96, I don't carry any spare clips ;) , but I do carry a spare mag for my 1911 on me and an extra in the truck. I have a thread on here about the importance of a reload.


New member
I usually carry one extra "magazine". Clips won't help me load my Glock. I try to keep one extra magazine with me whenever I can and plan to have one in my glove box in case of a real- Oh Crap moment.

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