How do you know if someone is carrying?


New member
If you do decide you need a smaller gun for carry, remember that S/A makes a sub-compact in 9mm as well. They are very nice guns, and it should shoot similar to your full sized model.


New member
DonP wrote:
Take a look at Glocks G26 9mm, G30 and G36 which are 45acp. S&W Jframe revolvers are another choice. What caliber are you thinking of carrying and revolver or semi-auto?

I'd like to stick with a 9mm but that's not written in stone. I have also been looking at the S&W 60 (I think.)

Pax, the smallest that under wrap goes is 30. That may be too big. :confused: I swear there is some market for women-gun stuff that it seems like no one is addressing very well. (Or maybe I still just haven't found it.) That said, if I can find a place with a return policy, I would like to try that. But what happens if it's big? Will it just hang lower on my hip? Or can I actually tighten it more?

I found some compression undershirt today that seemed kind of interesting. The store ordered one for me in a SM, but I'm afraid that will also be too big.

In reality, I'm not that small, and I wonder what on earth a really petite woman ends up with for options.

Trashcan-man, I'm told that XD9-SC is still relatively hefty. I confess I fall more in love with my XD everyday, and would love it if I could find a smaller version to carry. But I need to see one in person to see if it would make much difference. I think I was told the grip is about the same?

Pax, I will go re-read that thread. I need to get my CCW in gear asap. Apparently, it can take up to 120 days to go through. :eek:


New member
The xd sub is, to me, pretty small. IMO it is comparable to the glock subs but obviously doesn't compare to a pocket pistol or a small revolver. I like them because the come with a sub mag and an extended mag that makes the grip equal to the compact sie. This makes it better for those long range sessions. I do not have one yet but I probably will by the end of the year. If you can rent one you should, definitely worth it.


New member
Kayla, the Model 60 isn't an ultralight. I own one; it's a solid steel revolver although one of the smaller ones. They've probably got one at the gun club you joined. From what you've posted elsewhere, I gather that the long, heavy trigger pull on double-action revolvers wears out your fingers, however. The Model 60 has a *nice* trigger pull compared to other new revolvers in its class (and other revolver makes, period), but it still requires strength in the fingers.

If you like the 9 mm you bought (and my husband certainly loves his target shooting version of the same pistol), why not take a look at the compact 9 mm semiautomatics made by the same company? That would seem to be an obvious first step if you want to find a smaller gun to carry concealed.


New member
If you like the 9 mm you bought (and my husband certainly loves his target shooting version of the same pistol), why not take a look at the compact 9 mm semiautomatics made by the same company? That would seem to be an obvious first step if you want to find a smaller gun to carry concealed.

Darn Good Advice.



New member
Sakeneko, the real reason I was looking at the S&W is that the guy at the range gave me some scenario of one of the gun purses and how easy it would be to shoot a revolver out of one...and how difficult the slide on a 9mm would be for the same usage.

But in reality, my hands will probably love me more if I avoid the revolvers.

No XD9-SC rental at the range. In fact, there isn't even one in stock, so I can't put one in my hands.

Maybe the right starting point is to figure out if I can conceal the gun I already like. I haven't owned the XD for long but everytime I try something else, I feel like I'm coming back to an old friend when I return to the XD.

That said, I've only tried 2 semi-autos, the one being the Kel-Tec. I'm curious about that Glock 26 and wonder if I can rent that one.

Trashcan-man, do you think the XD-SC is about the same size as the Glock 26??

(Give me a year, and I bet I have the start of a small armory. :D In two years, I may be accessorizing my pistol along with my shoes. ;))


New member
kayla said:
Sakeneko, the real reason I was looking at the S&W is that the guy at the range gave me some scenario of one of the gun purses and how easy it would be to shoot a revolver out of one...and how difficult the slide on a 9mm would be for the same usage.

Hadn't thought of that scenario, but he'd be right if you were shooting from inside a purse.

Maybe the right starting point is to figure out if I can conceal the gun I already like. I haven't owned the XD for long but everytime I try something else, I feel like I'm coming back to an old friend when I return to the XD.

I don't know if this is relevant, but my husband carries his XD-M concealed. Of course, he's around six feet tall and dresses like a typical guy (jeans, belt), which *does* make that easier. I think I'd be able to conceal his gun, too, though, if I were to carry it, and I'm only 5'7". It's longer and wider than my Model 60, but doesn't have the bump that revolvers always have.


New member
the XD(M)9 is almost a bit much for me, and I'm 6' 225lbs. My IWB works pretty well though, and it's almost never uncomfortable. Mitch Rosen makes a pretty good looking purse ( Says my wife.), so you could look there. I also have a Springer xd9 sub, and with a mag extender, it's a perfect sized concealed piece for me. Without the mag extender, it might be perfect for you. I love what Springfield imports/makes, and I'm having a hard time sticking to my "Buy American" line. I've bought 3 in 2 years. Springfield loaded 1911, XD9 sub, and XD(M)9. It would have been so easy for my beloved Ruger to win my polymer money though. Stupid SR9 garbage trigger. And no 1911 for me to choose from. And stupid Springfield for importing an excellent piece of hardware.


New member
I found it easier to carry a full size 1911 than a XD9SC. Im 5'8" about 190lbs. The XD gave me a massive bulge that I was always worried about. It is kind of thick.


New member

Sorry, missed the sizing question re the underwrap. You'll be able to tighten it -- a little -- if it's too large. And you'll also be able to position it lower or whatever. They're fairly flexible. Of course, if it is very much too large you'll have a problem, but ... even then, the thing is basically just a piece of wide elastic with velcro ends. Shortening one would probably be within the reach of even the most casual seamstress.



New member
That Glock 26 sounds like a good choice.

I'm going to the range later and see what they have for me to play with.


New member
A lot of proper concealment for any body has to do with a quality holster. If you go cheap and get something from any chain sporting goods store, it won't be the same as getting something that is handmade, specifically designed for your gun, and for the way you wish to carry it.

I believe that just about any pistol can be concealed, and without compromising good taste in clothing.

You don't have to set your mind on looking for a gun that is named 'ultra compact' in order to succeed at getting a gun that you can shoot and fits your body well.

N.H. Yankee

New member
Personally I an mot a fan of fannypack carry, not that people may wonder, but a fannypack can be taken from you unless attached through ones belt loop. The buckles on many are on the side or back in most cases and is easy access for ripoffs. I don't even worry about printing my gun, I wear loose tee's and keep my colors dark. Light colors make it easier to spot a bulge and in some materials see through.

There are so many people carrying a variety of electronics from their belt, around their waist with pouch's or in a shoulder bag today, only those that carry know for sure in most cases. I think concealing most compact semi's today is very easy especially considering the selection of holsters in todays market. Back in the day, there wasn't a whole lot to chose from and shoulder holsters were the rage for many. Also guns have evolved to smaller platforms as well.

I read a book many years ago, the writer was telling about the time Major George Nonte ( gunwriter ) had 13 guns hidden oin his body. He challenged his associates to find the guns, they could only find 12 and many with a degree of difficulty. They never found #13 and they dared not ask either, also guns were not as compact as some are today.


I don't get it,why do you care what anyone has in there fanny pack?Think your loosing sight of what they mean by situational awareness!


New member
He doesn't care what you have in your fannypack...

... but he does care about the relatively high incidence of purse and camera bag snatching. This is a definite downside to a gun in a purse or fannypack. If the owner isn't paying close attention, he or she could lose the weapon rather quickly.

In an ideal world, the owner's situational awareness would never allow a purse/pack snatching attempt. Unfortunately, the real world isn't ideal, and the odds of having the gun "snatched" by a skillful thief are significantly lower if the holster is on your body instead of in a container.


New member
Try the glock, if the 26 is the sub-compact model then I definately feel that the xd is equal in size to it. Personally I would say that since you have an xd that you should try to stick with that line...unless you really like the glock(my experience is that glocks are love 'em or hate 'em, not much middle ground) in which case get the glock, whatever works best for you.
As far as the fanny pack, I can admit to wearing one for 2 basic scenarios. 1, going on a long road trip where I don't want to wear a holster the whole time but still want to carry when I get out for rest stops and gas. 2, if I am going to run to the store for milk, eggs, etc 1 or 2 quick things then I have been known to grab a fanny pack. BTW for those that do want to use one may want to look into the "keepers" that the police use to hold their gun belt to their belt. It's basically just a little strip of leather with metal snaps that you wrap around both belts and snap closed. I put the snaps on the inside to give an added measure of security.


New member
Wrote about my Glock experience today in another thread. I can shoot well with it but it's not comfy in my hand, and spat brass at my head. :eek: I'm told the brass hitting my head has to do with the range having tight walls and the Glock having a hard right-eject. But I was glad I had on safety glasses.

The size of the Glock 26 seems to be the right compromise I'm looking for. But I'd prefer something that feels more "at home" in my hand.


New member
I don't like the glocks either...please don't flame me...not that they aren't good guns, they are excellent. But the grip feels wonky to me and the recoil doesn't feel right to me. That's why I like the xd's so much, they point very naturally for me. The sc's are the same, you should definately try one....see if you can find a member of the gun club that is willing to let you shoot his.