How do you know if someone is carrying?


New member

Right, for only $27.95 plus shipping and handling you can buy some shiny tin to advertise what you are supposed to be hiding. That's pretty sharp.


New member
I'm noticing things in new ways.
Keep up the good work.
Most people never even see what is going on around them.

When you get to the point that you look at your local police to see what pistol they are carrying, you're a gun nut. :D


New member
well if they're legit CCW permit holders they will be displaying their Concealed Weapon Permit badge.

If you dont already have one you can get it here
I thought the whole point of carring concealed was to be CONCEALED! The badge is a dumb idea IMO.


Staff In Memoriam
Kayla, I guess if "Are you hot?" is out of the question... You won't like to use "So whatcha packin?":eek:


New member
HogDog, actually, I think it might be potentially more problematic if a man asked another man if he's hot. :D


New member
if somebody else is carrying why do I even care?


Please remember, I am brand new to all of this. For me it is:
1) a point of curiosity
2) part of a general increase in my awareness about what's going on around me

Presumably a year from now, I won't care either.


New member
well if they're legit CCW permit holders they will be displaying their Concealed Weapon Permit badge.

If you dont already have one you can get it here
Ha! I needed a good laugh today and this did it. Thanks. :)


New member
yeah, when i started to get my ccw, i tried to see who was carrying. i don't recall ever having spotted one. i guess folks are good at concealing.

i've only had mine a few months. the curiosity is gone now i guess. i don't really try to spot folks anymore.


New member
I don't know about anyone else, but when I started carrying I spent so much time worrying about pulling my shirt tail down it must've been obvious to any gun person that I was carrying! :D


New member
Oh, Ok. Sorry I didn't mean to pry into your personal life. I was just confused as to where you could carry legally but it would be against the "social rules." Thanks for the answer.


Little nuances of behavior will give them away...

Are those gangbanger types really walking around holding their package or just holding their gun up in the baggy pants lol!

I see people packing here and there, less lately, maybe people are getting better.

My nose has ID'd gun oil a few times also;)


New member
ive started looking more for their backs insted of their sides bc most people carry spare mags on their belt holster and thats what catches my eye bc most of the time when im thinking they are carrying a gun it tends to be a cell phone pouch or leatherman or so on but not very many people carry things on the back left side if you right handed unless its 2 extra mags or so on. but thats just me and thats why i started carring my extra 19 round mag in the cell phone pouch on most carpenter jeans bc no one ever thinks to look all the way down the side of you leg and 2 when you bend over it dont pay a surprise to some one that may not think you carry for yours and theirs protection.


New member
Why is it so awful if you're printing or made? Is it illegal to print in some states? If you're in an open carry state, does anyone actually care? Or is it just bad manners?

I'm finding all of this like a new alien world.

It also seems like people who carry concealed, spend an awful lot of time worrying and fussing over not printing, not being made, and wearing stuff where they never have to set their gun down. Sounds like a lifestyle??


New member
Yes, in some states it is illegal to 'print'.
Personally, I think that is incredibly stupid (for lack of a better term right now).
I don't know which states that is, though.
I don't want to print myself because I want the advantage of no one knowing I have a gun. Then I get to choose when I present.

It is often said here that "The only way you will have a gun when you need it is to carry it all the time, no exceptions."
So, yes, Concealed carry does become a lifestyle.
It even affects the clothes you wear.
Some clothes just do not lend themselves to concealed carry.


New member
Why is it so awful if you're printing or made? Is it illegal to print in some states? If you're in an open carry state, does anyone actually care? Or is it just bad manners?

In some states -- some but not all non-open-carry states -- printing is downright illegal and will get your right to carry revoked.

Not all open carry states are the same, and not all areas within a single open carry state are the same. For example, Washington state has open carry, and I've occasionally failed to toss my cover garment back on when traveling the two miles from the (rural) range back to my (rural) home because I know that if anyone saw me (unlikely), they would not care out here. But if I were in Seattle or Vancouver or Olympia, I definitely would not do that unless I wanted to spend my day talking guns with strangers and perhaps with police officers as well. So it's not a matter of "open carry state = nobody cares if they see a gun in the open." It's very location and context specific even in gun friendly states.

It also seems like people who carry concealed, spend an awful lot of time worrying and fussing over not printing, not being made, and wearing stuff where they never have to set their gun down. Sounds like a lifestyle??

It seems like that online, where you have two basic populations of people talking about the nuts and bolts of carrying concealed:

1) newcomers, who are always obsessively worried about it, and
2) people who've done it for years and who are trying to explain the whole deal to the newcomers, helping the newcomers understand exactly how it's done.

Once you get past the newcomer period, the worry wears off and it's just something you do. Honest.
