Home protection without firearms... what would you pick?


New member
I think I would opt for a short spear of some kind or some other thrusting, piercing weapon like a fencing foil which could be used in close quarters. A sword would be nice but swinging it around in a hallway or some other confined area just seems impractical. A bow or crossbow might be sufficient but keep in mind, if there were more than one BG, you would have to take a few seconds to reload, draw and fire.

Interesting and thought provoking question.


New member
I'll second Mr. Ewok...

Baseball bat, even without the after-market nails... :)

That is of course assuming I cannot use one of my many steel batons.


New member
My cute little 132 pound male Rottweiler did an impressive job when some guy broke in while I was at work.

I am not sure if he lived or not with the blood trail he was leaving. He made it about two feet inside the door. Luckily he was on tile.


New member
I've got a 36" rapier that would do the job nicely, ideal for hallway work since you mostly thrust with it, it'll defeat just about any soft body armor too.


New member
In the 19th century the Brits used to make air guns that fired bullets with ballistics comparible to gunpowder weapons. Some actually went big game hunting with 'em.


New member
What I have

1) to paraphrase Monty Python
2) 60-lb pound hound (I'd like to get a Wolf hybrid - I spent a day with one - gentle personality - it could be that way when it weighed 150lbs)
3) baseball bat
4) hi-cap flashlight (6-D cells)
5) fire extinguisher (dry chem but I'd like to get a CO2 too)
6) two-foot long heavy knife, aka "sword" (great for slicing watermelons)
7) back exit


New member
Not just dogs buy two protection trained dogs.
A spear, a short sword and ........the most powerful slingshot I could operate.
I have one now that will do MAJOR damage.


Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
A friend of mine used to raise tigers. She's got a picture of one lying on her king sized bed...hanging off both sides.

Seriously? A couple of dogs, short sword, short spear, ASP, and some containers of concentrated liquid lye solution


New member
CS Grenade.

Can a person from Boston own a wakizashi? Really. Try to pronounce that word with a Bahstin ahksint. Amakuni would spin in his grave like a top.


New member
I know it sounds funny but beside the requisite firearms

I also have avaiablw NOW the following: Sword, Poinard I beleave its called. Dry -Wall Hammer (sort of a battleax blade on one side hammer on the other), alum baseball bat. 120 lb saint bernard & 50 lb pitbull. Large industrial mop to clean up the mess after confrontation.
These are what I currently have avaiable.

Ceol Mhor

New member
A Mad Dog short sword.

Cap n ball

New member
For the yard and surrounding green space:
2000 treble hooks of various sizes suspended from mono filament high test line under trees with fine guage piano wire stetched between the trunks. Deadfalls with punji stakes.

Immediately around the house:
Motion activated microwave units mounted around perimeter and focused to overlap with high energy burst. Razor wire coils along roof access points.

A large sign at end of drive that says, 'NO SOLICITORS!'


New member
my three puppies , Bud, Baron , and Lady , they are all rotts and weigh about 125 each and Bud has an attitude ( you would to if your name was "Budweiser" BTW I didn't name him ) from living in biker bar .good doggie now give daddy back his gun ...:D


New member
swords and daggers....

a katana and wakizxxx (however you spell it)
although a lightweight sword and dagger might be an interesting combination, I'd be experimenting to find a relatively good combo.
Basically I'd have a spear, bow and arrow, sword, and a dagger; and a shield of some sort, as well as armor.
Realistically you could never use all this at once. But you don't know what circumstances you'll be faced with. If it comes to hand-to-hand combat I would want every advantage on my side.
If I have time, would don mail shirt and gloves and helmet, grab shield and something akin to viking sword with dagger in belt and use spear first.
I don't have all this stuff, I have guns; but without the guns I guess I would go full tilt into this type of stuff.