Home protection without firearms... what would you pick?

"The Masai Warriors, and I believe the Zulu, use a long-bladed-short-handled weapon called a Panga..."

That's kind of how that Warlord was, half panga, half Chinese broadsword. Those Pangas could be devastating though, a local pawn shop has cheap copy of one

Man in my original post I forgot to even mention my #1 pick: The push dagger. Other than a firearm this is my choice for defensive use (well carry and really close quarters). I had the safekeeper II and loved it. Actually good at cutting as well. I don't think the new model could match in that department.


New member
For somewhat non lethal I personally use an asp retractable baton. They work and yes you can break somebodys arm with them. DAngerous little buggers.

For lethal I would use either my old cilivl war sabre or get a longsword. Maybe a good "tactical" tomahawk.
A gladius and sheild would work. There is a reason those Romans were around for so long and it is not indoor plumbing and frescos... Of course it helps if you have some friends with a few Ballistae behind you.

The Irish blood in my veign crys out for a Shelaighleigh, though. Bonk! It'll leave you with potatos all over your head.


New member
Here Kitty, kitty, kitty.

Toss the cat in their face. Actually, the heaviest most convenient thing I can lay hands on within 1 step of where I am. Might be the Hoover upright standing in the corner or the 10" cast iron skillet in the kitchen. Reminds me of Golden Corral for some reason.:)


New member
I walked up to the register at my local gun store with some "gun scrubber" The old guy who hangs out there told me not to get it in my eyes. I thought to myself "okay old man don't worry I won't I'm not an idiot!" I went home, took apart my gun and attemped to spray some gun scubber on a paper towel. The can had so much pressure it deflected off the paper towel and right into my eyes. It was the most pain I felt in a while, and it did not go away for about 5 mins. If at the time I could see I would have dialed 911 but I was totally blind. Good stuff!


New member
Dry chemical fire extinguisher.

Just like recommended by JoshM75 on the first page of this thread. It spews a indiscriminate fog of noxious 'waste', it takes absolutely NO talent to wield it and 'hit your mark', and a medium-sized full can would blast about 15 seconds of constant spray.



I really wish my cat weighed about 75-100 pounds, instead of 13. I think a Cheetah might make a good house protector, with a skunk right behind it.
I love a good rott, or doberman, and, my favorite for house protection


Provided you are in a reasonably cold climate. Pyrs kill bears by biting them in the throat, and ripping the bears guts out with their back legs. They bite at 2400 PSI, as strong as a pitbull.


New member
Be careful with bass knuckles their is a certain way you have to swing your fist. Once you use them or try them out on a punching bag you will know what I'm talking about.

smiling cobra

New member

Home defense without guns....??? That is why I have guns...Geeze''' Earth to dumb ass...stand in line ....darwin said YOU ARE NEXT>>> BYE BYE>


New member
Why, I'd take and by-pass the safety switch on the microwave oven. Hear someone moving around, just plug in and wait for the smell of "long pig" wafing through the air...it will go through the walls, so can be positioned in a closet, ceiling, on a night stand aimed at the bedroom door, or can be used to quiet down the "upstairs" neighbor...1200 watts should just about do it. No noise, no ballistics, no flash, and when the police came, I might offer them some hot, coffee, fresh out of the microwave oven!

There are some other materials which I could manufacture, but there is enough "grief" in the world without letting everyone read some simple, but deadly, readily available materials...