Home protection without firearms... what would you pick?


New member
Theoretical question:

Suppose all guns magically disappeared, the recipe for gunpowder was lost, and Pepper Spray hadnt been invented...

What would make the best weapon for home defense?

I know its kind of a stupid question... but some of the answers I am sure will be quite imaginative.


New member
My ex-wife. :)

I'd probably go with some sort of short sword for in the house fighting and a bow for defending from a distance.



New member
I second the idea of dogs. Plural. At least two.

A mace or a flail might be a good choice for close-in combat behind the dogs.


New member
One of those mini-crossbows would be ideal, there small and light, yet powerful enough to inflict major hurt.


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I kept a hand axe next to the bed when I was living in Egypt. I didn't get a permit to have a gun until I was packing to come back to the US. It really freaked my MIL. My wife thought it was kind of strange but she slept well knowing we had something.


New member
I second the Katana notion. Something shorter than a full length though, for manuverability in hallways.



New member
I know, but the flaming oil post got me thinking... there's several options... some tar-like liquid driven by compressed air can create a spitter, while gas fuel - acetilene, propane, etc - can give one hell of a torch... question is, how legal would that be under US laws?


New member
Electricial grade Fire Extinguisher

Saw a guy get shot in the face with one, he went down in a screaming heap. Had to be rushed to Hospital to save his eyesight. Also the empty cannister makes a nifty club at short notice.

I always thought that Flamethrowers were just fuel pumps in back pack form? The BATF would probably love though to get involved in regulating fuel pumps, $200 transfer tax on every automobile sale :(


New member
A bull mastiff or two.

A Khukuri would probably be an ideal sidearm for a close quarters weapon in tight places like hallways.

Don't like a baseball bat in case you run up against a bad guy with an innate sense of physics and momentum (i.e., they've figured out what part of the swinging bat isn't dangerous).