Hobbyist Gunsmith


New member
27 CFR 478.11

Gunsmith. A person who devotes time, attention, and labor to engaging in such activity as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit, but such a term shall not include a person who makes occasional repairs of firearms or who occasionally fits special barrels, stocks, or trigger mechanisms to firearms;

That is the definition of gunsmith under the CFR.

Pvt. Pyle

New member
The hours listed on the FFL app for "business hours" is mostly so the ATF has a time to show up for an audit. From how I understand it anyway. I have been trying to do some research and get ducks in a row before I go jumping into something like this.

I love the kitchen table, need inventory, safe deals that everyone always spits out about things you have to do for an FFL.

Also to the previously stated denial of an FFL, I am assuming that something went down and this person was already an FFL holder and did something, or didnt do something, that fulfilled requirements and they denied a renewal. Just assuming...