Hi Point picture thread

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Never seen a picture of a Hi Point in a thread. There seems to be plenty of people who like ‘em. What the hell, lets see some pictures. There has to be some who think they’re nice looking – afterall, someone had to design them. Even if you think yours is ugly, people like to see all kinds of disturbing images, heres a chance to satisfy some peoples morbid curiosity.

Not looking for any Hi Point bashing, there’s a whole nother thread which has plenty of that.


New member
I've seen a lot of very ugly and disturbing things from all segments of life, but when I was in a local gunshop and saw a Hi Point .380, it's ghastliness about took my breath.

How can a company willfully produce such an ugly weapon?


New member

I cant believe no one has any pictures of their own that they'd like to share.
I think I figured out where they get their design ideas:


I think the flames are a nice touch -maybe next years models.
No offense to any Hi-point fans. I have no experience with their reliability, but it would be hard to make the argument that they're pretty.

thanks for the link.
Please excuse me now, I feel like I need to take a shower.


New member
aw c'mon.. the carbines arent bad looking. that C9 compensated with the compensator taken off looks rediculous.. i agree.. why that owner did that.. dunno.

if it wasnt for the mag extension at the bottom, they would look alot less drill like. althogh the standard C9 mag doesnt have that.. and it looks fine. just has a larger than typical slide.

but then again.. if they could drill things.. AND shoot bullets.. isnt that a plus?


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I find all sorts of illegal firearms on gunbroker.
It is funny, but I try to warn them about what they are trying to sell.


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Its not my gun!!

just wanted to say a couple things:

not sure whats illegal about it, but if the one in my post is what is being referred to, I lifted it off the link provided by JasonJ. I just thought I should post at least one picture of one, if nothing else to illustrate the similarities between them and some power tools. I hope I'm not breaking some internet forum moral code by posting someone else's picture.

I hope I don't offend with the comments about their looks. It's all in good fun.
If people like 'em, more power to 'em. I would rather have a Hi-Point in hand than nothing, but :They are ugly as hell, and do in my opinion look like an impact wrench.
I still hope someone will step up and give us some tastefully done pictures of theirs though.

Take care all;

Voyager AL

New member
here's mine, near my S&W 559. The Hi-Point ( hits the paper better than the S&W. I dont carry any of these 3. They all are for hitting paper and steels.




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the hideousness of these guns will haunt my dreams forever!

And if you take one to the range after years of spending 2 to 5x money on other guns you may have other issues :eek:

these ugly beasts cause all sorts of mental/spiritual/emotional problems. But they do shoot.


New member
its a gun... it does what guns do.. it shoots prejectile bullets and hits the target.

i think the "illegal" handgun was the one where the owner ported the slide and added the front pistol grip..

im pretty sure in a few states, thats not particularly illegal.. for sure in california.. not sure where that HP owner lives however.

unless im ignorant and there is a federal law about two gripped pistols...is there?


New member
There's a reason you don't see a lot of Hi-Point pics.

They're fugnly as hell. Owners seem to like them, but that doesn't change the fact that they're ugly. :eek:


New member
Chris, I gotta think a Hi Point pistol is between fifteen and twenty dollars to manufacture and five or so more to ship.

Can't be much, their cost is less than most maker's markup to wholesale.


New member
see from Voyager's post.. i dont think theyre ugly at all.. i dont think theyre pretty either.

yeah the production costs arent much.. usually costs the distributer i think abotu $50 per.. dealers get them for not much more than that.. but less than $100 (or near there for the carbines).

now imagine however.. that there was only a 2.5x markup from production to retail cost on that $90 Glock... a sub $250 gun is what youd have...

however people love their markup and think $500 is fair for something that costs less than 1/5 that to make. build a house for $150,000... sell it for $750,000...

build a car for $20k.. sell it for $100k.. doesnt sound so fair when you put it that way.
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