Heh,heh, all you guys with .40 S&Ws...


New member
You have to wonder who DHS is going to war with such that they would need 200 million rounds of ammo for.

Maybe its to fight off the general public because the government has been incompetent for the last 20+ years and they are starting to see the beginning of a revolution :D


New member
I have 3 guns chambered in .40 ...and I think this is just a lot of fussing about nothing ....

Call 1 - 800 - Dillon ......... I have at least 5,000 bullets in inventory - and about 40 boxes already reloaded and stackup up in storage.


New member
200 Million

The level of commercial production 200M is big, but based on existing inventory and current daily production runs, not a major burp.


Got to run down a tell my gun shop he should be out of ammo and prices should be higher.. This kind of deal can hurt the small reloading companies like georgia arms and atlanta arms more than anyone. They get shorted on reload brass and that is where it will hurt.


New member
It's even less of a burp when you check the facts: this is 40 million rounds p/year to DHS. Over the last five years, Winchester produced 20-25 million rounds per year for DHS. All that really happened is the DHS guys increased their contract to provide more ammo for their guys.

Remember, DHS encompasses a lot of different organizations, starting with the US Coast Guard, and they all use some variant of the Sig in .40 S&W.

GA Limited GM

New member
If anything, it just sounds like there will be a lot more available once fired brass.

What is the this store bought ammo you guys speak of? :p