Heh,heh, all you guys with .40 S&Ws...


New member
Still 310 types, manufactures, sellers listed on the AmmoEngine site for .40 S&W so not a big shortage, but I did notice the Wolf ammo is now gone, that had been the cheapest selection. .380ACP looks like it is making a comeback up to 15 types, manufactures, sellers now, was at 5 when I started looking at the early this fall. The cheapest at .33 per round is Wolf.


New member
Don't put yer eggs all in one basket

That's why it's best to have more than one caliber firearm. I'm sure the .40 cal guys (as well as myself) are far from screwed. Hey...if all else fails, build a potato gun! Tater's are cheap and fly far!!! LOL!


200 million "Ranger" hollowpoint cartridges.

Does DHS practice at the firing line with duty ammunition? Or don't they use FMJ of an equivalent weight like the rest of us do?


New member
I don't see it...

It seems like all I can find is 40 so I do not think there will be any issue with availability as a result of this story.


New member
So does that mean that there will be 200 million .40 caliber rounds dumped on the market next year if the Government switches to another ammo manufactuer?:rolleyes:


New member
Much to do about nothing.

Damn, Thanks folks, I woke up this morning and didnt have anything to worry about. DHS buying ammo?????? The end is near.

I've seen some Feds shoot, personaly it wouldnt hurt them to double the order and practice a bit.

Reading some of the comments on that liNK (along with some of the things I see in TFL) makes me want to invest in TIN FOIL HATS.


New member
Does DHS practice at the firing line with duty ammunition? Or don't they use FMJ of an equivalent weight like the rest of us do?
All shooting is done with duty ammo.

Interesting that OFO is going to Winchester's 135 grain stuff, while BP and other CBP agencies are going to Federal's 180 grain.
Depending on how much production space Winchester devotes to fulfilling the order, 40 million rounds would take anywhere from a week to a month or so to fulfill.

That amount isn't exactly taxing


New member
.40SW Shortage? Perhaps its a good thing that I have about 5000 of those, mostly hollow point in my ammo cabinet. Had to do some shifting around to get them in with my 15,000 rounds of 5.56, 8,000 rounds of .45 ACP, 5,000 rounds of 9mm and the 350 rounds of .380. Not worth much of a mention but I do have about 10,000 rounds of .22LR and about 1000 assorted shotgun shells. I ain't got no stinkin' shortage.


New member
Shortage ! Baloney, I've bought rounds for everything I own through this whole shortage hoax, any empty shelves were caused by consumers. Another "Sky's Falling" hesteria.

A/C Guy

New member
Last year my .40 ammo was $12 a box, now it is $20+ a box. Glad a bought several thousand rounds last year.


New member
I traded my G21SF for a G22 and sold my Taurus 9mm and 45 ACP ammo so I could buy a crap load of 40 S&W ammo because I got tired of trying to find ammo and components for the 9mm and .45. But seeing as that the only ammo I can still find in my neck of the woods is 40 S&W, I am not too worried about it. :D


New member
Well, that's 40 million terrorists who won't make it on the plane with exploding underpants.

Oh, never mind.

I'm just releived the current administration hasn't switched DHS over to BB guns (yet).


New member
I haved two of em... not worried..... casting and reloading makes piddly worries just drift away.... like the sands of time.... :rolleyes::eek::D