Gym carry


New member
When i'm running on the treadmill or squatting double my weight...

Lots of people carry while jogging around their neighborhood. They paranoid? Attacks happen anywhere, anytime. I choose to be prepared (paranoid) in all situations. Because some choose not to be, that doesn't make me paranoid(prepared), it makes me more prepared (paranoid) to deal with an adverse situation. Much rather be able to grab my gun if if I need it, instead of a medicine ball.


New member
Carrying while jogging outside alone in a potentially dangerous neighborhood is alot different than carrying while working out at the gym in a public place. If the area I lived in was that bad where I need to carry a gun while running, then ill go to the gym and use the treadmill.

Also if you read in the article he was protecting his daughters dog, not himself... the chances of a coyote attacking a full grown man aint that big
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New member
My LCP is my go-to pocket carry gun, when IWB carry ain't the best option.

While I believe that a HP from an LCP at close range can do the job on a Coyote, I never believed that story about Perry putting one down that was attacking his dog. It was too convenient a story at the time for a presidential candidate wanting a tough image combined with abnormal animal behavior.... Coyotes do kill pets, but not normally while it's with a large owner. Who knows, but I don't buy it personally.... Believe what you want...


New member
If you can safely carry a gun while you're working out, you ain't working out hard enough.

Please don't take your gun in the gym. I know at the Y they have an area where they're watching kids. The last thing any one needs is someone getting shot cause of an accidental discharge while you're on the treadmill.

If you want to get into a verbal sparring match on here, it ain't gonna do you any good. There's nothing you can say that's gonna convince me that it's a good idea to carry in the gym.

If you want to carry while you're jogging around the neighborhood, go for it.


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Hi, While I do CCW almost everytime I leave My home, I do not carry at the Gold's Gym ( thats where the almost comes in ) I belong to. It's less than 1 mile from home so I get there 3 times a week and on those occasions ( daytime somewhere between 10am-3pm I get My workout in ) I'm there the place is filled with LEO's ( The City & County patrol cars are a dead give away LOL ) . But thats My choice and I have no problem with others responsibly carrying while at the Gym....wvleo


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Buff and dragline,
I don't do back flips while working out. I don't know what your routine is, but my firearm is secure. I won't try to convince you to carry at the gym, but don't tell me not to. It's probably better that you don't since it seems you perform acrobatics and it wouldn't be safe to carry.:rolleyes:


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Buff and dragline,
I don't do back flips while working out. I don't know what your routine is, but my firearm is secure. I won't try to convince you to carry at the gym, but don't tell me not to. It's probably better that you don't since it seems you perform acrobatics and it wouldn't be safe to carry.

It has nothing to do with doing back flips or acrobatics. When I work out I try to work out with such intensity that I cannot be bothered by my carry gun and all the things that go with it. I need complete concentration and don't even listen to music when I'm lifting. I cannot be bothered by the possibility of "oh crap my gun is showing" during or in between sets. Nor can I be bothered with the hindrance of carrying the gun like readjusting it constantly or it poking into me and throwing off my concentration.

Also I never told you not to, I just said I think it's excessive and unnecessary.


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There are some pretty jacked guys at my gym that don't seem to workout with the intensity that would prevent them from carrying a small gun on them, but to each his own. Happy lifting.


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Perhaps you may need to work on securing the gun better so you don't worry about it. I for one do not worry about it slipping out or discharging amongst kids at the gym anymore than anywhere else I carry. To say you worry about these things make me glad that some don't carry at the gym. As I don'work out with my finger on the trigger or stick it in my waistband unsecured, these are not viable concerns. As for they assertion that it affects my workout regimen, laughable. :rolleyes: It impedes nothing. Different strokes and whatnot. To say it is paranoia to carry in the gym is to say it is paranoia to carry anywhere you deem unnecessary. The same as the antis. No different. They want to draw the line same as those who call it paranoid to carry in the gym. That line that is drawn is just a little further back is all. They try to ascribe carrying anywhere to paranoia, same as those who use the same word to call it paranoia to carry in places they don't deem it prudent.


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Buff and dragline,
I don't do back flips while working out. I don't know what your routine is, but my firearm is secure.

I'm not sure how I would carry so that at no time the gun would not be pressed between me and a machine or bouncing around as I ran.

Guess I could just slip into a loin cloth as I do my back flips.


New member
A lot of truth many cops backup piece comes loose during scuffles with bad guys? Ive got twin 5 year olds that I run and wrestle around with in the yard and my gun never comes loose. I run on the treadmill, no problems there either. But, everyone is not the same, do your thing.


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I suspect some gyms are not in the best neighborhoods.

And when jogging one certainly needs to carry, esp the ladies.


New member
Buff, The smarycarry holster works great while working out. It sits over your lower abs and groin. The closest it gets to bothering me is on the leg press machine and the olympic row bar with the padded rest it I lean on it a little high. Even in those situations it's not a problem. Smertcarry actually works in many other situations beside the gym. If I'm out wearing gym shorts it work awesome. Drawing with minimal practice if pretty quick.

I just got back from the gym and did not carry. It depends on my mood.


New member
I don't carry while working out. I've done so a few times when I first received my permit way back when but it was more of a "I can now, so I'm going to" mentality. To be honest, it was a pain in the ass. I don't like things attached to me when I'm working out and it did get in the way during some exercises.

I've seen guys carry at the gym. It's pretty obvious when you know what to look for but for people who have never carried concealed they never notice a thing. One guy had his shirt completely hooked between him and his revolver handle carrying small of the back. I don't think anyone noticed between the time the shirt hiked up until I noticed and told him.

Of course it depends on the gun and carry method but if you're able to do it right and not have the gun show and be safe and comfortable then do it.


New member
I have carried while working out at the gym,,,I always go to the gym dressed to workout,,,I never use the showers,,,lockers,,,sauna,,,whirlpool etc...the Smartcarry or Thunderwear holster works fine,,,just be extremely careful as you know where the muzzle of your handgun is pointing. I like to use a small j frame revolver or a DA/SA semi auto as that first long hard trigger pull is a safety in itself. On the Smartcarry or Thunderwear holster you tuck your shirt in under the holster in front and over the waist belt of the holster in the back as I have had the waistbelt ride up and show above my shorts or pants. I have also used my holster system that I manufacture that works in cargo pocket shorts or cargo pocket pants.

I always carry while biking or walking or running sometimes with a fanny pack worn on the front of my body, I also like a small revolver or semi auto carried in a front pocket holster or my cargo pocket holster system.

At the beach with swimming trunks only the Smartcarry or Thunderwear holster will work unless your swim trunks have a zippered pocket or pockets and I have never ever tried to swim with my gun,,,if you wear cargo pocket shorts or pants my holster system will work at the beach.

Whatever you do I am extremely careful not to have an AD, accidental discharge while at the gym, at the beach, or walking or running or biking.