Gym carry


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Sweat is a bit of a problem. I have to wipe down my LC9 every time I get back from the gym. The Smartcarry holster gets pretty damp and soaks through to the gun. The Smart carry works well. I was worried it may be a hinderance during squats, abs and cardio, but no worries. I feel it there, but it doesn't get in the way.


New member
Tried sonething a little bigger than the LC9 today. I wore my XD40 SC with extended mag with a spare extended mag in the Samrycarry. 30 minutes on the eliptical and an hour lon back workout. No issues, but the LC9 is a little more comfortable. I'll probably stick with that.


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Where do you put it when in the shower at the gym. Has there being many mass shootings in the shower. :)
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There have, I imagine you're one of those gifted people that knows exactly when and where bad things are going to happen. There are many members here that carry all day, even at home. At night a gun within reach. We must all be crazy. By the way, I shower at home. :rolleyes:

Try Google using Google next time.

LA Fitness Center Shooting In Pennsylvania Leaves 4 Dead - Pittsburg

Man killed, woman wounded in fitness center shooting - San Antonio

Person Shot in Front of West Side Fitness Center - Cincinnati


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Join Date: December 7, 2001
Location: Nashua, New Hampshire
Posts: 499
There have, I imagine you're one of those gifted people that knows exactly when and where bad things are going to happen. There are many members here that carry all day, even at home. At night a gun within reach. We must all be crazy. By the way, I shower at home.
You are more lightly to be killed going to the gym in the car than a shoot out

in a gym. Its probably because i am coming at at form a UK perspective.

The last thing i would think of taking to the gym is a gun. Now if i was going into a situation that i tought was or could be dangerous that would be different.
I know you can't predict every situation but where do you stop don't leave the house. Don't drive in case you are in a car crash, dont fly in cast the plane crashes. People die tripping getting out of bed. As i say probably just me i don't live in America and didn't know it was that dangerous.


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I do not go to the gym. I have several friends that carry that do. They tend to carry small pocket guns in a belly band type of holser that they turn to IWB. You would probably not see their gun even if you looked. As for while swimming, or in the steam room/sauna/whirlpool/jaquizi they usualy just place the gun in a locker, and pad lock it. Thieves love to hit the locker room of the gym. All kinds of good stuff is in the locker. Car keys, wallets, money, cell phones, MP3 players well you get the idea. They tend to hit the ones without locks and will keep an eye out for people to hit the shower. They know that the person is gonna be a few minutes.


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I merely take precautions in the things I do. In the event of a car crash I always wear a seatbelt and have insurance. In my house I don't expect to have a fire, but I do have smoke alarms. I don't expect a violent confrontation, but carry a gun as a precaution. Some of my guns weight little more than a cell phone. I know some people never part with their cell phones.


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I've jogged with a K frame snub iwb. I like to jog in the woods though and had forgot my OWB holster that day. Not exactly comfortable but not exactly uncomfortable either.


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Posts: 598 Quote:
Where do you put it when in the shower at the gym. Has there being many mass shootings in the shower.

runner up for best post of the year!
Thanks. :)


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I carry often but I don't carry at the the gym or when out for a run. I understand th

well said, and true.... i can't be paranoid / prepared, or careful 24/7


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I know you can't predict every situation but where do you stop

Now this is just silly. The point is you don't stop unless the law forbids it. It's called being prepared. Are gyms off limits to criminals? Not that I've heard.


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If you feel that you have to carry a firearm every where you go. How do you manage if you are somewhere where you can't carry a gun. Do you feel that threatened that you avoid going anywhere you cant carry a gun. Now you have to remember that i come form the UK. Where i get on with my life and the last thing of if i am going anywhere is where is my gun.

Gun crime is very low here. Are there that many guns in America that its more dangerous. Are people by being weary of going anywhere without a gun inadvertently making an argument for greater gun control in America. And the UK that have very restrictive gun laws have got it right.

Edit probably best not to get into gun control.
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I am never unarmed. Do some research on gun crime or crime in America. Gun control? Doesn't work on criminals. But realistically, this type of discussion is better suited for a different forum before the topic gets closed.


Hhmmm....I've been reviewing threads...gym carry, church carry, home carry....Lot's of carrying going on these days. Is there any place we do feel safe??? Sometimes I wonder if we're truly that afraid, or whether we just carry because we can...[& maybe because we think it's cool]....

I'm not saying that we shouldn't carry tools to defend ourselves, but I am starting to worry that so many of us may feel that afraid???

The fear thing does trouble me, because I was taught that a gun/knife/etc. is a tool, not a weapon. I was taught that the "weapon" is what's between our ears. It strikes me that if the brain-function is compromised by fear...the tools we're so proud of carrying may not be adequate. Oh, well....What can I say other that maybe I'm just getting old & can't help but muse about the things that I see/read/hear.

Good carrying. I'm hopeful we can all remain strong, brave & prudent--without too much fear &/or cowardice.--Patrice


manta49... I'm not afraid in the least but I'm not going to make it easy on a would be attacker. Odds are that I'll never need to draw my firearm... oh wait... there were those three times when I live in a bad part of town.

1. I was stalked and nearly attacked by three pit bulls while unarmed.
2. I took down one of those same pit bulls killing another dog... I knew it would eventually attack a child.
3. I was nearly attacked by a violent neighbor who called me some racist names and threatened to beat me to death with a crow bar. I pulled briefly but didn't need to fire and didn't even have to aim it at him, thank God.

These incidences all occurred in less than twelve months.

And, oh wait... there have been a few prowlers around the house late at night in good neighborhoods.

I carry every time I can.

ETA #1: I forgot one... a lady in the street screaming for help at 2:00 AM. I investigate and see she's alone. While I'm on the phone with 911 I ask her what's wrong but she appears completely out of her mind. I go back inside and await the police who arrive to take her away. She was apparently on crack or something.

ETA #2: Another one... I came home unarmed to find that my house was broken into... I apparently scared the thief away because there were fresh footprints in the snow and it was still snowing. The jerk got away with some very expensive stuff. He could just as easily have been armed and willing to kill me for more valuables.
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Deja vu

New member
I was thinking of getting an NAA mini for this very reason :D that and it would look cool next to my BFR 45/70 with a 10 inch barrel.