Guns you rarely shoot


New member
I very rarely shoot my Colt Government Model .45acp purchased in about 1971. Love the 1911 but have more fun shooting the 44 mag.


New member
My brother in law needed money in the mid 90s so I bought his mint Colt Python. I shot it when he still owned it, so there was no rush to take it out again. In the meantime Python prices have soared, to the point where I could buy a new revolver for what a scratch on the Python would do to its value. So it's a safe queen now. Sure is pretty, though.


New member
I've got my two 1911,and i shot two boxs of fifty round through both since I got them .I've had both of them going on three years now.I like shooting my 9mm and 40's. and others pistols.:D

Photon Guy

New member
Do you own a gun or two that you really like, but almost never shoot ?

I've got a Smith & Wesson .500 which I've only fired about seven or eight times, aside from having a very strong recoil the ammo is also very expensive. I've also got a .600 Overkill from which I've fired only once for that same reason, the ammo is very expensive, $20 a shot. Aside from that I've got a Ruger Super Redhawk in .44 Magnum which I've only fired about one box of ammo with since I usually use my regular Redhawk instead.


New member
I have a relatively modest collection of shotguns, rifles & handguns in my safe. Approaching my 70th birthday I rarely shoot any of my firearms. I do, however, look at them, care for them, admire them and remember great moments hunting with them or simply shooting holes in paper. :) For example, I have an S&W 629 8 3/8" that I took on a few deer hunts but never shot at a deer. I'm not even close to the size of Dirty Harry but still recall those words: "me and Smith and Wesson." (Yes, I know his was shorter than mine.) ;)
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New member
I like pretty much every gun I own or I wouldn't own them. Few get shot much in the last 5 years. The ammo shortage took the wind out of my sails and I just began shooting much much less frequently. Dropped my private range membership. I haven't gotten back into it since supplies are better now. The most shot these days are 22 rifles. I do enjoy plinking with 22 handguns quite a bit, but only do it with other people and that isn't often.


New member
I actually just traded an 870 for an sks because I never shot it. Shotguns are fun for about 5 shots until I realized while it was practical for many things, a range session probably wasn't one of them.


New member
I admit that I don't shoot my Automag much. I cringe every time I pull the trigger hoping nothing breaks. The Windrunner doesn't get out much because it's a major pain to haul that heavy beast around. Upon reflection, the shotguns could go away since it's been decades since any were shot.


New member
I actually just traded an 870 for an sks because I never shot it. Shotguns are fun for about 5 shots until I realized while it was practical for many things, a range session probably wasn't one of them.

I have an 870 that I have never shot. I just don't enjoy shooting shotguns unless I'm hunting and that 870 is a police model. It's purpose is obvious.


New member
Just cleaned a bunch of guns today that I rarely shoot.

The completely custom Winchester Pre-`64 model 70 in .35 Whelen is a beautiful rifle and worth more than nearly all my other guns combined. I haven't shot it in probably 5 years.


