Guns in the Movies...

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Jorah Lavin

New member
lp said:
>Saw an episode of the X Files where they
>show a handgun go off in slow motion and
>instead of a bullet flying through the air
>it is a whole handgun cartridge.

LP, that is _too_ funny. Actually, my wife had a vague idea that that was what happened when you pulled the trigger! I told her that bullets weren't the same as missles, the whole assembly doesn't head downrange.

I mentioned Grosse Point Blank yesterday... in the film, for instance, the scene in the HyperMart, it seems as if the Glocks the hero is shooting each fire 30-40 rounds between reloads (and he is shown reloading many times in this film) but when I slowed everything down, I realized that what he is doing is "pumping" the gun back and forth, and everytime the gun goes forward, the soundtrack indicates a shot, but you can see that he actually only pulls the trigger a few times, and there are actually only a few muzzle-flashes. One of the many silly gun mistakes in this film is the bullet-proof 'fridge door, the "fact" that you can shoot endless rounds (and have them shot back at you inches from your face) with no lessening of your ability to hear and talk normally.


New member
This is not from a movie but from one of those Fox specials. I think it was Worlds Scariest police chases or something. Some officer pulled over some man. I vaguely remember some kind of struggle and the suspect taking off on foot. The officer is seen in his cruiser camera blasting away one handed and completely emptying his gun. It's
safe to say he missed the subject.

Paul B.

New member
Hmmmm! Where can I find those .45 cal. Ruger P90's from "Desperado" and the 1911's that Bruce Willis had in "Last Man Standing?" You know? The ones that fired about 50 shots apiece without reloading? Well at least they ddid reload on occasion.
Another question. How in hell did all those bad guy who were shooting in those movies miss the heros? I'm not the worlds greatest shot, but I'd sure bet a goodly amount that I wouldn't have missed. And with all those BG's shooting at them, to remain so cool and almost never miss? Come guys, gimme a break.
Paul B.


New member
Hollywood made a good display of the awesome "knock-down" power available from a handgun ;). Remember the movie "Stick" with Burt Reynolds (1985)?

The scene where the BG uses his 4" SS S&W Model 29 to launch the Chauffer/Pool guy 4' into the air and 6' backwards into the pool. I just can't figure out why the BG wasn't similarly "kicked" 4' upwards and 6' back when he touched off that round!?!


New member
Stick was ggreat!! Burt had another action flick at about the same time called Malone. Wooohoooo 80's were the best... I saw a Charlie Sheen movie last night were the COP had a Glock one sec and a Beretta 92 the next.. I guess the prop guy was mixed up.


New member
I just watched the "X-Files - The Movie" last night and it sure looked like the english aristocrat was shooting a Sig P232 in the scene where he shoots his driver and is later blown up in his car. Yeeesss!!

I just love my new P232. :)



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I was impressed with the movie "Ronin". Realistic recoil, actually missing at long range...none of that 100-shot? magazines & no recoil as if they are shooting a squirt gun...



New member
Ok guys. I have done work as a Movie firearms armorer and gun handler. It is not our fault. Most of the garbage you see is because thats what the directors and production people want. Some movies have allowed some real life tactical people to have input (watch the SWAT team in T2 and you'll see what I'm talking about) some directors (john Milius) do a great job, while others tell the firearms people that they want a purple ceramic revolver with a big silencer- guess what, spend the money and you get what you want, no matter how many times you tell the director that its stupid and unrealistic. And in regards to many of the Cops, yes I have to work with them and its scary. Like any job, some people are really good at what they do, and some are dorks. Sometimes the dorks get on T.V. (I think you'll find that the real warriors with badges avoid any kind of press or media attention). To quote a good friend-training cops is like herding cats.



New member
I agree, there are many TV shows and movies that appear very accurate with the gun scenes. I remember that Miami Vice always seemed top notch. Magnum PI was was good also. I always loved the sound of Tom Sellecks 45 when it went off, it wasnt the generic gun sound that you hear in everything else.. Just dont get me started on the A-Team..ha ha ha :)


New member
I think that we all know that's what people want. I admit, the big unrealistic guns look and sound cool, but not real. It's false education on guns in an idadvertant way.

Add Austin Powers 2 to the list. I watched it yesterday and they had the "trigger click" after the rounds were spent. Don't you love it.

"Sure Shot"
Almost forgot, was channel surfing late one night not too long ago and passed Cinemax where I saw a nice fire-fight going on. It turned out to be "Fair Game", but anyway the female lead ( I think it was Kim Basinger) Hid in a bedroom with a Colt Stainless Steel 1911 and acutally pulled out an empty magizine and took out a box of ammo and loaded it. Also in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" before the warden splatted his brains on the wall he loaded his revolver with ammo.(Remington at that) So just a few movies I remember where guns were used.

Trespassers Will Be Shot
Survivors Will Be Shot Again

Big Al

New member
I think "Desperado", though a really cool movie, probably has the best combination of "best/worst" gun handling techniques. In the big bar shootout, Banderas actually reloads (good). Three guys with automatic weapons unload and miss him at about 10-15 feet (unbelieveable). He dumps clips and dives for cover while reloading (good). He shoots with a gun in each hand (bad). He not only holds the guns gangster style, he slings them forward like he's whipping the bullets out of them (really bad). Then a guy outside chase him down, firing a Desert Eagle 50AE with one hand (virtually impossible). Later, Banderas touches off a double barrel 12 gague pistol with one hand (definitely impossible).

Q. Tarentino has some kind of fetish with firearms impossibilities. Watch Pulp Fiction. Also a very cool movie, but a guy unloads a 44mag at two guys and the muzzle never even raises. he also misses at about 4 feet.
Ohhh yeah I forgot about Pulp Fiction when Sam L. Jackson said something about Mr. 9mm when they had Stainless 1911s small glitch and still a great movie.

Trespassers Will Be Shot
Survivors Will Be Shot Again


New member
I just saw The Bodyguard a couple of nights ago. Kevin Costner, an ex-secret-service -type racks back to chamber a round *after* he hears a noise. Hmmmm.

Does anyone know what gun he was carrying? Looked like a Sig to me. Definitely not an H&K or Glock.

Big Al

New member
Silver Bullet, you forgot that Sam Jackson probably had one of those 9mm Colt 1911's made a long time ago for european police depts. Very unlikely, but I'm pretty sure that's the only explanation.... :)


New member
Just saw End Of Days. Schwarzenegger is constantly "cocking" his Glock.

Also, first post mentioned racking the shotgun. What about those who don't carry a round chambered in their semi-auto, no matter how many times they rack the slide.

In The Bodyuard one of the first weapons shown is an HK P7.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I watched some dopey crazed pilot steal an
nuclear armed fighter movie. It was mildly

The airplane stuff was stupid. This guy
in a Israeli Kfir loaded with a nuke
and other bombs consistenly outflew F-16s
with only Sidewinders.

But, the gun stuff had the racking scene.

The loonie takes a couple and their baby hostage. After holding them hostage all
day, the couple gets testy and the nutso
racks the gun to impress them. No round
was ejected.

So now you sitting there saying to yourself,
it had an empty chamber, I should have bopped the SOB.

I love the racking scene.


New member
I like the movies that Chuck Norris used to make, but that series had more "gun goofs" than any that I've ever seen.

I remember a couple... once Chuck fired an M203 Grenade launcher TWICE very rapidly without reloading... each round blew up a bad guy about 6' from him!

Another time, a bad guy shot a LAW type weapon about 3 times without reloading.

Another "hero" that was bad about "gun goofs" was Arnold... I remember when he fired an M-16 full-auto one handed, while holding it out a arm's length... and he was mowing down bad guys...

There's a lot more that I could name...

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