Gun sale delayed, dealer keeping money?


New member
Isn't any different if you have dealer just do transfer for you.
You hand over $15,$20,whatever
Fill out form and get denied.
Your still out the transfer fee because dealer called it in for you.

But some would probably pitch a fit over this too.


New member
Reply to Natman


I understand your point but you stated something that I think needs clarifying.

You said "The dealer has a considerable amount of paperwork into this transaction".

Actually, this could not be furthest from the truth. I filled out a yellow form and the dealer looked at the info on the yellow form and called the FBI and relayed the information on the form.

He then told me that he had to wait for a response, which we all know from the original post, was almsot a one month wait after he said 3 days.

Anyway, the main point I am trying to make is -

That was about the extent of the paperwork on the dealers part.

He wrote down the FBI agent that he spoke to, and the NCIS transaction number. That was it.

Basically, the guy filled nothing out and made two phone calls.

Listen, I am not gonna get stressed over $20 bucks. Crap, my ex wife took me for like 75,000. The point though is that the guy really did nothing.

I am going to file the appeal tomorrow. Hopefully I do not come to learn that the guy was B.S. from the start.

I kind of have the feeling that he was but time will tell.

Thanks everyone, you have educated me a lot.



I am going to file the appeal tomorrow. Hopefully I do not come to learn that the guy was B.S. from the start.

I kind of have the feeling that he was but time will tell.

Maybe a call to the FBI (and the agent in particular if possible) to confirm the denial, even if they don't give you the reason over the phone, would be wise. It could save you having to file the appeal and wait for the results. Then you'd also know for sure.


New member
Let me clarify. My shop is in California. Running a gun through DROS, the CA version of NICS, takes about half a hour of form filling, including checking ID, filling out the Federal 4473, filling out the state DROS form online, getting a fingerprint, etc, etc.

It may well be simpler elsewhere. YMMV.


New member
AH.74 has a good idea, call the FBI and confirm you WERE in fact denied. All you've got in that regards so far is this guy's say so, and I'd take that about as far as I can throw my truck.:rolleyes:


New member
Remember, we've only heard this story from the buyer's point of view. Pardon me now while I step into my flameproof suit. Thanks.
Naw, you're probably right. But what would stick in my craw is the fact that this guy was such a putz, I would be loathe to give him a penny. It would be different if he was friendly and accomodating from the start, and then said something like, "I really hate to do this, but I have to charge you 20 dollars for the paperwork." I sort of doubt the OP would have had much of a problem, either.


New member
One step closer to understanding the truth...H1N1

Today, I received a call from a woman from the FBI (Lisa), regarding my appeal of the NCIS. Apparently the address on the form I faxed over was not clear so she called me to verify my address. At that point I tried to probe a little bit and find out some information.

Here is what I found -

Was I actually denied?

Yes, I was denied. Of course Lisa would not tell me over the phone why I was denied but she verified in no uncertain terms that I was.

Will the information she is mailing CLEARLY state why I was denied?

No. Without telling me why I was denied, Lisa indicated that there are STATE proihibitors in New York that are different from other states. She stated that if this was the reason I was denied (She hinted this was the reason), the written response would only list that a State prohibition is the reason. The actual violation will not be listed.

Can I find out what is on my record that violates the State law?

Yes, the response that I receive from the NCIS appeal unit will include a fingerprint card that I can take to the local station, where I will be fingerprinted and it will be sent back to the FBI and then they will review the file and respond back SPECIFICALLY what is on my record that prohibits me from having a gun.

So, this is where I stand today. I imagine that it will probably take some time before I get the fingerprints taken, sent to the FBI, and then get the results back.

I can only imagine what kind of laws are on the books in New York that would prohibit me from getting a firearm. I would bet my money it is due to the false arrests for Domestic Violence.

Although these arrests were never prosecuted by the District Attorney because they were obviously just a weapon my ex used to gain an advantage in family court, I am pretty confident that is the reason.

As soon as I know, I will let everyone know.

Thanks again for all the help and I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Christmas.


(The weaponless New York Guy)


New member
You're right. The domestic violence arrest will do it to you, regardless of whether or not the case was prosecuted.

Good luck with getting it all cleared up, though.


P.S. It's NICS, not NCIS. :D


New member
If you are not guilty, how do you get denied. This kind of situation seems to be pretty common. I have heard of unjustified restraining orders and calls to the police to gain the upper hand in child custody battles, mainly by immature women (and occasionally men) trying to do as much harm to their ex'es as possible.

If it doesn't stick, it shouldn't even be on record. I could call the police right now and accuse anyone I wanted of domestic violence... Lies should not be held against you. JMHO.


Staff In Memoriam
The way it is worded in some places is akin to...
"Charged, convicted, plead to lesser or had adjudication withheld..."



H1- you may as well be proactive and start getting in touch with the courts which handled those situations. You'll need to request all the disposition records showing that the cases/arrests were not prosecuted.

Good luck.

Pichon- if the state reports the charges to the FBI they will always be on the FBI identification record regardless of the outcome.


New member
You need to go ahead with appeals process. I have done it. Ask for a UPIN also. It will take about 6 months the get everything fixed.