Gun Ownership Poll Accuracy

If you were asked whether you own a gun by a pollster you would answer....

  • Yes, I own more than one even.

    Votes: 27 14.9%
  • Yes, (But refuse to answer about any details.)

    Votes: 40 22.1%
  • Refuse to answer the question.

    Votes: 76 42.0%
  • Guns,who has guns? No guns here! (or words to that effect)

    Votes: 38 21.0%

  • Total voters


Yea I love guns, have a huge collection in my house. I can answer your questions today because I will be gone next two weeks on vacation. Then next month I'm suppose to get an alarm for my house. Hehe


Active member
Gun ownership only increases, it never decreases. Here's why. Since most guns made since about 1900 are still serviceable today, every time a gun is manufactured, that just adds to the total number of guns available for us to own.

Most people who have guns have more guns than children. So, a high percentage of all children of a gun owner will also become gun owners some day. While this is happening, gun manufactures continue to make guns at record speed. We have more gun manufacturers working around the clock to produced good quality firearms that will last at least 100 years. Non-gun owners are buying guns for the first time all the time. We see it here, in gun stores, among friends - everywhere.

The NRA membership is at an all time high - in fact, I believe they are having a heck of a time just staying on top of all of the new NRA memberships.

Now, if the Senate believed the accuracy of some of these media polls out there, they wouldn't have backed off of gun control legislation. The fact is, the Senators know the real numbers, and that is what backed them off of more gun control legislation.


New member
My explanation as to why people have largely kept firearms low key or completely out of sight like being underground, it’s an adaptive change because of the environment. The turning point, I think, was somewhere around the year 1968. It was a time firearms where comparatively highly visible from department stores like Montgomery Wards, Kmart and others to pawn shops, it was very much the norm. A handgun can be purchased via mail order or if you needed more immediacy just drop by the local hardware store that had a decent selection.

Today virtually all the above avenues of firearm acquisition have disappeared hindered by paperwork, waiting periods and fees. The days of being able to carry a long gun in a case on mass transit or on a motorcycle are long gone.

In recent times I had the pleasure of saying to Leo (a fellow member of the Buddhist church) I told you so, the complete defeat of gun control. Yet he says, like the media, it will resume at a later date. Leo is from the land of the big tamale and like most of foreign origin but not all, he is pro gun control. I think the state of NY is similar.


New member
Love living rural. I have never had anyone taking polls in person. By the time they drive out here, see all 4 doggie doorbells I'd be thinking they really wouldn't care what I owned.
But true, I never gave thought about the accuracy since to my knowledge I don't get phone polls either. Once in awhile someone gets to say "I am taking a poll" and that's when they hear a click. I think they keep numbers of folks willing to take part and consistantly call them. Not that I blame them as "click" doesn't say much.

TX Hunter

New member
Yes I would put Yes because as a Collector of Curio and Relic Firearms I am required to keep a record of the firearms in my Collection. Therefore answering no would be perjury.

Spats McGee

TX Hunter said:
Yes I would put Yes because as a Collector of Curio and Relic Firearms I am required to keep a record of the firearms in my Collection. Therefore answering no would be perjury.
No, it wouldn't. It might be lying. It might be many things, but unless someone answers the poll questions under oath, it's not perjury.


New member
I don't answer any polls.

Agreed as policy I don't answer polls or questionnaires by anyone about anything.

1. No good can come from it.
3. If they really wanted the informaiton, they should offer to pay me.