Gun Ownership Poll Accuracy

If you were asked whether you own a gun by a pollster you would answer....

  • Yes, I own more than one even.

    Votes: 27 14.9%
  • Yes, (But refuse to answer about any details.)

    Votes: 40 22.1%
  • Refuse to answer the question.

    Votes: 76 42.0%
  • Guns,who has guns? No guns here! (or words to that effect)

    Votes: 38 21.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Folks, we've seen a lot of posts and threads about the accuracy of studies saying gun ownership is decreasing.
First a few points from a man who used to take medical studies apart for a living.
If you ask someone whether they own a gun and they answer yes you have not established whether they own a gun. You have not seen the gun, you have not touched, or in this time of air soft guns, established it is indeed a firearm. You have simply established that this person will answer yes to the question under certain circumstances.

If they answer no, without a detailed investigation probably requiring many man hours, you certainly haven't established they don't own a gun. Even if you were to establish the facts one way or another you have simply gotten the right answer for that day.

To help you understand how inaccurate this is I'm setting up an experiment.
The Poll above is simple,"If you own a gun right now if a pollster asked you whether you own any guns you would-"
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New member
There is not a snowball's chance in Honolulu that I would answer this question from a random pollster. Yes, I own guns. If you know me at all you don't have to ask; if you don't know me it is none of your bidness.:rolleyes:

Spats McGee

I'm unlikely to answer any questions posed by random pollsters calling me, much less ones about what valuable possessions I might have in my home.

Edited to add: I would probably answer a poll in which I contacted the pollsters, but not the other way around. I'm way too nervous about folks testing the waters to rob my house. Heck, I may be a little extreme, but I won't even verify security information on any inbound call, like from my bank.
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New member
I have a strong suspicion you two are representative. Which would inevitably lead to under-reporting strong enough to skew any poll numbers.

Spats McGee

I have a strong hunch that you are correct: gun ownership is probably very underreported/underrepresented for a variety of reasons.


New member
I answered with the "Guns, who has guns" bottom answer...I dont trust the pollsters not to be either a theif, or a friend of a theif. Also, from the looks of some of these polls, these pollsters are no friends either.


New member
If we can get enough response to this poll it occurs to me that it would be a useful thing to put in a link to a lawmaker on the fence. "This constituency is under-reported Senator, here's hoping it's not necessary for you to find out the hard way next election day."


New member
"I'm sorry, but I don't do polls." <hangs up>

This would be my answer. Don't want to say anything like "I would prefer not to say" as that hints that you probably have a firearm and just don't want the person on the other line knowing. I would never say yes for reasons already listed and I wouldn't say no as if it is a true poll I do not want to give misinformation.

K_Mac has it right: if you know me, you know where I stand on guns and know that I own many firearms. If you don't know me, it most certainly is none of your damn business.


New member
I'm sorry, but I don't do polls." <hangs up>

Good answer indeed! And I also give that answer to any Phone Pollster about anything they are asking about .


New member
I live in Texas.

"Why are you calling, doesn't everyone have guns?" The vistor information centers are there at the border to issue one along with a road map if you need it. :)


New member
Almost 70% showing that they would not answer yes when asked by a pollster. Considering that most studies show between 35% and 50% think about what that means.


New member
What's a polster?

Really, I am over 50 and not once in my life have I been asked to take part in a poll?

The closest I have come is a few mail-in or on-line surveys.

I would probably refuse to respond.


New member
So what would be your answer if your primary care physician asked you this in a general check up or in a emergency room visit ? You know damn well a refusal to answer will be a mark in the yes column. Welcome to Obama care.

Spats McGee

I have now gone through and deleted posts that I would characterize as off-topic bickering. Such bickering continued after my last warning regarding Obamacare. Either stay on-topic for this thread, or go find a thread where you can stay on topic.