Get in touch with your Senator


New member
Of the letters I've written and sent so far I have received responses from my State Senate President Sen. Roger Roth and my Rep. Ryan Steil.

Both were personal response addressing some issues I raised and not just Thank You form letters. They really are listening! Thankfully the Republicans are still in control in our state.

I can only hope that everyone here from Wisconsin will also write and express yourselves.


New member
Not really
Thankfully the Republicans are still in control in our state.
As you now know, Wisconsin has a new Governor in Tony Evers, and he is even more hostile to gun rights than the outgoing one.

Early yesterday morning, Democrat Tony Evers edged out Scott Walker in the Wisconsin governor’s race, while state republicans kept control of the assembly and state senate.

Tony Evers has said he will make it harder for people to get concealed carry permits and, like Scott Walker, opposes Constitutional Carry.
Its current senators are Republican Ron Johnson and Democrat Tammy Baldwin.