Get in touch with your Senator


New member
If a politician's office tells them 51% want a bill and 49% oppose, do you think they'll push it as hard as if 90% of their letters support it?


New member
Not sure what the deal is, but I registered at Popvox and clicked my opposition but have nothing but spinning wheels and cant proceed. It may be related to my work computer blocking a pop up or the like. I'll try again tonight when I get home.

EDITED - it must have been something with how my work computer dealt with the website. I could log my dissent using my personal device.
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New member
This will turn on a handful of purple states. And the target of the bill is not the efficacy of certain gun laws but a) fundraising for the gun control lobby, and b) the upcoming Presidential, Senate and House election campaigns.

The gun control lobby has matured and has an effective strategy. These bills help them use dark c4 and charitable c3 for defacto but not de jure electioneering. This bill is win-win for them because background check "improvement" and "red flag poll" and survey very very well.

Every Republican in a purple district/ state (and electoral college is purple for trump too) will be harmed no matter what they do, probably more harmed by voting against.
IMO the smart play on such bills is for the leadership to defang them or reduce impact -- or poison pill them as was intelligently done using reciprocity.


New member
My senators are nanny-statist democrats. If I contact them, that will just reinforce how much smarter they are than me and strengthen their resolve to vote the other way. (they resent and despise all the voters who don't live in the metropolis.)
Same here. Both Oregon senators are less than worthless.


P5 Guy

New member
Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent tragedies in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas. I appreciate the opportunity to respond. Tragedies like these are devastating, not only to the communities and loved ones impacted, but also to families across the nation as we grieve with them and keep them in our prayers.

The safety of our families is always my top priority, and I am a proud supporter of the Constitution, the Second Amendment and the rights of law-abiding citizens. As we work to move forward, I am committed to reviewing proposals that work to keep Americans safe. As Governor of Florida, I worked to increase safety measures in Florida’s schools through the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. We also passed a “red flag” law in the state of Florida, commonly referred to as an Emergency Risk Protection Order (ERPO). When properly constructed, red flag laws are a common sense measure to keep weapons out of the hands of any person who threatens to harm themselves or others, or who is mentally unstable.

As United States Senator, I remain focused on making sure that our schools and communities are safe, and that those struggling with mental health issues or threatening harm to themselves or others cannot use a weapon. I am currently working with my colleagues to pass the EAGLES Act (S. 495), which provides law enforcement more resources to prevent tragedies and improves school safety for students and teachers. I am also a cosponsor of the Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety (TAPS) Act (S. 265), which will create a task force of experts to provide recommendations for a national strategy to keep communities safe from targeted violence.

Again, thank you for your correspondence. I am proud to represent every citizen in Florida and I appreciate the time you took to provide your position on this matter. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.


Rick Scott
United States Senator

If the safety of families was paramount in Scott's mind he wouldn't have restricted young families access to long guns (under 21)
So far this is the only response from Crist, Rubio and Scott it does not look promising.


New member
every time I have contacted Senator Schumer I get the same old form letter reply. Its been the same reply for a few years. I never get a reply from Gilibrand at all. Its a total waste of time


New member
200 House democrats have cosponsored a so-called assault weapons ban that would basically outlaw almost all semiautomatic weapons. Pistols, rifles, and shotguns, with few exceptions. Both of my previously-mentioned idiot senators are sponsoring the senate version of the bill.

I'm trying to write a letter asking them if they really think it's a good idea to pass a law that will be universally ignored. Or do they know it will never get a floor vote so they are just pandering to the Democrats in California and NY, while crapping on the citizens of their own state?

Not sure how disrespectful to make it.
I have some friends on staff in D.C. They are telling me they aren’t hearing from the NRA or gun owners generally. There are more than a few “pro-2A” Senators feeling weak-kneed.


New member
There’s not enough politically active gun owners.
There’s enough gun owners to make a difference... but most are simply complacent.


New member
My senators are nanny-statist democrats. If I contact them, that will just reinforce how much smarter they are than me and strengthen their resolve to vote the other way. (they resent and despise all the voters who don't live in the metropolis.)

Ahh well, my senators are the opposite. My vote doesn't count due the the electoral collage. Its all so unfair.


New member
STOP DOING NOTHING. You might not win if you write, call, and vote, but you WILL lose if all you do is complain about the votes you did not even cast not counting.


New member
Which one of mine do you think will come around to our side:

[ ] Dianne Feinstein

[ ] Kamala Harris

[X] None of the Above
I’m going to quote a little Texas wisdom “Can’t never could do anything.”

Millions of dollars are directed at making voters on either side of the aisle feel like their vote is meaningless or worthless. And that’s an easy sell because in our republic, any individual vote on its own is meaningless. However, amalgamated, they make a HUGE difference. That’s a major part of why the NRA has power - because there are hundreds of organizations that deliver more cash.

Don’t let the ad professionals sell you short. Your opinion DOES matter. I know the apparatchiks and I see it every day. Get involved. Pick a pro-2A candidate and support them directly until the NRA squares itself away. You DO have power even though you may not feel like it.


New member
I have a thread similar to this on another forum and for me it all started after listening to the news reports and the Presidential Candidates spouting off within minutes of the Philly shooting.

I started by writing a letter to my newly elected US Rep Bryan Steil, whom I've supported from the start. I did this through his local website which I have used before successfully.

I took the time and crafted a personal letter directed at him and not just a generic, copy and paste form letter or petition. I took the time to express my personal thoughts, feeling and possible solutions. I took time to explain why I felt Universal Background Checks do not work and will not work until other changes are made to the HIPAA Privacy Laws that will allow for us to understand and detect those that may pose a risk. Before the obtain guns, not after the fact.

I then also took the time to voice my opposition to RED FLAG Laws and how easily they could become corrupted and abused my all involved with them. How it could become a nightmare of litigation to protect ones self and then to try and recover any personal property that was seized.

I had no sooner completed this letter and sent it when who should pop up on the Local Evening News? Our Illustrious new Gov. Tony Evers with a bunch of his crony's spouting that they are trying to convene a special session to try and enact a new RED FLAG Law. Have to strike while the fires hot!

So once again off the WWW and the Wisconsin State Gov. website. Here I found my state Sen., my State Re., the Senate President and Majority leader and then the Assembly Leader and Majority Leader.

My next step is to draft one to send to Gov. Evers and out other state Rep who I am in opposition with.


New member
I’m close enough to hear those clowns on the news all the time lol. (Wyden and Merkly)
I eMailed Merkly once and he pretty much told me that my opinion didn't count but then continued to eMail me weekly. I used the "mark as spam" feature in Yahoo mail on his eMails and I haven't heard from him in awhile..